
Chapter 29:"Aldar's Departure"

Vahaemorys noticed the hesitation and uncertainty that filled the faces of those gathered as the topic of migration was introduced. It was a natural human instinct to feel attached to one's homeland, and leaving it behind was never an easy decision. This was especially true for the nobles, who had built their status and heritage over generations, and the thought of relinquishing their noble titles and privileges was a bitter pill to swallow.

Then Vahaemorys made a significant announcement, declaring, "We will migrate to the land I own through a transportation array." His words sparked curiosity and excitement, especially among the gathered dwarven elders.

One elder dwarf, unable to contain his enthusiasm, stood up and inquired, "Teleportation array?" His eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Vahaemorys acknowledged their excitement with a smile and confirmed, "You are right. We will utilize a mass teleportation array to migrate to a different continent." This revelation sent waves of energy rippling through the hall, as some among them had long lost the knowledge of rune magic teleportation arrays.

However, Vahaemorys's next words tempered their enthusiasm, "Yet, this array can only be employed once. We may sustain it for a month, perhaps two, but beyond that, it will lose its teleportation capabilities. Therefore, let us all prepare for this migration within the coming month." The hall fell silent once more, the weight of the task ahead settling upon them.

As the assembly dispersed, there were those who harbored reservations about Vahaemorys's rule and his disregard for the nobility. Despite their outwardly polite smiles, their dissatisfaction was not entirely concealed. But Vahaemorys possessed the ability to read minds, and their true sentiments were not lost on him.

In the end, only a select few remained in the hall: the former Eldian king, the Dwarven king, First Arrow Aranel, and the faithful true dragons.

Vahaemorys called upon the Eldian King and the Dwarven King, urging them to gather the other elders beneath the ancient tree's towering canopy. With Aranel and the loyal true dragons by his side, they made their way to the sacred meeting place. The elders had prepared a vial of sap, a vital conduit for Vahaemorys's communication with the ancient tree spirit, Aldar.

Vahaemorys took a sip of the sap, and as he did, his consciousness once again transcended into the mystical realm he had visited before. This time, Aldar, the wise and ancient nature spirit, greeted him with a knowing smile, saying, "We meet again, Dragon King."

Vahaemorys acknowledged their reunion and inquired, "We do. And I'm sure you know what I'm here for?" But Aldar's response took him by surprise, "I don't. I can know your past, not your future. Your fate is always variable."

Vahaemorys found it intriguing that an Old God couldn't foresee his future, but he also realized that this could work to his advantage. With caution, Aldar asked, "Is there anything I can do for you, Dragon King?" Vahaemorys wasted no time and expressed his desire, "I want Eldian and Dwarves to migrate with me to another continent that I know."

Aldar responded with a vision that seemed to emerge before him, "A new variable is emerging, a new empire." Vahaemorys couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism at this revelation, as the prospect of a new empire was indeed a promising development.

However, Aldar's words took a more somber tone as he continued, "And I won't exist at that time." Vahaemorys remained silent. With a calm demeanor, Aldar contemplated, "It seems my time has come earlier than expected. Perhaps I should use my remaining essence to strengthen the young one who will come after me. I hope you will take care of my successor."

Vahaemorys gave his solemn assurance, "Aldar, if possible, could you grant a vision to your faithful followers about following me faithfully and about the future empire? I wish for my people to wholeheartedly embrace my leadership."

Aldar consented, promising to fulfill Vahaemorys's request. Grateful for the ancient spirit's cooperation, Vahaemorys expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Aldar." With that, Vahaemorys's consciousness returned to his physical body.

The following day brought a remarkable experience for both the Eldians and Dwarves. They shared a collective vision of an unknown land, a land filled with promise and a bright future where they could live in harmony under the rule of the same King. It was a vision that touched their hearts and filled them with hope. While only a select few had heard Aldar's voice in the past, this time, the entire population of Eldians and Dwarves found themselves in a mystic realm standing before a towering tree with a wise face.

Aldar, the ancient tree spirit, spoke to his faithful followers, encouraging them to follow and obey their new king, just as they had followed and obeyed him for so long.

As the vision concluded, the consciousness of all Eldians and Dwarves returned to their physical bodies. That night, a curious crowd gathered at the ancient tree, but they were met with a heartbreaking sight—a dry and lifeless tree, a stark contrast to the vibrant presence it had embodied before.

Beneath the withered and lifeless ancient tree, a small sapling had begun to sprout. It was a sight that caught everyone's attention. Tears flowed freely from their eyes as they grieved the loss of a sacred entity that had always been a cherished part of their lives. The ancient tree had not only been a symbol of reverence but had also played a role akin to that of family.

For many, the tree had been the reason they had considered staying behind, even if it meant defying their King's orders. Their loyalty and reverence for the ancient tree ran deep, and with its passing, there seemed to be no reason to remain.

Vahaemorys understood this profound connection, and it was precisely why he had believed that the tree spirit, Aldar, needed to pass on. The tree had shaped their values and beliefs, defining who they had become. Now, with its departure, they faced a pivotal moment of transformation.

Eventually, Vahaemorys ascended to the canopy of the lifeless tree, and the crowd instinctively made way for him. The faithful followers of the ancient tree had taken Aldar's final words to heart, and they gazed at Vahaemorys  with eyes brimming with tears.

Vahaemorys  turned his gaze from the dry and lifeless tree to the young sapling, a symbol of renewal and hope. He turned to face the assembled crowd and spoke,"

My dear people, today, we gather beneath the solemn canopy of this ancient tree, which has been our guardian, our source of worship, our wise teacher, our healer, and, above all, a nurturing father who has guided his children for generations. We stand here not in mourning for the tree itself, but in celebration of the spirit that dwelled within its ancient heart.

Aldar, the tree spirit, was not merely a sentinel of these lands; he was the embodiment of wisdom, grace, and love. Like a father to you all, he watched over our people with an unwavering devotion that transcended time itself. Aldar's roots ran deep into the very essence of your existence, connecting us to the natural world in ways we can scarcely comprehend.

As a wise teacher, Aldar shared with us the secrets of the earth, the language of the winds, and the whispers of the rivers. His guidance extended beyond the mere knowledge of the land; it reached into the depths of our souls, nurturing our spirits and teaching us the importance of harmony with nature.

Aldar was not only a teacher but also a healer who mended our wounds, cured our ailments, and mended the broken branches of our lives. His gentle touch and soothing presence brought solace to the afflicted and hope to the weary. He taught us the value of compassion and the healing power of unity.

And as your nurturing father, Aldar guided you all through the seasons of life, providing shelter in times of storm, shade during scorching summers, and the promise of rebirth in the beauty of spring. His branches cradled your dreams, and his leaves whispered words of encouragement in your darkest hours.

Today, as we witness the passing of this magnificent tree, let us remember that Aldar's spirit lives on in each of us. His wisdom is etched in the annals of our history, and his love is forever intertwined with the roots of our culture. Though the physical form of the ancient tree may be no more, the essence of Aldar endures, carried within our hearts and minds.

Let us honor Aldar's legacy by continuing to nurture the land he cherished, by seeking wisdom in the natural world, and by caring for one another as he cared for us. In doing so, we pay tribute to the guardian, teacher, healer, and father who shaped us into the people we are today.

May Aldar's spirit find its place among the stars, and may his love and guidance forever illuminate our path. Rest in peace, dear Aldar, and thank you for being the guiding light of our lives.".

With these words, Vahaemorys  paid tribute to the tree spirit Aldar, a being who had shaped the destinies of the Eldians and Dwarves for generations.