
reborn in the pokemon world

meows_morales · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

The hatchling

Darius POV:

After my father handed me the kommo-o egg, I was so excited. I used to have a kommo-o in my previous sun and moon gameplay, she was always a MVP and helped fight through a lot of battles

"Thank you dad!", I said happily " Ive always wanted a kommo-o in the future, your kommo-o was always so cool and strong".

"HA, of course she is, it is MY kommo-o " Dad bragged proudly (Ima name this guy Joseph, from the Bible)

"Joseph, stop all that bragging and hand Darius the egg" my mother Mary demanded.(yep, I'm naming her Mary as well) my father looked down in embarrassment for being scolded infront of his own son. "Alright alright" Joseph then gently handed Darius the egg

Darius struggled to hold the egg, (the egg is about the same size as the first stage of a pokemon, so imagine a 4'3 7 year old trying to carry a 2'0 egg that's half his height)

seeing his son struggling, Joseph immediately took the egg back and sat it on the table. "Let's not do that again.." Joseph muttered under his breath

(Timeskip to 10 months, Darius POV)

My egg is finally hatching, I am SO excited, this will be my first Pokemon and starter in this life. I've been dreaming of this day my entire life.

I watched in astonishment as tiny cracks started appearing on the egg, I hear a slight banging sound inside the egg, it seems the egg is trying to headbutt it's way out.

The mother kommo-o watched in the back as her baby was finally coming out of the egg, the mother had a slight grin on its face.

Finally, the jangmo-o broke out, looking around for its mother, before looking right at me, it then started crying,

Darius then gently picked it up and started slowly rocking the baby.

Joseph and Mary rushed into the room with bottles filled with berry juice and a warm blanket, Darius wrapped the baby pokemon up before feeding it the bottle until it fell asleep.

Joseph then whipped out his pokedex to scan the jangmo-o

"Jangmo-o, the scaly pokemon, Jangmo-o has the pride of a warrior, although it remains humble about its capabilities. In its pursuit to become stronger, it never neglects its training" the robotic voice of the pokedex said

I looked at my father bewildered, "I never knew you had a pokedex" I said, trying to be as quiet as possible

My father just looked at me and said "I AM a pokemon trainer, did you think I just went around writing about the pokemon I run into?" "Even though it is expensive..." He muttered

"Can it also check a pokemons moves?" I asked, just wanting to be sure

"Hn, of course it can." He then pressed a button on the pokedex, it said

"This pokemon knows the moves leer,dragon breath, and focus punch" said the pokedex.

"How does it know focus punch? I didn't know kommo-o had that move" I asked

"You don't remember scrafty?" My mother asked "well... I did rarely let you around him, he is rather violent " she muttered

(Guess what... ANOTHER timeskip, Darius POV again)

It's been 5 months, I'm now 8 and my jangmo-o can finally start training (with its mother close by of course)

"Jangmo-o, try using dragon breath again" I said as I watched my jangmo-o struggle to produce the dragon energy, 'it seems jangmo-o can't shoot out the energy correctly' I thought to myself

I then saw my father's kommo-o walk up and begin to breath in and out, producing dragon fire as well,

Jangmo-o then began breathing in and out as well, copying the kommo-o, the only problem was... Jangmo-o was only releasing tiny puffs of smoke,

'hm, it seems jangmo-o is either too young, or just can't, I hope it's just too Young'

"Alright... JANGMO-O USE FOCUS PUNCH ON THAT TREE!" I shouted pointing at a nearby tree

Jangmo-o then stopped doing that breathing exercise to charge fighting energy into it's head, once it was finished charging, it began rushing at the tree

Once it hit the tree, it destroyed a small part of the tree.

The kommo-o just side eyed me before grunting and walking away, always watching me and it's baby

Chapter end. Whew, it's been awhile since I wrote on this app, I hope this chapter was good enough for you all