
Chapter 132: Lightning Force

Just days before the qualifiers Cao Guang went to a training room and rented it out for the day, he needed to evolve Fenrir finally.

He had bought the soul necessary for Fenrir a long time ago and now could evolve him by supporting with his Summoning Galaxy. When he broke through the Galaxy barrier, he was sober enough to split the pure energy after the break through and showered it on Little Flame Belle and Fenrir.

Now with it's, cultivation and Cao Guang's Galaxy providing real time energy Fenrir could attempt to evolve again with the Soul of a Lightning Force Wolf.

Cao Guang petted his wolf and nodded to him before beginning to change its bones, this was the most physically painful part of the process compared to this changing blood was only a pinch.


The howls of a distraught wolf filled the room, at many points Fenrir wanted to give up and stop then it would remember about where it was living. It lived in the Summoning plane, an even more cutthroat world.

It could barely survive in a cave and occupy a portion of a hill alongside a few other Warrior level wolves only because that backwater place had no Commander level wolves.

Any Commander would either subdue them or pinch it's life like popping a balloon. Fenrir had no intention of being a Lackey, he was an alpha, he had the notion of forming his own pack and subduing every other Wolf on Yellow Creek Mountain.

The pain didn't subside until the end of the process, only Fenrir's will grew in stature. It was almost exhausted by the time bone changing process was over.

Cao Guang let Fenrir breath for a short while before slowly giving the wolf the energy of his Galaxy. As soon as they were done with that Fenrir could make a push for the Soul to break through to the Commander level alongside it's body.

Fenrir's body had already reached the commander level if the soul remained in the lower tier for long, other problems may arise like soul- body disassociation.

Cao Guang let go of the soul and let Fenrir approach it, the soul wrenching pain had begun as Fenrir needed to fight it's instincts to obey a higher level lifeform.

It was a battle of wills and Fenrir was greatly helped by his small break through at the previous stage. After a while Fenrir glowed azure as he completely pushed towards the Commander level and grew in size from five metres to thirty metres in length.

Fenrir did not look muscular like other magic wolves at this stage as he finally given up that identity. Cao Guang chose Lightning Horn Wolf as the soul for the Warrior level because it was halfway between where Fenrir was and where Cao Guang wanted him to be.

Magic wolves specialised in ranged battles with a spells and finishing blow with a body blow. Lightning Force Wolf was the exact opposite, it was sleek and slender and unsuitable to be a power type beast.

They also didn't have the ranged abilities of magic wolves or Lightning Horn Wolf, instead they had runes of lightning going across their Purple blue skin.

Upon activating these runes, the force of lightning would course through their veins and improve their speed over time, they were pure melee fighters with extreme speed and defence and sacrificed offensive and ranged capabilities as an evolutionary trade off.

Fenrir looked reenergized and wanted Cao Guang to arrange for a wash for his fur, a Commander should have smooth fur, apparently Lightning Force Wolves were also addicted to cleanliness and hated when their fur and runes were filled with dirt.

" I don't know water magic, I'll find some way, now go back and deal with your mountain and form a tribe, I want to use the advanced Summoning spell in conjunction with you. You'll teach your wolves discipline and how follow my orders. And teach them some of the stuff I taught you as well. I won't summon you for a while, so you can handle these things".


The wolf reminded Cao Guang to find a solution for the dirt before leaving.

Now I have to find wolf groomer to keep his fur clean, and I am the Summouner, this is annoying. Maybe I could coat him in wax and the wax layer will keep the fur clean and I don't have to find a water mage to give him a wash every single time. I have to stock up on industrial strength wax, I need larger storage space, I should focus on the space element next.