
REBORN: Marriage Of Hell

Roxana!!" A man in mask said as he danced with her in the palace, Roxana why are you doing this to me huh?? Roxana gritted her teeth and looked deep in his beautiful eyes!" Lord Adrienne I fell in love with you but you killed it Although it was my tribulation, Am aware you knew my tribulation didn't complete and our fate was predestined!". Adrienne I can never Love you again' surely not in this life! Not in this life!" Everywhere went quite for Roxana and Adrienne' Her soft word pierced his soul and cut through him!" The amount of pain he felt was nothing compared to the punishment given to him by his father Lucifer, Roxana said it to him but she felt immense pain and was choking up with tears but gained her poisture. Roxana you can't marry my best friend Ramiel!! I will and be his wife!" I won't let such happen while am alive!" He said looking into her eyes and breathing on her neck. Adrienne I'll fight you to the end" Either way one of us must die". He held her hands to the chest and grabbing her waistline ". Hook line do you really hate me this much???That you can't stand me by your side " he said sadly and felt his inner burn as a tear droplet escaped his eyes. Adrienne I hate you to the core of my being!! Even though am your Dragon and beast.

AuthoressChioma · แฟนตาซี
61 Chs

Chapter one:Annoying man

"I got a good job at Smith company am so lucky!"

Edhi danced around and her nanny yells at her." Edhi my dear be careful or you will sprain your ankle"

"Nanny am strong and no longer a kid!,am so excited about this job, I'll make money and connections and I'll have my company also and I'll avenge dad and mom" She said! being sentimental.

"Edhi my dear don't be overwhelmed by anger and hate or it will destroy you, Life is full of many hurdle and suffering and it makes me wonder what ahead of you!The nanny said sadly"

"Oh your always worried about me and don't worry I'll be careful at every step in my life." She said giving a kiss on her nanny cheek.

"Little one one day I might not be there for you and I'm worried about your future , I wonder what fate has installed for you."

Few hours later

Edhi headed over to the place where she got her new job along the way, she noticed the road was blocked and where blocked by body guards who were covering some unknown black car.

"Hey why the hell are you blocking the road!", Edhi yelled angrily at the bodyguards who acted like she didn't exist.

Hey am talking to you!" You fucking scumbags;This road is for all pedestrian you know"! The more she yelled the more it seemed like they paid no attention to her". She got angry and decided to teach the bodyguard a little bit of discipline", Edhi smiled mischievously" and went to the other end of the road and picked up a stone and threw it at the window of a black limousine".

Meanwhile in the car was a dread gorgeous man" who sat graciously like the king of the world with no care of the world with a stone and cold face"," He crossed his leg while going through some documents when he heard some annoying sounds!", With one look he gave his secretary the secretary understood what he meant".

"Young lady your creating a scene and I will advise you to live" before you regret it!.

Edhi couldn't take it anymore", that's was why she hated the rich", they always felt like they are the most powerful.

You son if a g*no I need to use the road and right now y'all in my way and the other pedestrian.

Adrienne couldn't take it any longer and decided to step out of the car to check who's the little rat that is disturbing his peace.

"Just when he stepped out of the car", Edhi picked up a stone and threw it right on the car glass making Adrienne" to swiftly Dodge the stone coming his way and breaking his car glass".

"He frowned and said annoyingly that it was his favorite car.."

"All the bodyguard bowed down" and greered!" My lord this lady here is creating a scene should we take care of her"..

Edhi looked at the extremely gorgeous face staring coldly at her, He had a pair of gray eyes that was akin to the brightness of the stars that looked like they were swirling in his eyes, His thick eye lashes were long and too cute for a guy, his lips were red like roses and she suddenly had the urge to kiss him, his long legs and broad chest were extremely perfect, together with his suit that showed part of his chest making her heart skip, he was the combination of both beauty and perfection.

While she was gawking at him like a child waiting to jump on a bowl of ice cream,one of the bodyguard tapped her to snap out of it.

Oh shit I just embarrassed myself, she got angry and remembered the reason why she was mad at first.