
Reborn in the World of Grisaia? Is There A Reason Behind My Existence?

Amidst a dark void lies an unknown soul who with undetermined origin and past reincarnates to the works of fiction. Anime, Manga, Hentai, and all other verses that never existed came to fruition. As he comes to adapt to his living conditions and gains an unknown power in his journey. He is now known as Hiroto Kazami. And upon reincarnation, finds out he was reborn as the younger-brother of Kazuki replacing Yuuji in the world of Grisaia. But is it truly the only world? Over time, mysterious phenomenons appear out of nowhere, beings or events that have unknown origin and undetermined motives behind their actions that threatens the safety and future of the world he come across. Follow him on his journey as he unearths the mysteries within his circumstances and what lied beyond his past that had its own series of secrets that led to his entire ordeal. First World (In Progress) : —Grisaia no Meikyuu. —Yandere Simulator. —Otome Dori! —Classroom of the Elites —Happy Sugar Life! ————————————————————— (***Author’s Note*** I am still new to writing, so I am trying to get adjusted to writing a story meaning everything is still in progress and undergoing improvements as I improved in this journey. Feel free to leave a note for any problems. Another heads up, I do not own any anime, art, or character aside from the OC protagonist mentioned in this novel. It is merely a fanfiction trying to develop my writing skill. At times the cover may be an AI generated picture or one that was picked off the internet. I will try to include both, one original and one generated, so as to give the readers an image to go off on, in various styles. And considering this is a fanfic there are a lot of spoilers, so those that want to get spoiled, it is your choice to read. Additionally, the update schedule for new chapters is inconsistent which can come in days, a few weeks, and possibly rarely months. Lastly, the pacing is slow for a various reasons, as it gives me more ways to develop the story and build a decent foundation to all later future chapters. Not to mention, being too fast-paced gives off the vibes of being rushed. )

WiseStratos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Ch 4: Time…

Ten months have passed since my reincarnation. I just celebrated my first birthday recently. It's officially been one year since I was born.

Showing off my nimble and fast abilities with my trained physique was one way I exposed my skills.

Another thing is when playing some games Kazuki had like chess.

She was an interesting and somewhat challenging opponent. A lot of strategies and tactics she used that were to say the least fascinating.

However this game is one of the few I played most and is an expert on ever since before reincarnation.

Not to mention, even without my perfect memory, I can calculate and think at a complex-level to the point where I can see the entire chessboard in my head without having any troubles—provided, of course, that they speak their moves aloud.

As I consider every action they or I might take, I'm essentially foreseeing or logically thinking about the future. It can be challenging and even exhausting to try to predict every move my opponents might make in the future.

However, Kazuki was essentially child's play at this level. She might have even been able to defeat a top-level chess master if it had been someone else. So, I am essentially undefeated, winning all the games we played together. The reason I didn't let her win once, is that it helps to showing off myself.

"Hiroto—can't you at least let me win once"

Kazuki groans at my display of bringing her own pride as a genius down, feeling defeated. As I shook my head at her.

"Haha—Nee-san, where is the fun in that."

I told her while a grin on my face pops up. And Oh Man! I feel sadistic doing all of this.

Afterwards, we kept playing other games, chess many-times, before transitioning to other games she had stocked up.

Now my father, Ryouji came to witness many of these games, seeing as I was undefeated and unrivaled even against a prodigy life Kazuki herself.

He then became even more thrilled at my talents or immense potential that he could see considering I defeated her many times whom he values greatly because of her own talents that he could get profit or possibilities of hitting big in no-time. So when it came to me who can even beat her, it shocks him a lot.

"This is… magnificent"

Ryouji stated with disconnected words in awe of my display of talents looking at me with interest.

"Maybe, I should consider that deal. That offer"

He spoke once again as he smiles looking at me, eyes homing onto me.

What could he mean by that, I wonder. Oh well, I shouldn't worry too, considering there was not anything too big that happened in the original. It might even just be about putting me in competitions for money or gauging at my abilities, not too worrying, considering that was one of my goals, in exposing my talents.

Anyways, with these instances of playing games with my sister or going outside to play with her. I am quite overpowered. It makes me even wonder why I'm seeking to become strong even while knowing that humans are limited to certain boundaries they can just never overcome. Aside from my cheat memory. I don't really have any more talent that can surpass that limitation.

As I shake my head at this thought.

Never mind, just thinking of the negatives will get me nowhere but bring me down. I should just think of moving forward to success and becoming unrivaled rather than down playing myself, weakening my self-esteem. And also—just have fun in this life might be my newest and favorite goal. As I smile and quote different yet similar famous saying.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all and then another one in that… Life is all about having a good time."

As I mutter these words, a smile forms on my exceptionally cute face.

These two are saying that really stuck out to me. As my past resonates to this deeply. In my life before reincarnation, there was many points in my life.

All of this just reminds me of back then before reincarnation huh…

Maybe I truly was broken in some way. I had no parents, never experienced love and attention, nor did I sought for one like peers of my age would have and should have. As being an orphan survival is my first priority. Everyday was monotonous as it can get. A repeat of the day before. From school to my part-time job to help me get through the day.

The only light I ever found in that tasteless, colorless world is my hobbies. Not many were worth my attention or interest. I had no great ambition, only survival and my hobbies in my mind. I live for nobody, but myself. I keep moving just for my hobbies. And living for the sake of living.

Sure, this may seem edgy but it's true. A dull and mundane world is the one I lived in. After all when nothing seems worth living for, what exactly should you keep living for. What is worth me being here, I thought. Then upon coming to the world that is my hobbies, did everything come to life.

Ever since I was a kid I always had the thought that everything was bland, tasteless, and monotonous. There was nothing to look forward to, I felt nothing, not a single worth of me living that I found.

Everyday was just a repeat of the the day before unable to tell the differences between one-another. And trying to find a meaning in such a world called reality.

I came upon the world of my hobbies, anime's, mangas, and later on hentai. The only light I ever saw in my life. It started with fascination, then addiction, and that was the time that my crumbling world that is reality started to restore.

The once tasteless world became one that I looked forward to. In the end from the bottom of my heart I knew both worlds were separate. And yet existed at the same time. It just so happens we live in reality and dream of a fictional fantasy.

Which was why knowing that although I often indulged in my hobbies yet kept making strides in reality.

By maintaining a certain grade average to having a healthy lifestyle.

Above all of that, I hate losing the most if the average person can live through it, why can't I. These are one of the beliefs I hold great value to. No one likes losing, especially me, as weakness is a sin and ignorance is both considered a bliss as well as a sin.

Like knowing too much can cause you to worry or be overwhelmingly cautious. Although knowing more does give you the idea of preparing yourself for that as well as solving the unknown, knowing less makes you live your life carefree and at the same time a weakness that can bring you huge lost.

Thus I've always tried aiming to improve myself one way or the other even while doing my hobbies.

For example, when it came to reading mangas, novels, and the like, I read for both fun and analyzing each detail and try to connect for some possible clues. I do it to the point that even while thinking of possible flaws, I can still enjoy the plot or concept.

Hell, even those many Chinese fan-fiction novels with broken grammar or English, no matter how repetitive they may be, like the face-slapping tag, condescendingly rich young-masters, I can enjoy the story, even if I don't I'll just trick my brain into liking it.

Then there are games to which many don't take seriously or can't find a possible advantage to doing, the expectation that it is utterly useless and a waste of time. It does all train you in certain things you would not expect be applicable to the real world. As FPS games can rely on quick-decision, cooperation, and my personal skills, like my own individual reaction time, aiming, hand-eye coordination, and spatial cognition.

Some people don't really focused on improving these skills, so they never improve regardless if they play these games all the time.

But just as I play from time-to-time, I actually take the game seriously, to the point that I think thoroughly of my actions in-game.

Like memorizing the layout of my buttons, to analyzing enemies movement in the map, reaching top-ranks in just a matter of playing a few games with consecutive victories. Above all else trying to have fun, such as throwing grenades at points that I feel players might be on over the map, etc.

These are applicable to the real world, yet are never really used unless in such situations, like having versatile hands when under a threat of a person about to put their hands on you. The reaction time to know when to react. Amongst other things.

Although I had confidence on my abilities to face the world of Grisaia even without my cheat. It's one of my assurance to surviving simply and easily in this world.

It helps to have these skills considering that my actions already diverted the plot to a substantial amount, with my ingenuity and talents showing unlike Kazami Yuuji who displayed none, thus treated badly or neglected a lot.

But it doesn't hurt to have backups or the capability to solve any problem that might come my way no mater what it may be.

So I'll be accumulating my knowledge and skills for that purpose.


And yet another yawn let out my mouth. It's been a while, since reincarnation where I get tired besides before my time to sleep huh…

It certainly is quite stressful to think of what I may have changed with exposing my immense talents. As most of the problems later on stems from Yuuji's or now my own childhood.

Like a butterfly-effect, a chain-reaction, or otherwise a domino effect, where just the smallest or tiniest changes or action can influence the whole thing, the structure, or result of whatever was to come. Now that is nerve-racking to think about.


Letting out another yawn, feeling awfully exhausted. Let's get this over with before taking a nap.

As I'm still quite young they won't let me out to play alone unless I displayed a level of maturity or caution unlike other child. For the time being, exercising inside is the way to go about with training. And inside my own room preferably. With Kazuki busy with painting or meetings about her creations, she might not go bothering me a lot.

So, with that said I try doing push-ups for a start, and considering these type of workout depend on your bodyweight.

An hour later passes by and a small frail child can be seen filled with sweat, gasping for air.


This much should be enough for the day, it's enough load to render me unable to stand up clear on my feet and my arms feel stupidly sore.

Started from push-ups, to squats, and then running around my room, considering I'm a small child with miniature amount of weight my steps shouldn't have caused too loud of a movement, a fuss, or vibrations around the house.

'I need a shower'

I thought feeling grime and sweat all over me putting me at a great discomfort.

Heading to the bathroom as intended. Albeit quietly and cautiously. Then I was caught. Kazuki knowing what I was about to do, stopped me in my tracks. As she smiles and grabs my hand taking her own new set of clothes with her as she grabs my hand towards the bathroom to take a shower of course, nothing drastic or inappropriate according to this world as my sister tried to normalize. Anyways…

Everyone around me just seems oddly-large, like miniature titan, large walls that surpasses my height by great margins. Even the buildings are absurdly tall, a behemoth.

(1 Year Time Skip)

I'm officially two-years old. I heard from my father, Ryouji I'll be sent to a facility with special kids, peers that receive advanced education, they say it's a place that I can grow to the best, and I'll be leaving just a few weeks from now. The so called ideal environment or educational institution for humans to grow.

Not too much of a big deal, actions have consequences. My plan of exposing my talents led to this change.

My mother, Satoko as well as Kazuki is really against it, voicing out their concerns.

"Ryouji, it's too soon to be sending him away. At least wait until he's in college"

"That's right! Why didn't you send me in his place"

He never really told me what it was that I'll be sent away to, but I guess these are one of the instances that my influence early on, diverted the main storyline huh… shouldn't be too major or much of a big deal.

"The decision is final, no buts or ifs…Besides the offer was too high to pass by. And it'll be a good thing for him seeing as it's a prestigious private institutions run by high-ranking officials. I mean we've met with them in multiple instances Kazuki. At the time we were selling some of your works."

Ryouji explained with a stern face as he objected to their argument.

"Isn't Hiroto—still too young to go to some place that doesn't even have much information to go by, other than a letter from one of those acquaintances of ours!"

My sister, Kazuki intervened with an equally seriously perplexed expression and pressing on with questions she had about this so called privately-run educational institution that was suspicious and secretive that it isn't even mention in public or the internet.

"As I said, this is final!"

Ryouji says with a frown for the last time before storming off the room.

Leaving my mother upset standing in her place having troubles on how to refute my father's decision, considering she is bad up against him, it must be tough on her. My sister having her eyes glowing a bright red as if she had a grudge on Ryouji.

I don't necessarily care considering, I'm an adult who recently graduated high school prior to reincarnation. In simpler terms, I'm no child-mentally, meaning I don't crave attention, desire one, nor do I even need and sought for one.

Hell, I even sleep in complete darkness where only the only light came from my phone before my reincarnation. But to get them to calm down a bit, I guess I should tell them directly of my thoughts and feelings to clear all of this fuss.

"It's fine with me. I don't really care where I learn mom and—Kazuki. Besides won't I see you guys again in a few years. It's not like I'll forget all of you or not be able to see you ever again. I can handle myself pretty well, so you guys don't have to worry too much for my sake"

I voiced out with a smile on my exceptionally cute face.

"And also I think it might be pretty fun. I've been really bored lately, so this might be a nice change of pace Hahh~"

I continued whilst letting out a yawn at the end as if their concerns of what just happened doesn't bother me with a carefree expression


Kazuki rendered speechless, trying to find a reason to argue with my answer.

"Fine… alright! But everyday before you leave in a few weeks you'll be staying in my room from now on."

She says this seriously and wholeheartedly pulling me to her in a hug.

"Hahh~ Alright I can deal with that."

Letting out a sigh I agreed with her proposal as it was one of the few ways I could calm her concerns.

As my mother, Satoko sighed too in disbelief not just from her own concerns, but my response, and at even my sister's recent proposals as well as my acceptance her request.

So whilst I stay at my home for the time being, I'll make the most of it, looking outside for any fun that I can find here before I move out to there. I want to explore the very home that the original protagonist lived in. It got me riled up just thinking about it. Just on this thought, I got distracted by something.

Hmm— what's that I'm hearing.

Attracted to a sound somewhere in front of him.

Looking over stands a blue panel in the mid-air in front of his face with a text laid out.


[ Ding! ]

[ System Activation Sequence… ]

[ Host Detected! ]

[ Syncing in progress…

Syncing in progress…

Syncing in progress…

Syncing in progress… ]

[ Sync Succesful! ]

[ System Binded to Host, Hiroto Kazami! ]

[ Hello Host! ]


In just a short few seconds everything changed.

As I smile unconsciously and uncontrollably to the blue display in front of me.

So much so that I let out a small laugh unconsciously.


This small gesture attracts attention from Kazuki and my mother. But I can't really stop smiling and laughing right now.

Not caring about them at the moment.

As my cheat has just arrived. I can't contain my excitement.

I remember all those attempts around the time I was just born literally(lmao), trying my best to call out STATUS.

Later on, I tried doing it again when I can actually speak coherently to no avail.

But the way I posed in front of Kazuki made me look like a fool. A chuunibyou, heh… She thought it was cute of me doing that.

Reminiscing those times, as I felt the massive lump on my back that was weighing in on me at the thought of the world I have out for me and troubles ahead of me give out.

Like something's been released. A comforting feeling.

As the system brought me a huge assurance to solve all of my problems. And possibly even more—

Looking at the clear-blue skies by the window of my home, my mind cleared, with a huge grin on my face. With my arms crossed one-another.

Closing my eyes tight.

As I thought, I just can't wait any longer.


Upon opening his pair of silver-grey eyes, they radiate with an incomparable luster, adding more to his already handsome appearance.

Looking once again at the transparent blue display in front of him that spoke in a mechanical-voice in his head.

[ Hello Host! ]

With a large grin on my face.

It just made everything more interesting.

Let's see—

'Hey System tell me what you can do?'

As I thought of a question in my head knowing a bit on how systems in novels may operate.

[ Yes Host! ]

The system responded in a mechanical voice. As afterwards another blue transparent display popped in front of my face showing four-options.


[ Host: Hiroto Kazami ]

< Age: 2 >

< Race: Human >

< Points: 0 >

[ Status ]

[ Lottery ]

[ Shop ]

[ Worlds ]


'Hmm—system tell me all I need to know about each function.'

Hiroto thought in his head as another set of display pops into view.


[ Yes Host! ]

{ Status shows your rank and skills.

Lottery is a gamble to which you can gain randomly useless items, skill, or abilities to overpowered ones. 3000 points for a full ten-pull with a higher rate for rare items, skills, abilities, or bloodlines.

Shops list 3 purchasable things that can be absolutely anything, from meaningless things to useful stuff. From skills to abilities, to items, and to bloodlines. They refresh every year. The form of currency to buying items are points received from interfering with the Fate or plot of the World. And the price depends on the value of the items presented. The Host also has the option of forcefully resetting the Shop with 1000 Points rather than waiting a full-year.

Points are generally harvested via the amount of interference of the fate or plot of the World

Worlds include the Main World of where you started from which is the Host starting world. Current Worlds are world's you have visited. When traveling to other worlds, there are two-possibilities that may occur with their own set of advantages in terms of visiting.

Both are set to avoid from angering the World's Will to interfere with your arrival or changes. And at the time of traveling will retain previous abilities or bloodlines prior and done so gradually as they age, adapting with time in order for the body to accomodate such loads.

The time of the World the Host travels to can also be warped to a random time of the plot of the world. And to obtain a World Ticket, a major change or interference by the Host must occur and granted as a reward that will allow Host to leave the world to a random world or via spending a substantial amount of points to afford one. For a reference, the cost of a ticket is 5000 Points.

Any further inquiries are unauthorized. }
