
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · สมัยใหม่
31 Chs

Chapter 12: The Miracle Doctor

On a bright morning, sunlight bathed the busy streets, with people hustling as usual, vendors calling out, and pedestrians hurrying by. Suddenly, a frantic shout pierced through the crowd: "Someone's collapsed!" Instantly, the atmosphere grew tense, and the crowd naturally parted, forming a circle around an elderly man lying on the ground.

The elderly man's face was pale, and his breathing was weak, clearly indicating a critical situation. Just as the crowd was at a loss, a middle-aged man claiming to be a doctor pushed his way through. He wore a white coat and had a confident expression as he hurriedly examined the old man. He quickly diagnosed the situation and prepared to administer emergency treatment, unaware that the old man had a deeper, more insidious problem—a subtle poisoning that was hard to detect.

"Everyone, step back! I'm a doctor, I'll handle this!" he declared confidently, beginning his treatment.

As this self-proclaimed doctor was about to take action, a young girl in a school uniform rushed into the scene. It was Kit, and though she was only in her teens, her eyes radiated determination and confidence. Facing the situation, she didn't hesitate and directly addressed the doctor, "Step aside."

Kit's sudden appearance caused a stir. The self-proclaimed doctor eyed her skeptically. After all, how could this young girl, who looked like she hadn't even graduated from high school, have the ability to treat a critical condition?

"You? A high school student? Do you have a medical license?" The doctor questioned her, unwilling to yield and insistent on his methods.

"You don't understand; this man is poisoned. Your emergency treatment will only make his condition worse!" Kit retorted firmly.

The onlookers began to murmur, some doubting her, "Can she really handle this? She's just a student."

"Yeah, she looks too young to have any experience."

Hearing these doubts, Kit's resolve only hardened. She knew she had to gain their trust; otherwise, the old man's life would be in grave danger.

The self-proclaimed doctor grew more confident, even smug. He had already begun to imagine Kit's failure and was ready to reclaim his authority once she faltered. Smugly, he said, "If she can't cure him, don't come crying to me!"

At this moment, the old man's butler, a middle-aged man who had been observing the entire scene, was moved by the determination in Kit's eyes. He stepped forward decisively and said, "Let her do it."

"Fine, but I won't be responsible if anything goes wrong," the doctor said, crossing his arms with an indifferent attitude.

Kit wasted no time. She quickly took out an exquisite porcelain bottle from her backpack, gently tipping out a black pill. As soon as she opened the bottle, a refreshing fragrance filled the air, even causing some onlookers to feel a bit clearer in their heads. She carefully placed the pill into the old man's mouth. Minutes later, his breathing stabilized, and his complexion began to show color. Slowly, he opened his eyes, clearly coming out of his unconscious state.

The crowd burst into amazed chatter, "She really cured the old man!"

The self-proclaimed doctor's face turned ashen with embarrassment. Watching Kit successfully treat the old man, he felt deeply humiliated and quietly slinked away, his head hung low.

Kit explained softly, "This pill can only temporarily suppress the toxin in his body; it's not a permanent cure. Sir, take this bottle of pills, one per month. It should last for three months." She gently placed the porcelain bottle in the old man's hand and turned to leave.

If Vincent saw her generously giving away four pills, he would have been heartbroken, exclaiming, "Such wastefulness!" Despite their small size, these pills were priceless, even money couldn't buy them.

Amid the applause of the crowd, the ambulance finally arrived. The butler helped the old man onto the ambulance and, before leaving, sincerely thanked Kit.

"Here is our master's business card. If you ever need anything, you can contact us." The butler respectfully handed Kit the contact information.

Kit noticed the surname "Gu" on the card. She nodded, thinking, "What a coincidence."

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