
Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16

Reborn Legacy: Final Fantasy 16 follows the extraordinary journey of Clive Rosfield, a gamer who finds himself dissatisfied with the ending of Final Fantasy 16. When he is given a chance to be reincarnated as Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of the game, he embraces his newfound destiny. There Will be spoilers for Final Fantasy 16.

Quarette · วิดีโอเกม
11 Chs

Chapter 3: A Radiant Bond

Chapter 3: A Radiant Bond

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I found myself growing steadily, nurtured by the love and care of my parents, Anabella and Elwin Rosfield. Each passing moment brought us closer together, deepening the bond between mother, father, and child.

My mother, Anabella, was a beacon of warmth and tenderness. Her love enveloped me, providing solace and strength as I embarked on the journey of life. Her embrace was a sanctuary, where I felt secure and cherished. I would gaze into her eyes, pools of love and unwavering support, and feel a sense of belonging that could not be shaken.

Evelyn, the wise midwife, had become an integral part of our lives. Her presence brought a sense of tranquillity and wisdom that captivated my young mind. She had a deep understanding of the world and its mysteries, and I found myself drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

In the early years of my life, I discovered a special connection with Evelyn. We would spend hours together, her voice a soothing melody as she shared tales of ancient civilizations and forgotten legends. It was during one of these moments that she spoke of the mark I bore—a symbol of great significance.

"Clive, my dear," Evelyn would say, her eyes shimmering with ancient knowledge. "You carry the mark of the Eternal Flame, a symbol of resilience and everlasting hope. It signifies your destined role as a catalyst for change, a bringer of light in times of darkness. You possess a will stronger than any other, capable of igniting the hearts of those around you."

Though I was still young, her words resonated within me. I could feel the weight of my destiny pressing upon me, a calling that demanded my attention. I looked at Evelyn with wide eyes, filled with wonder and determination. I understood that my path would not be an easy one, but I was ready to face the challenges that awaited.

As I grew older, the bond between my mother, Evelyn, and me deepened. They became my pillars of strength, guiding me with love and wisdom. My mother nurtured my curiosity, encouraging me to explore the world with wide-eyed wonder. She introduced me to the beauty of nature, the power of words, and the importance of empathy.

Evelyn, with her timeless wisdom, shared her knowledge of the world and its complexities. She taught me about the history of our land, the struggles that had shaped us, and the importance of protecting the values we held dear. She spoke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, our home, and the challenges it faced.

Through their guidance, I learned to navigate the delicate balance between love and duty. I cherished the moments spent with my mother, where she would tell me stories of bravery and resilience, instilling within me a sense of courage and compassion.

Evelyn, with her gentle presence, taught me to observe and listen, to recognize the suffering of others and lend a helping hand. She taught me the value of knowledge, that learning and understanding were essential tools in the pursuit of justice and a better world.

As the years passed, I grew closer to both my mother and Evelyn. We shared laughter, tears, and dreams, building a bond that was unbreakable. They became my guiding lights, illuminating the path ahead as I journeyed towards fulfilling my dream.

And so, as I approached my third year of life, I carried within me the mark of the Eternal Flame—a symbol of resilience and unwavering hope. It was a symbol that reminded me of the responsibility I held, the duty to protect and uplift our people. My resolve burned brighter with each passing day, fueled by the love of my mother, the wisdom of Evelyn, and my unwavering determination to avert the grim fate that awaited my parents and the Grand Duchy of Rosaria.


Year 848, In the summer

The sun cast its golden rays across the picturesque landscape of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria as I reveled in the blissful innocence of childhood. At the tender age of three, my world was filled with wonder and curiosity, each day a new adventure waiting to unfold. Little did I know that a fateful event was about to test the resilience burning within me.

On a particularly vibrant morning, as the fragrance of blooming flowers danced in the air, I found myself in the lush gardens of our ancestral estate. The vibrant hues of roses and lilies painted a tapestry of beauty, a sanctuary of serenity amidst the chaos that threatened our land.

As I meandered through the garden, my footsteps echoing on the cobblestone path, a sense of unease tingled at the edges of my consciousness. It was as if an invisible thread connected me to the lurking danger, a premonition that something sinister loomed on the horizon.

Without warning, the tranquillity shattered like fragile glass. A swarm of shadowy figures emerged from the shadows, their presence a chilling reminder of the darkness that encroached upon our realm. Their intent was clear—they sought to extinguish the flame of hope that burned within me.

Fear gripped my heart, but I knew I could not falter. My instincts kicked into overdrive, and with an unwavering resolve, I tapped into a power I had only heard of in legends—the dormant strength of the Eikon of Fire, Ifrit.

In an instant, flames erupted around me, swirling and dancing to an otherworldly rhythm. The air crackled with raw energy as Ifrit materialized before my very eyes, his fiery form casting a warm, protective glow. His presence ignited a newfound sense of power within me, as if I had become the vessel through which his might flowed.

As the assailants closed in, driven by malice and darkness, I summoned the strength of Ifrit and unleashed a torrent of flames. They surged forward, engulfing the attackers in a blaze of righteous fury. The air crackled with heat, the scorching fire roaring with a power that defied comprehension.

The remaining assailants retreated in fear, their plans foiled by the unyielding flames that shielded me. I stood tall, a beacon of determination, as Ifrit's power coursed through my veins. I could sense the awe and reverence in their eyes, a realization that they had underestimated the very flame they sought to extinguish.


With the power of Ifrit, I navigated the battlefield with an uncanny grace. Each move, each action, felt guided by an unseen hand, as if I were merely a player in a grand game. I deflected attacks, countered with precision, and emerged unscathed, leaving my would-be assassins in disarray.

The garden, once serene and filled with tranquillity, was now a testament to the clash of elemental forces. The scent of singed foliage mingled with the acrid odour of defeat, as the defeated assailants slinked away, their nefarious plot thwarted.

As the flames subsided and Ifrit faded back into the depths of my being, I stood amidst the aftermath, my heart pounding with a mixture of adrenaline and relief. The gravity of the situation settled upon me, a stark reminder of the dangers that loomed over our beloved land.

In that moment, as I caught my breath and surveyed the scene before me, a newfound determination took root within my soul. I would not stand idly by as darkness threatened to engulf us. I would harness the power within me, the flames of resilience that had awoken, and use them to protect those I held dear.

Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I heard a sound-


[Activation Conditions met]

[System Ini-]


Third person POV

Silence settled over the once serene gardens of the Rosfield estate, broken only by the crackling embers of the extinguished flames. The scent of burnt earth lingered in the air, a testament to the fierce battle that had unfolded moments ago. The garden, once a haven of tranquillity, now bore the scars of conflict.

The remains of the shadowy figures lay strewn across the ground, their bodies smouldering amidst the wreckage. The assailants, their faces now unrecognizable, were defeated—rendered powerless by the ferocity of the flames that had protected young Clive Rosfield. It was a sight that spoke of the price they had paid for underestimating the child's latent strength.

The surrounding flora, once vibrant and full of life, now wilted and charred from the intense heat. Petals crumbled to ashes, leaves curled and blackened, their former beauty replaced by a haunting reminder of the battle's aftermath.

Amidst the chaos, Clive lay unconscious, his small form sprawled on the ground. He had expended his energy, calling upon the power of the Eikon of Fire, Ifrit, to defend himself. Though protected by the fiery force, the strain had proven too great for his young body to bear.

Anabella Rosfield rushed to her son's side, her heart heavy with both relief and concern. She cradled him in her arms, his innocent face smudged with soot and weariness. Tears welled in her eyes as she surveyed the damage inflicted upon their cherished sanctuary.

Beside her, Elwin Rosfield emerged from the smoke, his expression a mixture of shock and determination. His eyes scanned the scene, taking in the fallen adversaries and the scorched remnants of the garden he had tended with such care. The sight stirred a deep anger within him, an unwavering resolve to protect his family and restore peace to their land.

Evelyn, the family's trusted advisor and confidante, approached cautiously, her gaze scanning the surroundings with a mix of determination and sorrow. The sight of the garden in disarray mirrored the turmoil that had befallen Valistheaa—a once prosperous land now plagued by uncertainty and darkness.

Word of the attack would undoubtedly spread, threatening to sow fear and discord among the people. Anabella and Elwin knew that swift action would be required to restore a sense of security and rally the duchy against the encroaching forces of chaos.

With a heavy sigh, Evelyn turned her attention to Clive, her eyes filled with a mix of admiration and concern. She knew the young boy possessed a strength beyond his years, a resilience that surpassed ordinary bounds. The mark of the Eternal Flame adorned his being, a symbol of his destiny, and now the activation of the gamer system only further solidified his role in the tumultuous times ahead.

As Anabella held her son close, Elwin joined them, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. He vowed to protect his family with every fibre of his being, to stand as a shield against the encroaching darkness. His hands, calloused from years of labour, gently caressed Clive's forehead, a silent promise to fight for a brighter future.


Elwin Rosfield POV

Elwin stood amidst the wreckage of the garden, his heart heavy with a mix of anger and guilt. His gaze fell upon the fallen assailants, his eyes narrowing with a deep-seated fury. How had he allowed such a breach to occur right under his nose? How had he failed to protect his family and their sanctuary?

His hands clenched into fists, his calloused palms bearing witness to a life of labor and responsibility. The weight of his duty as the patriarch of the Rosfield family pressed heavily upon his shoulders, and in that moment, he felt the burden intensify. The anger within him was not solely directed at the attackers, but at himself—for his perceived negligence and for not foreseeing the danger that had threatened his loved ones.

As he looked at his wife, Anabella, cradling their unconscious son, a wave of guilt washed over him. He had vowed to protect them, to shield them from harm, yet he had failed in that solemn duty. The pain of his perceived inadequacy coursed through his veins, fueling a fierce determination to make amends and ensure their safety.

Elwin's mind raced with questions and self-recrimination. How had he not sensed the impending danger? How had he not prepared for such an eventuality? The garden, once his pride and joy, now served as a stark reminder of his perceived shortcomings.

But amidst the anger and self-doubt, a spark of resilience flickered within Elwin's eyes. He would not allow his momentary lapse to define him or the future of his family. He would channel his anger into action, turning it into a driving force to fortify their defenses, to root out the source of the attack, and to rebuild what had been lost.

As he knelt beside his wife and son, Elwin's hands gently touched Clive's small, dirt-streaked face. A profound sense of protectiveness swelled within him, overshadowing his self-blame. He vowed to be the pillar of strength that his family needed, to stand firm against any threat that dared to approach.

In that moment, Elwin made a silent promise to himself and to his family. He would learn from this experience, he would grow stronger, and he would ensure that such a breach would never happen again. His anger transformed into a resolute determination to defend his loved ones and the Grand Duchy of Rosaria from the encroaching darkness.


Together, Anabella, Elwin, and Evelyn vowed to rebuild what had been lost, to strengthen the bonds of unity among their people, and to nurture Clive's burgeoning abilities. They would protect him from the looming darkness and guide him along the treacherous path that lay ahead.

As the sun began its descent, casting an ethereal glow over the scarred landscape, a renewed determination blossomed within the hearts of those present. The battle may have left its mark, but it had also kindled a fire—a fire that would burn brighter, urging Clive and his allies to face the challenges head-on and forge a future free from the clutches of despair.

And so, amidst the charred remnants of the once-vibrant garden, a whispered promise was made—the promise to rise from the ashes, to reclaim their home, and to illuminate the world with the indomitable spirit of the Eternal Flame.

Man, it's so fucking difficult to write long chapters. I don't know how people do it. I you guys have any suggestions or Ideas for the story, leave them in the comments or the reviews.

Thanks for reading

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