
Reborn To Be A Diva [Moved to a new link]

At 10, she lost her sister. At 18, due to an unfortunate accident, she lost her chance to be a diva and fulfill her dreams. At 19, she lost her parents and grandfather. At 25, she and her unborn child were killed by her husband and half-sister, her best friend. In her next life, will she be able to snatch what belonged to her, punish the betrayers and become the best of the best?

R_I_S_A · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

A Second Chance

'Is this really the end? How is it possible? I'm just 25. I was supposed to bring another life, not die. God, I heard that you always listen to those on their deathbed. Please for the first and last time listen to me. Let those sinners be punished by someone. If only I got another chance, I.....I' she couldn't complete her thought. She closed her eyes. Darkness spread all over.

Suddenly she woke up. But it wasn't her small home where she supposedly died. Instead, it was a big white room. Not exactly a room. A big white place with no end. Nothing. Even her dress wasn't her. Instead of her plain purple nightgown, she was wearing a white dress. Plain but gorgeous.

"Do you want another chance?" a voice suddenly said. But she couldn't spot the source of the voice. A male, deep, strong voice.

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"People call me God and many other names... I'm here. ''

Now that she focused, she saw a small ball of light in the air.

"Are You a light?"

"No, I'm inside the light. Say, do you want another chance?"

"What chance?"

"A chance to punish the sinners. To take your personal revenge and fulfill your dream. A chance to be reincarnated."

"Is that possible? If possible, then I will do anything for that."

"It was our system's mistake that your life ended miserably. So, our system will send you back to the time when everything went wrong. And we will also give you compensation."

"System? What is that?"

"Our system is kind of a machine in your human words. It keeps track of what misfortune or fortune will happen to someone. It also arranges people's lifespan."

"What is compensation?"

"You will be able to hear the thoughts of people of whom you have a good understanding."

"Good understanding? I'm not getting you."

"You will understand me. But first, close your eyes."

She obeyed him. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw something like a whiteboard. There it was written:

Name: Jiang Ying Yue

Gender: Female

Age: 25 (currently dead)


Weight:55 kg

Understanding: Highest

Current Emotion: Shocked

"Now I guess you have already seen it. Open your eyes now."

"What the heck was that?" she asked in a shocked tone.

"It was a system board."

"Now what is that?"

''A system board shows the summary of a person. You can take a peek into the thoughts of the people you have a good understanding of by looking into their eyes."

"I wonder if that will help."

"Of course, we give people powers they desperately need. You are not good at reading people. You are too naive and you trust people easily. This power can help you with that."

"Wait, so does that mean there are more like me? Whose life ended miserably because of your mistakes?"

"Recently, our system has been malfunctioning. So there are a few people whose luck gets interchanged. But it had never happened before. Don't think that our system is flawed because it's malfunctioning for the first time. It's going to get fixed soon. And then it will be the best and the flawless system it always was.

"And here I was thinking the afterlife is perfect."

"It isn't an afterlife. It is the boundary between the afterlife and worldly life."

''Boundary?" she asked in a confused voice.

"We check the soul here before sending them to the afterlife. That way, if there is any mistake we can repair the damages."

"It's is a bit too much to take in."

"It's ok. You will understand soon. Just remember there is one rule for you to follow."

"What rule?"

"Now you know the future. You can never reveal it to anyone. Anything about the boundary, your unfortunate life nothing."

"What happens if I do?" she asked curiously. 

"You will lose your chance at a second life. You will be back here and we will send you to the afterlife."

"so, I just have to make sure to not tell anyone about these supernatural things, right? It's easy. By the way...." she was cut off before she finished.

"Ah, looks like another soul just came in. That poor soul also got the misfortune of someone else. He ended his life by suicide. Now if you keep going on straight, you will see a door. Open the door and you will return to the time everything started to go wrong. Best of luck living your life to the fullest."

"Wait, before leaving tell me something. If the time gets reversed then won't the whole world will go back to the past?"

"No, we send people to different worlds."

"Are there more worlds?"

"Of course. You didn't think that there was only one world, did you?"

"Everyone thinks that way."


"By the way,..." before she could finish the light disappeared.

"At least you could have let me finish. Anyway," she said loudly to herself.

She obediently listened and walked straight. Though it was not a small distance, it felt like time went by quickly as she imagined how to live her life.

Upon seeing the door, she ran towards it. As soon as she opened it, a blinding light came and she felt dizzy. Darkness spread over once again.

Creation is hard, vote for me in the spirity awards!

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