
The number one mystery

The next week arrived in the blink of an eye and within just a few days, Guiying embraced the comfort in her role as an assistant. Except for Zheng Jiao, she had grown quite close to the rest of the department heads.

Wan Yong grinned. "Shouldn't we hold some sort of a welcoming party for the newbie? I mean she held herself pretty well this past week."

Xun Da rolled his eyes. "Our CEO is not a monster. Also, with Assistant Ling by her side, there is no way she would lose her way."

"Yes," Guiying awkwardly scratched her chin, "It's been only one week but I still cannot get used to the sheer amount of work that he does. I am still doing behind the scenes work, but he works like he has ten hands."

"Oh I forgot to tell you!" Xun Da's gaze sparkled and he grabbed her hands. "My daughter was so happy to get your autograph! Turns out that she was your reader after all! She is even insisting that I let her meet you. How can I ever repay you for this favor?"
