
Reborn King Joins The Academy

The King who gave up everything, lives again for himself. On a blood-crusted peak, Regulus, a King whose pride pierces the heavens, breathes his last. A true king whose blood coated the blade before a single one of his citizens faced it. "Hmph, I hope God doesn't expect this King to bow his head" Unexpectantly Regulus descends into the body of a young man whose only possession is an entrance token to Karta academy. Thrust into a new world of Magic and a myriad of races, Regulus is forced into a competitive school life where the powerful get everything and the weak, nothing. From a bottom feeder at the academy, the King points his sword to the heavens as he once again aims for the top. -Tags- Academy, Action, Adventure, Romance, Weak to Strong, Kingdom building, Clever MC, Face slapping, Beast Companion, Royalty, Marriage, Poor to Rich

FindingNessie · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Sarcastic Saintess

(Hello, Everyone; I woke up to about 13 new powerstones this morning, meaning 13 bonus chapters for you guys, which is a crazy amount of support. I will write the 2 standard chapters a day and then add the bonuses to the end until I catch up.)

Although Regulus could think of worse ways to be awoken than by a beautiful nurse such as Saintess Evergreen, the frustration he was feeling took priority. 

'To think I would one day be in such a state that a staircase causes me to wake up in a hospital.'

'Even with just one star of Leo, I assumed fifteen steps were possible, yet my limit was ten?'

'I truly have underestimated this world; my arrogance has clouded by judgement.'

If anyone could hear Regulus's thoughts, they would likely go red with frustration at the standards Regulus held himself.

Everyone at the scene that day knew deep down that if Regulus had even fundamental control over card energy, he would have reached the summit.

Seeing the frown creasing Regulus's perfect face, the Saintess raised an eyebrow and asked sarcastically.

"What, is the title 'The Anomaly' not grand enough for your lordship?"

Noting the dripping sarcasm in his nurse's question, Regulus's mood was lifted as he responded in kind.

"Such a nickname is nothing to me back in the day they referred to me by 'The Son of Starlight'"

Not knowing that Regulus was indeed telling the truth, Evergreen couldn't help but be shocked by the young man's thick skin.

"As much as I would like to joke around with you all day unfortunately for me, they don't pay for that."

Cutting off the boasting young man the Saintess began to explain what Regulus had missed due to his little stunt.

"Since you decided it was a good idea to destroy your body as soon as possible you slept through the second examination."

"Luckily for you, however, you somehow managed to get your hands on a golden medallion, which allows you to skip the written examination."

Seeing this woman whose every move radiated sarcasm narrating to him Regulus smiled as he wondered how life ended like this.

"Oh, and unless you want to take the final examination tomorrow naked, buy some clothes."

Knowing that Regulus had no money after searching his body the academy decided to provide him with temporary funds.

"Congratulations you are now in debt."

Tossing a platinum coin to Regulus, which he deftly caught, and leaving one final remark, the Saintess spun on her heel and strutted out of the room.

Chuckling to himself at both his new debt and the attitude of the nurse who didn't even care to introduce herself, Regulus rolled out of the hospital bed.

Looking down at the unflattering hospital garments he was wearing Regulus stiffened.

'It seems she was right; I would be a laughingstock if caught in these.'

'It looks like I have to visit that squealing boar again.'

Regulus didn't have to be a genius to figure out the units of currency in this world from what he had seen before.

100 copper pieces = 1 silver piece

100 silver pieces = 1 gold piece

100 gold pieces = 1 platinum piece

Regulus had reached a state where he accepted anything he met without much difficulty.

In this life, he was no longer the great King of Leo, whom people met with bowed heads. Instead, he was just the son of a Baron.

Yet, whilst he could accept such a situation for now Regulus knew his nature better than anyone and remembered all the slights he received to repay after his eventual rise.

While trying to find his way out of the labyrinthine Academy grounds, Regulus spotted a girl of his age sitting under a tree.

Despite her contrasting snow-white hair and glacial blue eyes the beautiful girl still seemed to harmonise with the green foliage behind her.

Approaching her, Regulus figured she was from one of the many races he didn't know, seeing her slightly pointed ears.

"Excuse me but do you know the way out of the academy?"

Regulus asked the girl who was scrutinising an ancient scroll as if it held the key to eternal life. Not even lifting her eyes she pointed in a direction before continuing to ride.

Not minding the cold treatment that could quell a blazing inferno, Regulus eventually found his way to the academy gate.

Flashing his medallion to the guards, Regulus continued into Ornare city, still excusing a noble aura despite being clad in hospital robes.

If Regulus had been paying attention, he would have noticed a look of respect on the 'Jack' rank guards, who were usually indifferent to the applicants they had seen all day.

Walking through the streets of Ornare with his hands in his pockets, Regulus couldn't help but notice the multitude of people staring at him.

'I know these hospital robes don't look the best, but is it really to this extent?'

He thought not knowing what else could justify such intent gazes from everyone. Sharpening his senses in an attempt to catch the whispering he began listening.

"Is that him?" 

A young boy asked his mother with stars shining in his eyes as he observed Regulus.

"So that's the anomaly ey? To think I would see something like this in my days."

The old man dressed like a fisherman carried a look of respect as he muttered to himself.

Realising the trigger for the changes in attitude among these people Regulus heaved a sigh of relief.

'To think news of the first trial could spread this far in just a day. Truly the power of rumours, I thought it was something serious for a second.'

Although Regulus didn't know it yet, with just a single test, he had transformed into an idol for the talentless and unfortunate.

The man without a scrap of talent who stood on the level of geniuses, facing the world with nothing but willpower and his body.

-Authors Note-

It would appear you guys are trying to drown me in powerstones lmao. At this rate I'm going to be writing 5 chapters a day permanently.

If you haven't already add this book to your library to keep updated and all support is greatly appreciated :)

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