
Reborn: The Legendary Female General is here!

Ye Feng Tian was originally the world’s top military general. She was the legendary warrior that was undefeated! So how could she have ended up in an ancient Chinese room with strangers who were calling her the youngest Miss of the Ye mansion? Who was she? Where was she? And why is she in a ancient era in China? Is this the legendary transmigration she had once read in a generic romance novel? But nonetheless, she was a major undefeated, legendary general, so she would never bow her head to these people who were claiming her to be a weak and timid, useless young Miss! Genres: Historical Military/ martial arts Cold female protagonist Chapter updates: At least two new chapters a week. Sometimes maybe more or less depending on the free time I have. * Note* This novel has little to no romance! Yes, the female lead is pursued by people but keep in mind that she was a general in her past life, a person who in the end still belonged to the army, so she won’t really have to much romance. Thanks for your understanding, sorry for those who came for the old description and left because of the new one, but either way once you start reading this novel you’ll find that the old description was really unfitting. I’m sorry if this description stopped you from reading this book or continue reading it. But I welcome new comers who pick this novel up! Thanks for everything and enjoy reading!

Silver_knives · ย้อนยุค
42 Chs

Brother Ye Zhen

At last the small carriage arrived at the entrance of the Ye manor. The two sisters stepped out of the carriage carefully. Seeing the calm but also innocent look on Ye Feng Tian, Ye Yu Chen silently gulped.

She was once again reminded of the scene she witnessed, she wished nothing but to hurry back to her room but at last her wishes didn't come true.

Ye Feng Tian had asked her before that she needed to report on her behalf to her mother and say that she was too tired to pay respects.

And although Ye Yu Chen had wanted to scold her sister that doing that would make her mother angry, she decided against it. That Devil in disguise was not someone she had the courage to remind not to say even scold.

Walking back with a false facade of calm, she walked slowly inwards toward the Ye Manor. Following her sister, Ye Feng Tian timidly walked behind her.

But the driver was still sitting there, stilled. Did he just witness a devil pretending to be an angel and actually fooling everyone?!

He shook his head, he forced himself to calm down before heading off to the servant headquarters. He didn't want to lose his small life because of his stupid urge of gossiping.

When they reached not even five minutes of entering the manor, the two sisters encountered a certain someone.

That man was tall and had a muscular build. But the most shocking thing was his devastating handsome face that could cause ruin to any woman in the world, but suppressing that beauty was his icy chilling aura that, unlike the crown prince who had a more cold but also royal aura, he had an unbelievable cold and powerful aura.

Ye Feng Tian wasn't really fazed by his aura, that aura was indeed something a veteran general should have, except she was a bit surprised that a person this powerful would be so young.

If only Ye Yu Chen had heard Ye Feng Tian's thought, she would have screamed. If she thought that young man was a veteran general then wouldn't that make Ye Feng Tian a demon general?!

Ye Yu Chen coughed slightly to ease the tension, she calmly introduced the man.

"This young man is our adopted brother, Ye Zhen. Brother Ye Zhen, this is your youngest sister, Ye Feng Tian."

After the brief introduction, Ye Zhen stared at the young girl curiously, this girl was staring at his eyes devoid of any emotions, her eyes seemed to be timid on the surface but beneath that he could see that she was actually emotionlessly cold.

What he also noticed was that this girl was calmly facing him with a stunning appearance that even he would admit was too beautiful to exist. Strange. A girl that wasn't actually afraid of him.

But he could also faintly smell a scent he was highly familiar with, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Ye Feng Tian was also taken aback. This man was her rumoured adopted brother. Ye Yu Chen had told her that even she didn't know much about his dangerous man, she had only met him once, and that was before he left for the border for all this time.

And for the reason she wanted to kill him? Well, Ye Yu Chen didn't have any personal grudge against him, but what she feared the most was the power behind him. Ye Yu Chen also has a older brother who could be considered unlikable and arrogant, completely useless and unliked in the Ye family.

But still he was her brother so she had to protect his position of heir to the Ye family and the only way to do that was to kill of Ye Zhen.

Ye Feng Tian was slowly observing the other party. She truly hoped that this man wouldn't come and find any trouble with her, she had just wanted a peaceful new life away form the military and army, but if this man became one of her enemies, well that would truly be pitiful and a waste of his talent.

She timidly nodded her head and she reached out to her Ye Yu Chen's sleeve, timidly she whispered,

"Sister Yu Chen, can I go back....I'm tired.." she asked softly, it was only soft enough for one person to hear, but with Ye Zhen's martial art ability, hearing that was easy.

What shocked him again was that this devastating beauty had actually possessed such a beautiful voice.

But it seemed that this seemingly innocent little bunny wasn't so innocent. As he farewelled the two ladies, he walked past Ye Feng Tain.

In that split second he knew that his suspicions where correct, this little bunny wasn't as innocent as it seemed, interesting....a sudden devilishly handsome smile appeared on his lips.

Little did Ye Feng Tain know, she had made a careless mistake.

*.Somewhere in Ye Manor.*

"Rei Min. Investigate what exactly happen when Ye Feng Tian left with Ye Yu Chen to the North East border." His devilish smile deepened at the thought of that girl. All his hidden subordinates silently shivered.

"Yes, Master!"

Who could make their demon emperor smile so devilishly like that? They shook their head and silently started to investigate. They all knew not to delay that persons orders as they swiftly gathered the information they would need.

Back in Ye Manor, In Ye Feng Tian's bedroom.

Ye Feng Tian was lazily laying on her bed, her face that could destroy nations could be seen clearly without the veil covering it.

Her purple eyes were deep in thought and no one could tell what exactly she was think about.

Eventually she got up and called out to her servant.

"Xiao Fei, do you know where I can make some money?" She asked her very, very shocked looking maid.

Her maid was staring at Ye Feng Tian's stunning other worldly face, her mind swirling as she couldn't believe that her Miss was being so obedient and adorable. No one but her knew how many times she wished she could just cuddle and pat her miss, because her miss was truly devastatingly beautiful and cute.

She dazedly replied absentmindedly,

"Miss? What do you need money for? If you want money you can just sell yourself..."

Ye Feng Tian tilted her head cutely, she thought confusedly

'What does she mean?..'