
Reborn in the World of Grisaia? Is There A Reason Behind My Existence?

Amidst a dark void lies an unknown soul who with undetermined origin and past reincarnates to the works of fiction. Anime, Manga, Hentai, and all other verses that never existed came to fruition. As he comes to adapt to his living conditions and gains an unknown power in his journey. He is now known as Hiroto Kazami. And upon reincarnation, finds out he was reborn as the younger-brother of Kazuki replacing Yuuji in the world of Grisaia. But is it truly the only world? Over time, mysterious phenomenons appear out of nowhere, beings or events that have unknown origin and undetermined motives behind their actions that threatens the safety and future of the world he come across. Follow him on his journey as he unearths the mysteries within his circumstances and what lied beyond his past that had its own series of secrets that led to his entire ordeal. First World (In Progress) : —Grisaia no Meikyuu. —Yandere Simulator. —Otome Dori! —Classroom of the Elites —Happy Sugar Life! ————————————————————— (***Author’s Note*** I am still new to writing, so I am trying to get adjusted to writing a story meaning everything is still in progress and undergoing improvements as I improved in this journey. Feel free to leave a note for any problems. Another heads up, I do not own any anime, art, or character aside from the OC protagonist mentioned in this novel. It is merely a fanfiction trying to develop my writing skill. At times the cover may be an AI generated picture or one that was picked off the internet. I will try to include both, one original and one generated, so as to give the readers an image to go off on, in various styles. And considering this is a fanfic there are a lot of spoilers, so those that want to get spoiled, it is your choice to read. Additionally, the update schedule for new chapters is inconsistent which can come in days, a few weeks, and possibly rarely months. Lastly, the pacing is slow for a various reasons, as it gives me more ways to develop the story and build a decent foundation to all later future chapters. Not to mention, being too fast-paced gives off the vibes of being rushed. )

WiseStratos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Ch 9: Another One…

'No, why is this happening'

Rinka bit her lower lip, her eyes fixated on Hiroto and Otome as they got along effortlessly. She couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

'Otome likes my brother right? So why is she getting all the attention from Hiroto?'

Though she didn't show it openly, Rinka had matured in the past few days, becoming more focused and determined in getting what she wanted.

After that little traumatic experience days earlier, Rinka had matured or become more obsessed with Hiroto to the point that she was childish in the fact someone else is gaining his attention and not her.

And yet grown in the way that she will approach him in a more meticulous manner.

As she planned on taking a different way of attaining what she wants unlike how she was like before.

'She can have Okino. But I will not lose Hiroto. This time I'm not losing to you Otome.'

Rinka thought as she tried to stop both Hiroto and Otome from getting to know one-another better.

As she continued onward with a smile on her face with a motive in mind.

"Ah! H-Hiroto, are you sure you're alright?"

Rinka asked, her face displaying a concerned expression.

"Oh! Thanks for worrying about me as well, Rinka."

Hiroto says as he pats both her and Otome, satisfying both kids, of course looking a bit awkward considering the two girls in front of him were two years older than him and a little taller than himself.

'Something seems different about her.'

Hiroto, oblivious to Rinka's growing obsession, seemed to notice a change in her demeanor as he kept patting her head, seemingly as both girls started dozing off from his own touch.

'They look like they're about to fall asleep if I keep petting their heads. It feels so soft and cuddly, like petting a dog or cat, It's kind of cute actually.'

Hiroto continued with a grin on his remarkably cute face as he focused more on the two's reaction.

As he stopped and retracted his hand away from their heads, they woke up from his actions prior.

Both Otome and Rinka blushing at them blanking out from what Hiroto did.

'I should probably help Kazuki out of her situation now.'

He walked over to Okino, who was noticeably nervous at the sight of him

"A-Ah! H-Hello, a-ano.. Hiroto-san"

Okino noticing him approaching said as he stuttered, nervous at the sight of him.


Hiroto said as he gestures with his hand.

"I'll be honest, Okino," Hiroto said, his voice dripping with sincerity. "You're really annoying to my sister. It's okay to want to be friends with her, but you're being too pushy. Please back off."

As Hiroto spoke with a smile on his face Okino felt like he was being wronged, taken aback by the merciless words, as he started tearing up a bit.

"B-But, I w-wasn't doing anything wrong. Right, Otome? Rinka? K-Kazuki?"

Okino, on the verge of tears, protested, seeking help from the two girls he used to be in good terms with and Kazuki. However, to his surprise, they sided with Hiroto.

'Oh no, this ain't good…'

Hiroto thought as he knew that him making a ruckus is bound to get him in trouble, any louder and the adults might catch on that he made Okino cry.

"Well, I did tell you that you're bothering Kazuki, but you didn't listen brother."

Rinka replied, as she had recalled that she had warned him earlier about bothering Kazuki. All right before she noticed that Hiroto and Otome were getting along quite nicely.

After which she went to stop the interaction from getting more better and prevent resulting like what occurred with her and Otome in the past fighting over her brother.

"A-Ah! W-Well umm, I also saw that you have been asking her too many questions, Kazuki-Kun."

Otome recalling how she was ignored and how much attention Okino has been giving Hiroto's sister, Kazuki.

She agrees that Okino has gone overboard, even when Kazuki clearly doesn't seem thrilled with it and talking about her all day for the past couple of days.

"Hmm—I do admit that Hiroto was a little harsh. But truthfully you were being a nuisance, Okino."

Hiroto's sister, Kazuki, chimed in with her own aloof tone later turning to a frown on her immaculate face as she said her last words.

"And that was to be expected as the truth can be hurtful. It was just going on for too long. Not to add to the injury, but even when I showed no interest to what you were saying, you didn't get a clue to leave me be. In the end, someone had to have said it harshly for you to know."

Kazuki continued mercilessly as she spoke to Okino a piece of her mind.

"W-Why are you g-guys taking his side."

Feeling betrayed and overwhelmed, Okino couldn't contain his emotions and burst into tears. With all the attention and affection he had received throughout his life,

It was a first for him, as he's had an easy life until now, no one was ever mean or against him to this extent.

From his parents to his sister and to a close friend who even he declared wanted to be with as his wife in the future, they were all spoiling him putting their full attention onto him, and there to support him, not turning against him.

He himself was unaccustomed to being on the receiving end of criticism or disapproval from anyone at all.

Above all, being a child himself had little to no self-control of his emotions and acted on impulse, it was too much for him to take in.

Frustrated and jealous, he tried to push Hiroto down in a fit of rage. However, Hiroto easily evaded his attack and grabbed his hand, causing Okino to stumble and fall.


Hiroto thought looking at Okino who was lying face down after losing his temper.

And with that commotion, it was the last straw, as the parents noticed the ruckus made in group.

"Kazuki are you alright?"

Okino's parents called out to him lying on the floor.

"What happened over here?"

Ryouji stated as he looked at him and the rest of the kids.

"Hiroto, are you okay?"

Satoko worriedly asked having seen that after Okino commotion went to try to push Hiroto.

"A-Ah! I-It was his fault."

Okino said quickly as he pointed at Hiroto, clearly not wanting to take the blame accompanied with tears in his eyes did start to make his own parents believe in him aside from a few exceptions who truly knew what happened.

Before any more words got out of his mouth, Kazuki spoke up to defend Hiroto.

"No, it wasn't Hiroto's fault," she said, her voice firm and confident. "Okino was being too pushy and bothering me. Hiroto was just trying to protect me."

Rinka and Otome nodded in agreement, their expressions confirming her words. They knew the truth and they weren't going to let Okino get away with his behavior.

Okino's parents looked at each other, conflicted. They weren't used to their son causing trouble or being accused of misbehavior. But the evidence was clear, and it was hard to ignore the words of three kids who supported the claim.

"I can't believe this," Okino's mother whispered, disappointment evident in her voice. "Okino, why would you do something like this?"

Okino couldn't meet their gaze, his tears streaming down his face. He knew he had messed up, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it.

"I-I just...I wanted to be friends with Kazuki"

From then on, the parents apologized upfront holding Okino's head down.

Hiroto's parents along with Ryoba's family didn't care one bit of the situation seeing as it wasn't a big deal and simply accepted their apology.

"It's alright… No one was exactly harmed, Miss and Mr. Okino. Right Hiroto…"

Kazuki tried to comfort them, as she called out Hiroto to help back up the claim.

"Hmn… I'm fine, Kazuki is fine. Everyone is fine. No worries."

He confirmed helping mainly the two parents of Okino from bowing their heads.

The parents of Okino appreciate their forgiveness and now with Okino being such a brat, the rest of the time spent, he was technically isolated.

Around 30 minutes or so when he was really losing his patience and temper at the fact.

The meeting of the three families concluded at the same time, so he lost all that anger.

As one by one, they left, saying goodbyes.

Leaving Hiroto's family to clean the short mess.

Eventually two weeks passed, the time until Hiroto's departure to a Private School with some sketchy details given by his father Ryouji came closer and his enrollment being confirmed.

There was nothing in particular that was different in the following days.

His daily routine is still to leave for the playground to train, occasionally meeting Otome, Rinka, Ryoba, and of course Okino.

Who always tried to fight for the affection and attention that Hiroto was receiving, which he thought he should have gotten.

At times Kazuki was also coming along as she wanted, beginning from time-to-time, then more often than not.

And with her added in the mix, Okino becomes more obsessed and determined to get along well and steal the girls attention and affection to himself with no success.

Hiroto can also see that Kazuki had some sort of resentment, like a strained relationship with their parents nowadays.

As she started to do fewer and less amount of artworks for Ryouji to sell to his frustration and had a difficult time refuting or convincing her considering that to Hiroto's eyes can see how Kazuki manipulated their parents.

Aside from that when he always tried to exercise or physically condition himself, he made sure to discreetly not show that he is working out to others, including his sister and kids nearby.

Rather he was having "fun" playing and running around the playground.

All for the sake of not gathering attention from his own actions.

As Hiroto starts to find similarities within this life and his previous life, involving the undying boredom in two lifespans.

All but until one day…

As Hiroto was going to train once again on one spot, overexerting himself, and on this particular day no one to accompany him to see his progress, was finally able to train the way he wanted to without having to pretend to in front of the three kids and Ryoba.

Not to mention, as time passed, a very few amount of kids came this day in this time of day, as the sun started setting.

As they weren't going to meet everyday, as their families had plans, jobs, and etc.

And with no pretense needed, Hiroto worked out to the point he passed out, as this level of stimulus and conditioning was making even greater progress than to all his prior efforts.

While an hour or so passes by, Hiroto regains consciousness.


Letting out a yawn from his short nap, he looks around, noticing that it is already dark.

As he realizes he's late for dinner becomes more awake, preparing to head off home fast.

Hiroto gathering everything he needs, runs quickly as the dimly-lit streets around him make it look like a great horror scene.

And at the same time felt at home.

As the surrounding area seem so peaceful and quiet. Simply a harmonious atmosphere in his eyes.

However, pleasing the sight is to him, others would digress and think it is creepy, unable to stay any longer, leaving frightened.

He kept walking until he heard a voice in his way.

"Ah! P-Please, get your hands… OFF ME!"

A girl timidly mumbled and screamed as she spoke her last few words, with tears in her eyes.

"Ack! You fucking b*tch."

Another person, a male said seemingly sounded as if having been hurt.

As he went to slap the girl in the face.

"You're going to pay for this."

The man grudgingly uttered near her face, as he held her hands restraining the girl.

As Hiroto heard their words went to get a closer view.

The girl who spoke earlier wore a highschool uniform, a sailor-styled school uniform which consists of a long white sailor-dress shirt with long sleeves and a dark teal green sailor collar with a thick white stripe nearly around the edges.

It also has a short crimson red bow connected to the collar. She also wears a dark teal green skirt and is shown holding a black school handbag. And a medium-long length hair.

Everything else of her appearance is less distinct as the darkness all around them consume most of their body.

While the man shown in front of him with his back facing Hiroto is bending down slightly to restrain the high school girl.

He was shown wearing a dark-grey shirt and black pants.

'Another one…' Hiroto sighed at the sight of the two. 'And this time it was after my exhausting workout. Not to add, a weapon capable of killing.'

As he went closer to observe, enough to see the man in person yet far away for him to not notice.

The risk of himself losing is high, considering that Hiroto's small stature equates to the amount of damage he can concur.

After all, the difference between an adult and a child is immense, yet the gap can be filled with other factors that can allow a weak person to defeat someone much stronger than them.

Even with all of his training, at most Hiroto is already at best an average human adult. Which to be honest is not quite a lot or enough to fare against, added to the fact of his miniature body.

Essentially the lack of mass or fat can make that gap widen, unless he himself had a sharp weapon or a blunt object.

And so with that thought-process, Hiroto looked for items that may do sufficient damage.

He quickly went over to pick a rock large enough as he calculated can be deadly.

Walking over to the man pinning the girl down, just about to rip her clothes off, as quiet and calmly as possible, then gestures to the girl, as if to say 'look at me.'

The girl notices Hiroto stunned. 'What is a little kid doing here?' She thought as she loses all strength while looking at the boy.

And amidst that hope that he can call someone, the police or an adult to help her, so she stared at the kid as if to send a signal.

While the man pinning her over was confused at why she stopped resisting and is looking out of place prompting him to look at where she was looking at.

It was only a split second of the girl struggle being put to a halt, as she tried to stop the man from peering behind him to notice the boy who can be her only hope.

But it was too late as the man while holding the girl in place looked behind, only to see Hiroto with a smile standing close to him from the corner of his eyes.

As the man's face was close, Hiroto can see clearly that the man had the so called sanpaku eyes that looks off.

Before all of a sudden the man felt one of his eyes go out, as his entire vision on the left side goes all black.

In the other eye he can see a black-grayish object near his face momentarily.

And then the pain set in…


'Oh man! I can be so gruesome sometimes…' Hiroto thought shaking his head looking at the man holding his left eye in pain. 'Welp, can't stall any longer, once the adrenaline hits, he might just knock me out.'

He then picked up the rock to deliver another hit at the other eye, only for his wrist to be grasps by the man.


The man shouted while holding the hand with the rock that Hiroto was about to use.

'Oh sh*t.'

At the sight of the man holding his arm being the weapon that gave him a chance at saving the girl.

'He probably didn't expect this did he.'

Hiroto thought as a demonic smile reaches his extraordinarily cute face.

As he casually used [Inventory] to place the rock in his storage, retrieving the rock out of the man's hands.

Which catches him off guard as he knew he was holding on to the hand of the kid in front of him who had a weapon or object that would've of hurt him.

The man felt confident and relieved at first, but then shocked as the thing in the kids hand disappears out of thin air.


Surprised at the sight, he stood still.

'Finish him—huh…'

Hiroto as if playing Mortal Kombat thought of the signature line. As he took the rock out of his inventory holding it in his left hand delivered a blow to the other remaining eye.

Making the man look straight out of a horror film, with his eyes being a mess.

One can even say that his eyes were gouged out. As the man let go of Hiroto's hand and grasps his own face screaming in pain.

'I can't kill anyone once again.'

Hiroto thought as he looked at the man who was on the ground clutching his now deformed and eyeless face.

'Anymore attention or news that says killing might just make others fear me more than some already does.'

Although Hiroto's family, mainly Kazuki won't care as long as he himself is safe.

In both of these instances, they never really saw the body of the corpses that he had killed with his very hands, so he doesn't know whether they will change should they see it.

And it's not just a corpse, but a very badly damaged one, a gruesome sight for the eyes to behold.

At most he thinks that Kazuki will not mind or still love him regardless.

However, he's not sure about the rest of his family or friends? Like with Rinka's or even Aishi's.

Rinka most likely will change considering Hiroto shielded her eyes away from the gruesome sight of him slithering the throat of the man.

At least that's what he believes will happen should she ever witness him in the act.

Not to mention killing two people in a short span of time is bound to raise suspicions.

Although Hiroto doesn't care much for reputation or others thoughts, he does agree that having a good amount of fame, at least the good kind helps to foster relationships or connections.

And so being known as a kid who killed a person while another beaten near death only just a few weeks, regardless of his own intention to save someone can bring about a bad reputation.

Thus he doesn't want to kill the man in front of him.

'Hmm… Since I'll suffer a bit because of you and you wasted my time—It's only fair if I relieve some of my pent of stress right?'

Hiroto sighed at the thought.

As he went to deliver blows to his balls using his legs, enough to hear two cracking sound.

'If this were a cultivation-world… I would've killed you so as to prevent any ancestors to come back to harm me.' Hiroto thought as he kept thinking, while kicking the man in the back. 'For now I'll let the law decide your fate.'

And with that last thought landed a very strong kick to the spine.

As the man stops writhing in pain or simply he can't, as Hiroto simply severed the very organ that allows the human body to perform commands sent by the brain.

A permanent injury, paralyzing your ability to utilize all if not most of your body.

It's basic human anatomy.

Hiroto just tried to immobilize the man completely, so that any attempts at revenge for him isn't possible by crippling him for the rest of his life.

The girl remained in disbelief and yet above all thankful at the kid who despite his small frame can cause that much damage seen before her eyes.


( Author's Note:

Guess that pokemo…


Anyways, I learned a few more ways of writing dialogue or thoughts, especially one after another, I must say it helps to lessen things like "He thought… She thought… She said… Hiroto said… Blahblahblah…"

Also Imma start to remove those [ Third Person POV ] and choose to show the change via three dots…

And for those wondering why Hiroto hasn't spoken or commented about noticing who Aishi and her family are.

I chose to go about this a different way.

As I remember hearing that Ayano Aishi the protagonist of Yandere Simulator not having had an actual name at the start of its creation.

Which I thought might be the best for Hiroto to not have known of the name, but the appearance of Ayano's mother gave a resembling sense of familiarity.

Not to add not knowing much as he had only played the first version to completion and not the 1980s mode.

Any who I have one very big important question that I will like to ask you guys.

As much as I like harem and the idea of I like both girls, hate the idea of leaving one of them, so why not take all of them.

I'm quite neutral at the idea of Satoko, Hiroto's mother into the harem.

As I had ideas for either cases of whether she gets in or shouldn't.

But I'd like your opinions so that I can implement a story that goes to the most preferred development.

I'll give it time, prolly a week for the poll.

Answer below:

[Should Satoko Kazami be in the harem?] )

Word Count: 3.6K