
013 My son earned fifty thousand yuan at the age of 18!

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At this moment, Gu Wanzhou was clearly surprised, she hadn't expected Li Zhiyan to be so eager to visit her home.

Could it be to pull the cart? Quickly, Gu Wanzhou cast aside her dirty thoughts.

She couldn't misunderstand this child any longer, he really had it tough enough already.

"Okay, we'll contact each other on QQ tomorrow; I'll buy groceries and make you something delicious. We mother and son can have a good chat."

Being Li Zhiyan's girlfriend was out of the question, so Gu Wanzhou deliberately emphasized that she and Li Zhiyan were like mother and son.

How could Li Zhiyan possibly fail to grasp the implication of Gu Wanzhou's words?

But he pretended not to have heard.

"Goodbye, Aunt Gu."

After watching Gu Wanzhou leave, Li Zhiyan also departed, carrying the bag containing fifty thousand yuan.

At this time, he was curious why Gu Wanzhou, with a sore neck, still wanted him to massage her thighs.

Was this system even proper?

"Don't think too much about it, focus on completing the task instead, twenty thousand really isn't a small sum."

During the height of summer, the wind in July was still hot.

Yet, Li Zhiyan's steps as he walked home were light and brisk.

He wasn't one of those corporate executives or big bosses reborn with wealth.

They could make a fortune based on their extensive experience, while he was just an ordinary person, as ordinary as one could get.

Having a system, even if it was the Salted Fish System, that allowed him to earn money by completing tasks,

was just perfect.

"Let's set a small goal for now, become a millionaire first!"

"But first, this money should go to mom."

Li Zhiyan was fully aware of just how much his mother loved him.

Even if it was because he couldn't bear to see her leave, she didn't go to the Magic Capital.

She would certainly try her best to work overtime to make money. His mom was only 42; Li Zhiyan didn't want her to age too quickly. In this life, he must show filial piety and make sure she could live the latter half of her life without worries.


Just as he arrived at the front door, Li Zhiyan happily called out for his mom.


The feeling of calling out for mom after coming home was truly wonderful.

"Alright, alright, don't shout so loudly,"

"I'm here."

After closing the door, Li Zhiyan looked at the high heels his mother had bought from the sidewalk stand by the door and switched into his slippers.

Once he had money, he would definitely buy her several pairs of the best high heels.

"Mom, I've brought you a gift!"

Hearing her son had bought a gift for her, Zhou Rongrong, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, said a bit reproachfully, "What gift did you buy? It's a waste of money. We need to save up for your house. Don't always squander money."

Although she said this, feeling her son's consideration for her, Zhou Rongrong still felt a sweet sensation in her heart.

The child, he was really different from before, his heart was increasingly attentive to her.

"It's not like that, mom, the gift I'm giving you is very special."

"I earned it through my own effort."

Li Zhiyan once again thanked his Salted Fish System in his heart.

It was good to have it; otherwise, he never could've received so much attention in his life.

"What gift?"

"Did you go out to do a part-time job?"

Looking at the black bag in her son's hand, she had some doubts.

Could it be that her son had taken on a part-time job?

She took the bag and said with concern, "You shouldn't take on a part-time job."

"As a child, all you need to do is focus on doing well in your college studies, and master the knowledge of your major at school."

"As for money matters, you don't need to worry about them at all."

But when Zhou Rongrong opened the bag, she froze on the spot, it was money!

Five bundles of hundred-yuan notes, a total of fifty thousand.

After a while, having regained her composure, Zhou Rongrong approached the window, closed it quietly, and whispered, "Son, tell your mother the truth. Did you steal someone else's money?"

Fifty thousand yuan, with the purchasing power of 2010, one can imagine it was truly a huge sum of money; even in 2024, fifty thousand yuan wasn't something just anyone could produce.

At least, most people really couldn't come up with fifty thousand yuan.

Therefore, at this moment, her son suddenly produced fifty thousand yuan, Zhou Rongrong subconsciously felt.

Her own son had committed a crime!

"No, Mom, you don't need to be so afraid, I self-taught some computer programming and helped a boss solve a problem in their company."

"So he gave me a reward of fifty thousand yuan."

"It wasn't obtained by committing a crime."

"You know me, Mom, I'm a good child, I do not have the guts to steal money."

Zhou Rongrong thought for a moment and felt Li Zhiyan was indeed telling the truth, he really didn't have the guts to steal someone else's money.

"But where did you find the time to learn computer programming? I never see you playing with the computer at home."

"Mom, I learned it on my own whenever I went to the internet café."

Zhou Rongrong looked at her precious son and saw a glimmer of astonishment in her eyes.

So her own little scamp had such a talent! He self-taught programming and earned fifty thousand yuan.

This really made her proud as a mother.

Afterward, she repeatedly confirmed with Li Zhiyan several times.

Only then did she ascertain that her son indeed made fifty thousand yuan through computer programming, and he was only 18 years old.

"Son, you are really amazing, and I take pride in you," said Aunt Gu.

The emotional Zhou Rongrong hugged Li Zhiyan and kissed him on the face.

As a mama's boy, Li Zhiyan was enveloped in this tender mother-son warmth, hoping time could just stay like this forever.

"I'll keep these forty thousand for you, to be used for your future wedding expenses," she said.

"Take this ten thousand and spend it frugally."

Li Zhiyan took the ten thousand and, with curiosity, said, "Mom, are you really comfortable entrusting me with so much money?"

"My son has grown-up!" Aunt Gu pinched Li Zhiyan's face, her beautiful face full of pride.

"So, I trust that you can handle this ten thousand well, and besides, you are an adult now. If you start dating or something, you will also need money," she reassured him.


Li Zhiyan took the money, knowing that the next earnings couldn't be shown to his mother for the time being.

Otherwise, it would truly scare her.

"By the way, Mom, now that I am making money with programming, I can cover my living expenses in college and even save some," he explained.

"So, you don't need to think about working in the Magic Capital anymore. I really can't bear the thought of you leaving."

Upon seeing her son earn fifty thousand yuan, Zhou Rongrong had completely dispelled the idea of going to the Magic Capital.

If her son couldn't bear to be without her, how could she bear to leave her son?

He was her only kin in this world.

"Don't worry, I won't go to the Magic Capital," she reassured him.

"Not only should you not go to the Magic Capital, but you also don't need to work overtime. Just do your regular job. From now on, I will send you money every month on time," he said.

Zhou Rongrong was a bit stunned, truly mother and son were connected at heart.

What she was thinking in her heart, her son had guessed!