
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · ย้อนยุค
423 Chs

134. Cai Wenji's Dilemma

As for the others, they can divide who's turn will be next after Chen Deng. He hopes that this project can be finished as fast as possible so that he can use the profits to continue his entire project to be resumed, as the time for Doing Zhuo rise is getting nearer and he slowly can't use the original trajectory due to his butterfly effect.

The ones he called were the younger advisors who physically could handle the burden of traveling between Xiapi and Huai'An, he wanted to center his industry in Huai'An making it an industrial center, expanding across the coast where it would become a new Major Town in the future.

Huai'An will become an Industrial Port Cty in the future, of course for heavy industry that produces pollution in the future he will make them centered in the land of Shu or Yi Province.

It's far away from the sea which can help reduce the waste being thrown into the sea, and the tribesmen under Meng Huo's leadership in the future can become cheap labor.

Lie Fan let his advisors with the help of his Mother and their Merchant Group operate the project, Today it's not like in the past when he needed to do almost everything by himself because he lacked the talent he trusted or competent enough.

After the meeting was adjourned, Lie Fan returned to his residence where he arrived he saw Cai Wenji walking out. Looking at the time, it looks like Wannian class is finished for today so Cai Wenji is going home.

Lie Fan can't ignore the growing feelings he has for Cai Wenji any longer, since that incident he has begun to be attracted to this gentle and elegant lady especially when Wannian was kidnapped her care for Wannian touched Liw Fan even further.

He wants to slap himself, knowing that he already has 2 wives at home waiting for him here he was looking to add another one.

His heart has become more greedy since having Diao Chan after Ying Yue, he comes from a world that supports monogamy but since coming to this world and the incident with Diao Chan, he began to accept the culture of this time and even become part of it.

While thinking of this, suddenly he saw the afternoon sunlight shine across Cai Wenji's face, highlighting her beauty and elegance which made him unknowingly approach Cai Wenji.

Cai Wenji was waiting for her carriage and saw a figure approaching her. Due to the sunlight shining across her face, she can't see clearly who is approaching her until the distance between them is shortened. Seeing that it was Lie Fan, Cai Wenji's heart began to beat faster and she began to be nervous

Lie Fan: "Lady Cai Wenji, what a surprise to meet you at this time I thought you had gone back home like usual."

Cai Wenji: " Hello Governor Lie Fan, I should have gone back but today Wannian held me back and didn't let me go home until Lady Ying Yue and Lady Diao Chan persuaded her to let me leave."

Lie Fan: "Haha I'm sorry about that, looks like since the kidnapping incident Wannian grew more attached to all the people that accompany her, especially you Lady Cai Wenji."

Cai Wenji's smile grew warmer when she heard what Lie Fan said, Wannian had indeed become more attached to her. From being afraid of her due to her being strict, to now acting like a spoiled sister to her elder sister.

Cai Wenji suddenly blushed, thinking that if she became Wannian elder sister then that meant she become Lie Fan's wife or concubine.

Lie Fan sees Cai Wenji's red face and thinks that because of the sun, her face becomes red which adds more charm to her. Lie Fan asks her if she needs an umbrella, as her face has grown red saying that it is bad for her health if she gets heatstroke.

Cai Wenji who is deep in her thoughts becomes flustered when she hears Lie Fan's concern, shaking her head frantically she refuses Lie Fan's offer of lending her an umbrella while at the same time, her heart beats faster due to Fan's concern for her well-being.

She is too shy to stay here with Lie Fan, deciding to wait for her carriage further away from Lie Fan so she says goodbye to Lie Fan. Because her being flustered when she tried to walk, she accidentally stepped on her skirt which stumbled her backward.

Lie Fan seeing this instantly reacted by putting his hand on her waist, and then pulling her closer to him to stabilize both of them so that they would not fall.

Cai Wenji who closed her eyes didn't feel the impact she expected but felt the warm hand on her waist, opening her eyes she saw that she was being hugged in the said by Lie Fan while looking up at him.

Realizing what just happened and many people are seeing the comprised situation between her and Lie Fan, Cai Wenji's fabecomesame bright red and if it's a cartoon movie you will see steam going out from atop her head.

Lie Fan's bodyguard and all of the Lie Clan Guards there immediately turned around, acting like nothing was going on behind them, and didn't dare to see this scene afraid of offending Lie Fan.

Lie Fan: "Lady Cai Wenji! Are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Cai Wenji: "N-no! Thank you Governor Lie Fan f-for helping me but can you release your hand and help me st-stand up?"

Lie Fan: "Ah Yes! I'm sorry I don't mean to put my hand on your waist, it's just that suddenly you fall backward, and my instinct just kicked in to save you from falling."

Cai Wenji: "I-Its okay Governor Lie Fan, I know that you just wanted to help me, thank you for doing so."

Seeing Cai Wenji's red face and how shy she is, makes Lie Fan suddenly want to tease her to see her reaction. Lie Fan takes a step forward toward Cai Wenji, and Cai Wenji's face becomes even redder while her heart feels like it will go out from her chest due to how fast it beats.

Lie Fan: *whispered* "It's okay it's my pleasure to help a beauty like Lady Cai and feel how soft your waist is and how fragrant your body is."

Cai Wenji: "Go-Governor Lie Fan! P-please respect yourself! H-how can you tease other women while your wives is waiting inside?!"

Lie Fan stifled his laughter, he became more attracted to Cai Wenji as her scolding right now was like a kitten's pawing its owner asking for food angrily. He apologized to Cai Wenni, saying that he just wanted to tease her and that he was sorry if he was out of line.

Cai Wenji didn't know why Lie Fan suddenly acted like this, giving her some kind of hope that they could be together. Her father Cai Yong will not approve of her becoming a concubine, even though it's not just someone's concubine but the Concubine of the Governor of Xu Province Lie Fan the War hero.

Suddenly the two of them heard the sound of a carriage approaching, and when they turned their heads they saw a Cai Clan carriage approaching their location. Cai Wenji sees this as a life-saving grace from heaven came to save her, she hurriedly bid her goodbyes to Lie Fan and entered her carriage escaping from this awkward and tense situation.

Lie Fan seeing Vai Wenji back running away is like seeing a rabbit escaping from the mouth of its predator, it turns out the gentle and elegant Cai Wenji also has this cute side that makes him become more greedy to hold her.

Surprised by his thought, Lie Fan immediately shook his head. He smiles bitterly thinking that he is becoming more lustful and turning somewhat like Cao Cao who likes beauties very much.

Lie Fan then entered his residence, where he met with Ying Yue and Diao Chan after separating for almost 3 months. He hugged the two of them without considering all of his servants passing by, Ying Yue and Diao Chan's faces turned red as public affection at this time is almost none due to conservative thinking.

Lie Fan: "My Wives I'm home! Do the two of you miss me while I'm away?"

Ying Yue: "Husband let us go first, you're embarrassing us look at how the servants and maids watching us?!"

Diao Chan: "Fufu while it is embarrassing, I think they should know that our husband loves us very much."

Lie Fan: "Humph! Why can't I hug my lawfully wedded wives in broad daylight, what law barred me from doing so will be cut down by me!"

Looking at Lie Fan's funny action of imitating a sword cutting down something, makes both of them laugh happily. Ying Yue and Diao Chan both feel grateful for meeting and marrying Lie Fan, he doted on both of them so much and allowed them to do almost anything they ever wanted.

On the other side, Cai Wenji who is sitting inside her carriage is fanning her faces with her hand. She is still in shock at what just happened, Lie Fan dared to tease her in broad daylight with his bodyguards and guards around the two of them.

While embarrassed, she is also happy and tries to stop the growing happiness from growing. While her father Cai Yong dotes on her, and respects Lie Fan very much she knows that the chance of her being with Lie Fan as a concubine will be very low.

She opened the curtain beside her, looking out to the orange sky. She regrets accepting the position to tutor Wannian right now, the growing feelings she has for Lie Fan that she managed to curb at Luoyang now have blossomed into a very beautiful flower waiting to be showered with water of love.

Suddenly she felt her face get wet, touching her face she was surprised by the tears that poured down from her eyes without her even realizing it. She just closed her eyes and prayed to heaven, pleading to heaven to give her an answer.

She is standing at a crossroads now, one road leading to Lie Fan for love and the other to her father Cai Yong for filial love. Both roads caused her a big dilemma, she didn't want to lose either one of them knowing that she was being greedy by feeling so.

What Cai Wenji doesn't know is, that the carriage isn't heading toward the Cai Clan residence but heading toward the slums which can't be called slums now as the conditions have improved since Lie Fan taking over Xiapi. Suddenly the carriage stopped, waking Cai Wenji from her thoughts, and seeing that she wasn't at her mansion she was confused.

Suddenly the carriage door was opened, and a pair of masked men could be seen as the opening the door. Cai Wenji began to panic and tried to scream for help, seeing this one of the masked men hurriedly approached her and used a cloth dipped in a sleeping drug to drug her to sleep.

Masked Man A: "Are you sure that we will accept this assignment? Even though the money is very big, you know that the Fang Clan is now in ruins because of this."

Masked Man B: "What do you know?! Master Tao Qian is the Inspector of Xu Province and he must have his own ways of covering our tracks."

Masked Man A: "So what if Tao Qian is the inspector?! Lie Fan is the Governor and there's a rumor that Lie Fan and Cai Wenji have a thing!"

Masked Man B: "That's Why Master Tao Qian gave us the commission idiot! We can't kidnap both of his wives who are protected in his mansion, Cai Wenji on the other hand is easier."

Masked Man A: "Whatever, do you know what purpose Master Tao Qian had In kidnapping this woman?"

Masked Man B: "I don't really know, but I overheard that a certain noble in the capital contacted Tao Qian to do this and he will ensure his position becoming the Governor of Xu Province."

While both of the Masked Man are talking, they don't know that a group of Oriole members are watching them from the roof. Waiting for a moment to strike and collect information at the same time, it was lucky that they were in the area and decided to follow Cai Wenji's Carriage as she had top-level importance from the Grandmaster.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 5)

SP: 706.700


STR: 775

VIT: 349

AGI: 343

INT: 361

CHR: 93

WIS: 299

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0

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