
Reborn Legend

Just another ordinary book

mortal321 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

New Start

"I didn't know my butler was actually a secret assassin…"

According to his memory, Alfred had worked for his family since before his father passed away 20 years earlier. He simply knew that his father deeply trusted the man when he came to work in the household.

He never learned the reasons why he came to work there.

"Alfred, is it possible for you to take care of the documents for me?"

Alfred, who originally had his head bowed in a slight tilt, looked up at his master, smiled, and said, "Yes, of course."

"Report to me only when there is something of importance. I plan now to do things anew as a lord…

"In hindsight, I realize I wasn't a good lord of this land…there are many things that I could have done better."

Jonathan stood up from the wooden chair and looked across the painting of his ancestors on the wall.

Previously, this family had secret clan cultivation techniques renowned throughout the continent many hundreds of years ago.

At that time, the clan had reached its peak fame, and even the emperor feared their clan patriarch. Somehow, he disappeared mysteriously… around the same timeframe as the lost century, where the age of futuristic technology existed in his original world.

During that era, it was the epoch of possibilities, exceeding what could be imagined in modern times. It just somehow disappeared along with history, in the millennia that have passed.

"My lord, you have worked hard," Alfred said to him, resting his hand across his chest. There was a light and sweet smile on his lips, a faint trace of admiration for the man in front of him.

"If I were younger, perhaps I could wish to assist somehow in the wars that are ongoing between the current lands. But now, I'm just an old man who would get backaches from even toiling so far. Age does kill heroes."

Jonathan stood there, leaning against the wooden table, thinking back to the memories of the past owner of the body. In the past, the original Jonathan was a waste of a lord…

He didn't really take up his responsibilities as a lord nor as a father, barely doing the minimum.

After his wife died, he couldn't stand up again; it was like he lost his will to fight. So many nights he would drink alcohol to numb away his pain…even though knowing that it would all return. The problems of life never truly go away…

Jonathan walked across the room to the painting of the two of them, his wife and himself. "I'm sorry, Vanessa, that I had never been a good father to our children after you were gone…I'm sorry I left inside my heart, departed when they were still growing up…"

"Lord… Lady Vanessa would have understood your pain," Alfred said to him with heartfelt warmth, as there was a tinge of sadness in his eyes watching his lord seem so sad that a tear falls from the corner.

"Alfred, it's true though, I have escaped from my lord's responsibilities," Jonathan added. He turned to face Alfred and smiled humbly before touching the edge of the painting, outstretching his hand as though wanting to embrace the face of the lady in the painting. "Thank you for managing the household, the children, and the land while I was away all these years."

"Lord, it is only your servant's duty," Alfred bowed his head, but there was still a nice smile on the corner of his face for being recognized for the effort, and for seeing his lord finally awaken out of the pain that he had steeped so deep into.

He remembered those nights when he would come into his lord's bedroom, only to find alcohol bottles all over the ground. The strong smell reached outside the doors. The stench.

Then there were all those servants of the household worrying that the land would fall apart without his presence. But each maid and servant truly loved his lord and the lady of the family, having been here through all the times.

Depression is sometimes as much a feeling in our body as the thoughts that begin to torment us to no end, experiencing loss, experiencing setbacks. Those are never easy.

Jonathan decided as he looked at the painting that he would shoulder the responsibilities that the past owner could not, to be a responsible lord, father, and husband who carries the gift of the past.

As he was still in meditation, there was a knock on the door. "Father, you have asked for me?"

"You may enter," Jonathan said while turning to look at his son, Athen. He always felt like he truly inherited the fiery red hair of his late wife of this body.

"Father…are you feeling okay?" His son, Athen, looked at him with worry, concern written there.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, not dying yet," Jonathan joked with him, which immediately lightened the mood for everyone in the room as smiles spread on everyone's faces.

In that second after he came into the room, he had already scanned Athen with his eyes, to see his stat screen:

Character: Athen

Age: 18

Lifespan Remaining: 54 years


Genius of Calculation (S) [Locked]: Athen's mind is a fortress of numbers, where algorithms dance and probabilities bow to his will. This talent, though currently inaccessible, hints at an unparalleled ability to decipher the world's most complex puzzles and equations, turning chaos into order with a mere thought.

Rapid Memorization (B): Athen's brain is akin to a sponge, absorbing information at an astonishing rate. Names, faces, facts, and figures imprint themselves in his memory with crystal clarity, ready to be recalled at a moment's notice.

Charm and Acting Prodigy (A): Athen's presence is magnetic, drawing others in with an effortless charisma. His acting prowess is unparalleled, enabling him to embody roles with a compelling veracity that resonates deeply with audiences.

Strategic Insight (A): Athen possesses a natural aptitude for planning and foresight, allowing him to anticipate outcomes and navigate complex situations with ease.

Linguistic Affinity (B): With a knack for languages, Athen can learn and understand new dialects quickly, making him a valuable communicator in diverse settings.

Innovative Inventor (S) [Locked]: Athen's mind is a crucible of innovation, where ideas meld and inventions come to life. This talent, though currently dormant, suggests a prodigious capacity to create groundbreaking technologies and solutions that could revolutionize the world. With a mere spark of inspiration, Athen could transform the seeds of thought into towering achievements of human ingenuity.


Drunkard [Negative]: This trait is Athen's Achilles' heel. The allure of spirits often clouds his judgment, leading to decisions that stray from his otherwise impeccable logic. It's a battle of wills between his intellect and the siren call of the bottle.

Resilience [Positive]: Despite facing setbacks, Athen's unyielding spirit ensures he rises again, stronger and more determined.

Curiosity [Positive]: Athen's inquisitive nature drives him to explore and learn, often leading to unexpected discoveries and opportunities.

Hedonistic Tendencies [Negative]: Athen's pursuit of pleasure often leads him to shirk his duties. His love for leisure, games, and the company of women frequently distracts him from his responsibilities, embodying the spirit of an otaku who prioritizes fun above all else.

Athen: https://imgur.com/a/aYdv3vk

Younger version of MC: https://imgur.com/a/GZ1KcqA

Alfred: https://imgur.com/a/HFrrha5

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