In Valyria, the departure of a weaker dragon lord might be seen as an act of cowardice, as they couldn't compete with the more powerful lords. However, when the mightiest dragon lord, like House Narnareon, chose to leave Valyria, it was akin to losing the most formidable weapon in their arsenal. This departure marked a period of significant vulnerability for Valyria, especially considering that House Narnareon was no longer a single house but represented the collective strength of many houses that had fallen under the sway of the Devil of House Narnareon.
With House Narnareon's departure, Valyria stood to lose a substantial portion of its blacksmiths, healers, craftsmen, slaves, dragons, knights, and dragon riders. Essentially, it was like attempting to relocate the entirety of Valyria to a different place.
Every dragon lord and their vassal houses were well aware of this fact. One dragon lord, unable to believe what he had just heard, asked Vahaemorys, "Lord Vahaemorys, why are you leaving Valyria? I can't fathom a reason for you to go."
Vahaemorys maintained his silence. They weren't wrong; there seemed to be no clear reason for him to leave. After all, they were the strongest Dragon lord. Another elder dragon lord couldn't contain his skepticism. "You don't mean to say you still fear the 14 flames going rampant, do you?" he pressed.
Vahaemorys responded with a composed tone, "No, I no longer hold that belief. From what I've learned, for a millennium, there won't likely be any issues with the 14 flames."
The same dragon lord pressed further, "Then what is the reason?"
As he stood up and walked towards a table bearing a map, Vahaemorys explained, "If I want to make this place second only to Valyria, I must be here. Without a dragon lord's presence, it won't become as strong."
Another dragon lord offered an alternative, "But does a dragon lord need to be physically present? The seat of dragon lords is in Valyria. We could send an Archon here in our stead."
Vahaemorys remained resolute, "That won't do. I've already made up my mind. There won't be any change."
With a sigh, another dragon lord stood and addressed Vahaemorys, "It seems I'll need to have a word with Lady Nelaessa. Lord Vahaemorys, don't tread too lightly."
They exited the tent, realizing there was little use in further discussions with Vahaemorys. They couldn't afford to lose House Narnareon, even if they didn't particularly like them.