
Reborn in the World of Grisaia? Is There A Reason Behind My Existence?

Amidst a dark void lies an unknown soul who with undetermined origin and past reincarnates to the works of fiction. Anime, Manga, Hentai, and all other verses that never existed came to fruition. As he comes to adapt to his living conditions and gains an unknown power in his journey. He is now known as Hiroto Kazami. And upon reincarnation, finds out he was reborn as the younger-brother of Kazuki replacing Yuuji in the world of Grisaia. But is it truly the only world? Over time, mysterious phenomenons appear out of nowhere, beings or events that have unknown origin and undetermined motives behind their actions that threatens the safety and future of the world he come across. Follow him on his journey as he unearths the mysteries within his circumstances and what lied beyond his past that had its own series of secrets that led to his entire ordeal. First World (In Progress) : —Grisaia no Meikyuu. —Yandere Simulator. —Otome Dori! —Classroom of the Elites —Happy Sugar Life! ————————————————————— (***Author’s Note*** I am still new to writing, so I am trying to get adjusted to writing a story meaning everything is still in progress and undergoing improvements as I improved in this journey. Feel free to leave a note for any problems. Another heads up, I do not own any anime, art, or character aside from the OC protagonist mentioned in this novel. It is merely a fanfiction trying to develop my writing skill. At times the cover may be an AI generated picture or one that was picked off the internet. I will try to include both, one original and one generated, so as to give the readers an image to go off on, in various styles. And considering this is a fanfic there are a lot of spoilers, so those that want to get spoiled, it is your choice to read. Additionally, the update schedule for new chapters is inconsistent which can come in days, a few weeks, and possibly rarely months. Lastly, the pacing is slow for a various reasons, as it gives me more ways to develop the story and build a decent foundation to all later future chapters. Not to mention, being too fast-paced gives off the vibes of being rushed. )

WiseStratos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Ch 3: Another Day and Plans…

Many days passes by, it goes as follows, monotonously, repetitively, and blandly.

As an infant there is not much for me to do or remotely even have the energy to do, as even the most lightest physical or mentally challenging activities are hard for me to muster myself to accomplish.

And recovery takes place just after doing all my training, so as to not overdo myself.

So I just lie there everyday either sleeping, thinking, or eating amongst other things babies do.

Anyways it is morning, passed by many days since reincarnation. Everything was exceedingly bright to say the least, as keeping my eyes on for too long feels straining and draining.

At this moment of time I am simply too fragile to get work done. And that ain't good considering actions have consequences. If I go on lazing around, not working for a grind it'll backfire sometime in the future. Hell, possibly even unrecoverable from that scenario.

After all actions turn to habits, then becomes a hobby, lastly in the end turn to your way of life. Once it reaches the last point the difficulty to change for the better seems insurmountable to overcome.

Which is why—I can't lose myself in any stage of my life, no matter what, never did I in my last life, and it will not happen in this one.

So with that said I need more access to resources to fuel my growth. And to do just that… I need to expose myself as a unique and intelligent child to my family. One that will make me valuable to my father as well as enough to invest in me.

As long as I do not exactly show my maturity so early on, they will just label me as a prodigy, something quite typical in any world, some just are better than others period.

And in both cases before reincarnation and after it, I had a powerful cheat. That unique ability being my Photographic-memory. It's literally like walking around with immense information, knowledge, or otherwise a library living in my head. I can store just about any amount of information without ever forgetting down to a smallest or single detail of that memory. Such as every word from a book, the looks of the book without forgetting…

Hmm—without ever forgetting huh… I guess that's not exactly the case anymore. It's not to do with losing that ability, rather it feels that it is not as powerful as I made it out to be before.

It seems that my memory of the past before reincarnation is starting to be fuzzy or blurred in some way that it feels as if I forgot something.

Now that's a start, never had I experience forgetting something even to a small extent so it's a very intriguing thought. If I keep thinking on memories I feel foggy on, it does seem to get less obscured and I start remembering, it's just that this is the case for most of my memory.

So, a theory I came up with that may be the reason for this issue that shouldn't be possible for a person of great or unparalleled memory is of course—my reincarnation. There is no other way to explain it.

As the process of reincarnation usually involves starting from the very start, as an infant. Now infants are very underdeveloped in many aspects different from other animals like horses who come out more developed, able to stand on their feet's, walk around, which is far more than what human infants are capable of. Essentially helpless without the help of their parents.

Anyways reincarnation is still a clear mystery thus why it's still a theory, now back on topic, infants come off weak and undeveloped, including the brain.

Now the way the brain has been structured or an external process such as the supernatural may grant photographic-memory and when it came for reincarnates with prior memories, it most likely overwhelms my underdeveloped brain to an extent, one of the symptoms may be this current problem I have at the moment.

Which is a huge problem, as another thing that occurs in this stage in my life from what I remember is infantile-amnesia, the inability to usually recollect memories as early as my age or in childhood later on.

Although I probably shouldn't worry too much about this, as I already formed a proper ego, learned the language, and can think consciously unlike other babies who just louse around all day without coherent thoughts and awaiting stimulus.


I let out a yawn after this long thought I just had. It shouldn't even be too much of a problem, so I should just forget it for the time being.

Not to mention all of those lost memories seem easily recoverable as long as I think a little hard on it, so enough with that thought. Now, that was tiring, so it's nap time…

As I feel myself slipping and exhausted from earlier, I try to recover some energy by sleep.

Then I blacked out.

A few hours passes by, until Hiroto began awakening from his slumber in the comfort of his mother's arms.

'How long has it been'

I thought groggily feeling quite lazy, not like I'd get a device to kill my boredom. I need a break, not to mention me being quite weak, even my eyes can't handle this level of brightness, it's compelling me greatly to even keep them open. I guess I'll continue off on my thoughts before with my eyes closed.

Hopefully I don't accidentally fall asleep…

A way to pass time huh—I guess it's time to gain my father, Ryouji's support.

I can't really find myself liking him, so I won't directly show my intellect or talent. Rather I'd show it with my actions. So with that said, first train to stand, walk, then read in the open. That should make them surprise at how early on I do these things that usually will take a year or so on average.

As I resolutely try to stand up wobbling a lot even whilst using a sofa to push myself up. I can't help but go down.

'It really is difficult'

The thought of doing it seemed easy, but it feels like I don't have much control over my body and senses, no wonder infants take a lot of time until they can get a hold of this. They cry a lot as well because of the intense sensitivity they hold. This truly might take a while.


Letting out yet another yawn right after thinking of things while trying to get used to my body. Now this is just absurd, the amount of naps I can take seem endless, I get tired frequently and just feel like going to sleep for hours without end. At this rate I won't get work done or accomplish much.

Yosh. Let's sort all my plans out.

First, build up physical and mental strength to get off this lazy and tiresome phase of mine by eating healthily as well as exercising bit-by-bit for for my body.

Second, gradually expose all of my talents. In order to keep that father of mine off my back, other than him using me as a tool for profit, it's less troublesome going in this development.

I mean who the hell would want to go through a life of abuse like the original protagonist did.

After all, one of the things this conniving father of mine did to the former, was starve him that will be detrimental to my progress.

And I'll get rid of him sooner or later in the future anyways.

Third, repeat the first step in moderately challenging amount with the addition of gaining more knowledge of this world.

Heh… not too challenging considering I'm also somewhat of a prodigy myself.

Although I was not the kind to show my talents because of my more introverted and quiet persona.

Not to mention my addiction to reading novels, animes, mangas, doujinshis of all sorts, you name it.

Now with that said, training gradually should be the best way of improvement, who knows if I accidentally permanently damage myself, so early on, that is irreparable or unfixable later on.

But there's no way I can relax so easily even with that way of training, slacking off can spell the end of me when it comes down to a time I need it, for fighting, bullying, or some situation I get myself in that require these skills.

The problem most kids faced at an early age is the lack of discipline, effort, passion, and patience, I don't want to be one of them considering I already overcame it, a shame it would be if I regress in that way. Anyways, these are critical values that really can influence you to great extents. One of which was a problem I might still have.

The passion, determination, and drive to pursue their dreams, is what I lack, as besides my hobbies I don't find much interest in anything at all. In other words my motivation to do remotely anything has high-chances of lowering due to this issue. I never really even knew what I wanted with my life. I just wanted a job to be able to spend on my hobbies.

Hell, the only reason for why I was actually balancing my school life to my hobbies despite my addiction to them is that I knew full well at an early age having experienced the life of being an orphan that survival is of utmost importance. If I let go of my hobbies it will mean boredom and negativity will spread to me. If it's my school life or myself in general, only doing my hobbies, I would lose at life, meaning becoming a fat hobo that louses around all day, it is also noted that an unhealthy body indicates a lot about you and influences you in some ways. Like having a hearty body means great stamina and energy to do things, whether it be completing physically straining activities or mental ones, it is surprisingly all connected.

So, with my addiction, I sort of diverted my motivation for my hobbies to something along the lines of if I wanted to keep continuing my actual passion in my hobbies, then I need to finish this, work on that, and basically succeed in life, getting a job, etc. And to an extent it worked…

Although that kind of motivation with my addiction to my hobbies might not work in this world. The fact that it was an anime world can replace that factor of motivation myself to keep making strides in reality, meaning exercising and keeping up my grades. But this time—I'll be the best I ever was in both lives, after all, this time I truly do have a passion, a drive, a will to succeed unlike never before. As a smile unconsciously creeps up on my smooth-baby face.

I wonder what kinds of changes I should make. I can't wait to meet the other cast hmm…

Opening my silver-grey eyes to the sight of my mother in front of me looking down at me. As upon noticing me fully awake with my eyes open she looks down at me in her arms.

"Good Morning Hiroto! Just wait a few more hours-then we will be going home."

My mother spoke to me unbeknownst to whether or not I can actually understand her.

I just look back at her blinking repeatedly

Anyways home huh…

A few months passes by of repetitive attempts at walking. It was a challenge, but I was able to overcome it. On average a infant usually starts walking at 12 months, but I was able to leverage my growth down to only nearly two-months.

My small feeble failed attempts of who knows how many times led me to this point.

It started with a lot of crawling to get used to moving let's say a month or two in doing that. Then taking my first steps standing, a bit over one-month.

Another thing that I remember is that infants or babies usually have great flexibility at birth. Something along the lines of the bones of the baby at an early age have cartilage as bones allowing for them to be both strong and flexible.

And only when they get older for when bones harden and the kid matures do some stop being flexible, whereas some rare instances that others keep that level of flexibility.

So with that in mind, I started to regularly stretch myself in many ways daily, as I do not want to risk missing out in this stage of development that might otherwise be more painful than it had to be when I get older and mature.

Other than the constant observation of my father who looks at me with a scheming eye that annoys the hell out of me. Everything was going well or doing fine.

"Kochi(Here). Kochi(Here).. Come here little Hiro~"

Kazuki, my little sister tries to lure me to her.

I guess she had nothing better to do at the moment. I'll play with her seeing as she's usually busy off to develop her talents as intended by my sh** father, Ryouji.

As I walk wobbly but with an upright posture towards her.

"Hehe.. You're too cute Hiro~"

Kazuki mentions affectionately as she rubs her face to mine.

I can respond to her though somewhat incoherent at the moment. I planned on revealing my ability to speak soon. Actually never mind, now might be a good time, it should spread the awareness that I'm a developing genius in some way


As I turn my head to the side staring at her and told her name albeit slurred as well as a bit incoherently..

It seemed to have work. She was speechless.

"That's precious… no I mean—Hiroto just spoke for the first time and it's my name!"

As my sisters cheeks turn with pink in front of me. That in itself is cute of her considering her expressionless face in contrast to her affection towards me is quite an appealing sight.

At least in the original series, she was stern, calm, collected, and indifferent individual according to how Amane Suou, a friend of Kazuki described her.

And only in front of her brother did she show her jealous and uncontrollable obsession. Which is to say, she will be just as fond of me, seeing as I replaced Yuuji's spot.

"Say it again Hiroto—"

She says this as she pulls me in looking at me in the eye begging for me to say her name once again.

*Sigh* what a pain. Oh well it doesn't hurt to do as she says, but… I guess that's one way to spread all of this.

"Oi! Kazuki, what are you asking your little-brother to do"

My mother, Satoko caught on, as she questioned my sister's excited behavior and loud begging just now.

"Ah! Pardon me, b-but H-Hiroto just spoke for the first time!"

Kazuki calmed down and then excitedly told her once again when she mentioned me with a small smile on her somewhat kuudere-like face.


Satoko surprised at me speaking as she looks at me.


I called out the name of my sister once again pointing to her this time and a little more clearer than the first time, something my mother noticed and heard this time.


And then I called out the name of my mother, before switching to mom. Whilst also pointing at her.

Now this time it shocked both of them. At the fact that I was able to speak quite well for my age and being able to recognize who is whom. I'm guessing even with Kazuki's genius mind, even she didn't talk like this so early.

After all the age range for the earliest a human on average speak lies somewhere around a year or so. So my early and yet so advanced way of speaking just now, it makes sense as to why they're appalled to this extent.

Not to mention at the tender age of nearly three months since my birth.

"Hmm—what's all this noise I've been hearing recently, Satoko!"

My father, Ryouji makes his entranced attracted by what just occurred.

I hate to say this but…


I said whilst saying his name and then dad albeit cut off, as if I have troubles speaking.

As much as he is my father, I can't get to liking him as one considering I knew full-well of how he actually is from the anime.

Not exactly the kind I'd respect, but not attracting attention has always been my thing, never wanted any, sought for one, and only avoided one, so I developed many ways to divert attention away from me.

One of them is by just going with the flow, to not aggravating my enemies, by simply complying until my bottom-line gets provoked.

"Hoh—now this is quite interesting!"

Ryouji said so with a grin as he looks down on me who stares back at him, with a smile that eventually diminishes as I stare at my sister and mother instead.

All of which gives me the demeanor of being intelligent or aware unlike other babies perhaps.