
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · แฟนตาซี
142 Chs

Chapter 28: Encounter with Colin, the Victim

The sun has set and Erland's fever has gotten worse. Since it was a mystery how Erik got six signatures in such short time, Erland asked him about the details with a wet cloth on his head.

"I managed to get one of those six signatures from Liv Olsen, the director of the Gaion Orphanage. She gave it to me right away so I didn't have any problem with that." said Erik.

"So you faced problems with other ones." said Erland.

"Yeah. I got another one from a friend of mine. He told me that I had to give him the next weapon for free if he wants me to sign that. It puts me at a loss to be frank."

"That sucks...What about the other four?"

"Oh right, I met Frida on the way. She told me that she can sign the paper since she is a pet shop owner. She told me that she is eligible, I don't know how but I trust her. It was a little bit problematic since we had to check the law book."


"Then I went to grandma Ase because she owns half of the lands of Gaion."


"Yeah. Surprise surprise, buddy. By the way, she is doing good. You should go see her."

"Aw...(Come to think of it, I haven't visited her in a while.)"

"And then I went to a friend of your mom, he works as a government officer. He signed it because it was issued by the government and he thought that it will be a noble endeavor. Then finally, met a shady young man wearing black suit, holding a cane. He told me that he knows what I'm looking for and signed a paper. He told me that I have to let him meet the ones who are going to arrange a meeting in five hours."

"(What?...That is so vague...)" Erland frowned.

So, off you go bud. *sigh* It costed me all my pocket money to go from one place to another..."

"What? Of course we will go. Wait what-(Is that Colin? Why is that faceless devil coming to my mind first?)"

Meanwhile somewhere beautiful in Gaion, a man in black suit sneezed right at the moment he took a bite of his food.

"So, me and Randi's gonna be heading out now. Oh...my head hurts." said Erland.

"I'll go with you two. Who knows what she will do if I take my eyes off her. She's getting crazy." said Erik.

"That's harsh."

The three of them reached the place where Erik met the man in black suit. It was near the outskirts of Gaion so the sea could be viewed from there.

Out of the blue, Erland felt like a shadow rose from behind. He looked behind and said,

"Yo, Colin."

"Seriously? Have you lost your formality in the past few years? Greetings, Miss Randi. I heard that you don't like being called a Hephaestus."

"I wouldn't mind if you do. Shall we get to the discussion then?" said Randi.

"I see that the Hephaestus are really straightforward. We shall proceed then. Shall we take a seat in the nearby restaurant? It's a treat from me." Colin brushed his nose and looked at them with a grin.

"Did you get a runny nose?" said Erland.

"Once again, have you lost your formality?"

"No, I'm just done with all these.(I'm not but it's tiring.)"

They followed Colin to the restaurant. It was mainly a place for the nobles and the riches of Gaion so the people they could see were all extravagant.

Some of them started talking about why there were some peasants along with the gentleman. Erland answered them with an expressionless face,

"Does it count as your business ma'am? Have you become so jobless that you are now gossiping about us, mere peasants?"

Erland grinned at the end of his words. The ladies brushed the matter off saying that he really is a mere peasant child. They took an outdoor table since the inside of it was crowded.

"Is there anything you would like?" said Ceol.

"Mineral water." said Erland.

"You are clearly on the edge today. What about you, Mr. Hephaestus?"

"I don't have any choice. I have just came here to accompany them so that they won't get in trouble. If you can then, please make is fast." said Erik.

"I see. I don't have to ask Miss Randi judging by her expression. So, to the main topic. The reason I have signed the paper is that it carries a mark of Alfheim. Since my kingdom is a noble country, we wish to leave our marks on every possible thing."

"Even the bad things eh..." Erland smiled with his sudden bland pair of eyes.

"You are too much on the edge for no particular reason. People hits puberty a little later, don't they? You are an exception it seems."


Colin crossed his legs and spoke. "Since it was issued by the government, it will be a great success in no time for sure. So as a noble servant of my Highness, Leif, I signed the paper to leave a mark of him and his kingdom. Have you brought the paper, Mr. Hephaestus?"

"What? I wasn't told- Huh...I apologize. Randi, I gave you the paper. Where is it?" said Erik.

"It's in my desk and no one knows of the key to my drawer. I have to go it seems." said Randi.

"What?...Then you go alone. I will stay here. Be careful on your way."


Randi left without any further ado, like whirlwind. A man brought some exotic foods on the table and left.

"So you ordered these even before we asked..." said Erland.

"I figured that you all would say no, so I had been prepared. Here is your mineral water Erland." said Colin and handed him a glass of water with a mocking smile. 

"Thanks." Erland was expressionless as ever. Perhaps, he really did hit puberty in the last few days as Colin has claimed.

"(Did he really say thanks for that?...) Mr. Hephaestus. I wish to talk with him alone. May you please grant me the permission."

"I will stand at a distance but I will not go too far. Erland, behave!" said Erik and stood at a distance, while also keeping a keen eye on Erland and Colin.

"(You should've told this to him earlier...) So, Erland have you ever thought being a servant of my master?"

"No. I don't wanna be."

"Even if you get all the things you want?"

"No. Cut it out, I have enough in my life. It's the exaggerating things that make my life stressful."

"You are too young to say that. Anyway, I believe that you are familiar with children books? Do you have any favorites?"

"Yes.(Perfect!) It's a foreign book named 'Deez Nutz'. I have once read somewhere in my house. It was translated to Gaionian language though. Some books that are read are mostly sold so I don't know if it's still there."

"I see...dweez natz...*Can't say 'Deez Nutz'* Such an elegantly exotic name. Foreign materials are forbidden in Alfeim so that it won't stain our culture, so I'm afraid that I wouldn't have read that either way."

"Why did you ask me about children books though?" said Erland.

"Master Leif was wondering how a children book is so he asked me to gather suggestions. He mostly has to read heavy books as a prince. Since most people would get startled to see me, you came to my mind first. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Oh...But if I give you any book, won't you be caught and punished?"

"Yes, that is true indeed. But I wish to buy one myself and know the story or the materials is has so that I can entertain my master with it."

"Well, children books are rhymes or stories mostly so I think that you don't need to buy any. I can tell you a bunch."

"Is that so? If you can please do."

Erland told him many stories and poems he has heard in his current life. His narration was flawless and his way of rhyming was brilliant. He described every ounce of each thing he told in his story as if he was carving something with his words. By the time they were finished, Randi came back.

"Here it is." said Randi.

Colin took it from her hand and unfolded it.

"Is it done?" said Erik. He looked as if he was furious from the inside.

"Yes. Oh Lords, we have totally forgotten about you." said Colin.

"Sorry dad... I'm so sorry. You can tell me to do anything, I will fulfil it. I promise!" said Erland with a guilty face.

"When you go home, rest and don't move an inch from your bed. You have worked hard today." said Erik.

"That's not a punishment!"

"It is now shut up and listen to my words. Don't break your promise. Let me check your fever." Erik kept his hand of Erland's forehead. Erand's head was clearly hotter than before even though Erland has been keeping the pain inside.

"We have to hurry up and get back home. Mr. Colin. Please sign the paper."

"I keep my words." said Colin and signed the paper.

"I will take these to the government folks. I don't have much time. I'll be back. Erland, don't move an inch from your bed, once you get home." said Randi.

"Thanks." said Erland. He seems to have been back to himself.

"You are mad at me, I know that. I'm sorry. Goodbye."

Randi ran away as she took her hood on. It was certain that even though she was sincere with her words, her lack of empathetic conversation skill made it sound like the most insincere 'sorry' and 'goodbye' of all time.

"That girl is a whirlwind when it comes to speed. We will be taking our leave then." said Erik with a slight bow.

"But Mr. Hephaestus, you haven't eaten your fill yet." said Colin.

"I saw my son eating with pleasure and rhyming stories. That was enough for me as a father. I mean, there isn't any waste anyway."

"Such a...heartwarming answer. Well then, I shall take my leave. Farewell. Colin touched the ground with his cane and vanished into black feathers.

Erik took Erland in his arms and covered him with his coat. From a branch of a tree, a black bird saw them at a distance fancying about his own past.

In the Central Naos, Arne was filling his stomach with laughter which he let out loudly. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!You-You tricked him! We tricked him!" Arne laughed out loud as he fell on the ground of a garden.

"Hahaha. Thanks to you for teaching me Jotunheimian language. I felt sorta bad for tricking him though. You said that anyone is fine but he was the one suitable to be the victim so I couldn't resist. What does 'deez nutz' mean though?" said Erland.

"(My my, I forgot to prepare for that question.) It's a secret I will share with you once you are a grown up."

"Huh? But there are tons like that already."

"Haha. I was sort of scared when I asked you to trick him. I have always wanted to trick someone on saying that. Now that I have tricked a royal servant, my soul is pleased."

"Do you study foreign language a lot?"

"I do in fact know six languages fluently. It's entertaining to do some mischief sometimes. Since I'm a priest, its hard for me to do that. Well, good job for you. You are sort of fluent in it already. What you did last day was brilliant! Haha."

"Thanks. Oh, Halfdan's here. I gotta go to the field with him now. Byee!" said Erland and waved with his smile being ever endearing and warm as it has always been to his brother and perhaps will always be.


Arne got up and put on his robe as he walked towards the building of the Naos.

When he reached the Naos, he immediately reported about what he has learnt about him.

"He is a brilliant boy it seems. We are making him a cunning man for sure. He learnt the language so swiftly in such a short time.(Or perhaps, he knew the language in the first place...)"

Arne let out a chuckle. "Its wonderful...that how much a simple joke can tell so much about a person...Be it the one telling the joke or the one being the victim of it..."

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

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