
Chapter 44:"Bravoos"

With Pentos now under the rule of Athens, the city experienced a remarkable 67% increase in trading and construction. Many of Pentos' former traders seamlessly transitioned to becoming traders for Athens, and this expansion of trade opened doors to new markets, including those in Westeros. The land once belonging to Pentos was now firmly under the dominion of Athens, establishing it as a vital center of commerce.

The swift growth and prosperity of Athens raised concern among the other Freehold cities, prompting them to pressure Valyria to impose heavy taxes on Athens. However, Valyria hesitated to take action. Even though House Narnareon had departed Valyria, Vahaemorys remained a formidable Dragon Lord, known for bringing down those who dared to defy him. His reputation and the fear he instilled in the Freehold cities made them approach him with great caution.

What the Freehold cities didn't realize was that Vahaemorys had not severed all his ties. Through dark magic, he had managed to leave spies embedded within the ranks of the other Dragon Lord families, effectively binding them to his will. This subtle influence allowed him to maintain a grip on Valyria even as he ventured into uncharted territories with Athens.

During this time, a significant number of slaves managed to escape from Valyria, and they didn't just flee; they also commandeered ships and made off with valuable goods. This audacious act left the Dragon Lords in Valyria seething with anger. They sought assistance from Vahaemorys to help locate these runaway slaves and retrieve their stolen possessions.

Vahaemorys, however, offered them mere empty promises. He had his sights set on the land of Braavos, and sooner or later, he anticipated that Braavos would come under Athens' control. These runaway slaves couldn't hide forever, as Athens continued to expand its influence across the region, gradually reaching Braavos.

Currently, Vahaemorys was planning a diplomatic visit to Yi Ti, aiming to establish a friendly relationship with the Emperors of Yi Ti. This move would be seen as representing Athens, not Valyria, and it was a decision that was bound to ruffle the feathers of the Valyrian Dragon Lords.

As time passed, Vahaemorys made some significant changes to the state of Athens. To enhance the city's growth and prosperity, he decided to send one of his former vassal house lords, who had once betrayed him but was forgiven due to his value, on a diplomatic mission to Yi Ti in his stead.

Over the months, Vahaemorys introduced a series of progressive reforms aimed at promoting trade within the city. These reforms included the creation of designated areas where traders could operate with fewer regulations and lower taxes, incentivizing free trade and encouraging merchants to establish themselves in Athens. Additionally, he reduced or even eliminated tariffs and customs duties on imported and exported goods, making it more attractive for traders to engage in commerce in the city.

Furthermore, Vahaemorys worked on implementing a fair and transparent legal system to resolve trade disputes and enforce contracts. This move increased traders' confidence in the city, knowing that their rights and property would be protected by the law. Vahaemorys also encouraged the formation of trade guilds and associations that could regulate and standardize trade practices, ensuring fairness and quality control. These guilds offered support and a sense of community for traders.

As a result of these reforms, traders from various cities and regions began flocking to Athens. The city's newfound favorable treatment for trade made it an appealing hub for merchants, leading to a significant increase in trading activities.

With the increasing population in and around Athens, the demand for food resources became as critical as importing goods. The conquest of Pentos, however, proved to be a blessing in disguise. The flatlands under Pentos's control, along the fertile coastal plain, provided a golden opportunity for food production.

To make the most of this newfound resource, Vahaemorys took several strategic steps. He ordered the clearing of uncultivated or marshy lands, expanding the available arable acreage. This was achieved through organized efforts, such as draining wetlands and clearing forests, to make these lands suitable for farming.

Vahaemorys also appointed skilled traders to seek out and purchase high-yield, disease-resistant crop varieties from various land. This ensured a more abundant harvest and increased resistance to crop-related illnesses. The Eldians, experts in farming, played a crucial role in introducing and implementing sustainable farming practices. These methods prioritized long-term soil health and environmental conservation, including techniques like terracing, contour farming, and agroforestry to prevent erosion and maintain ecological balance.

Recognizing the importance of a reliable water supply, Vahaemorys invested in irrigation systems such as canals and wells on Flatlands. This ensured a consistent water source for the crops, particularly in this regions where rainfall could be unpredictable. These comprehensive efforts worked in tandem to secure a stable and flourishing agricultural foundation for Athens.