
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
157 Chs

War Part 2

Itachi and the rest of the Uchiha all had Black Demi-God Modes, they all grew wings and had on Purple Susanoo Gear, as they soared over the sky they launched giant waves of Amaterasu at the tailed beast, burning them into nothing.

The battlefield erupted into chaos, explosions that could level entire cities were being thrown around like raindrops during a typhoon.

Countless soldiers fought against the beast, picking them off one by one.

Madara grunted and looked back at Shion who was about to slap him in the face again.

His body exploded as he used the perfect Susanoo, only this one was pure black, Shion raised her hand and formed a hand sign, "Moon Goddess Mode!"

Her entire body glowed as the outline of a beautiful and powerful lunar blue Avatar that represented Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the Moon. She wore a long transparent scarf with a blueish tint, the scarf flowed around her arms and floated behind and above her head.

The Avatar wore a long flowing and beautiful Kimono that had pink on top and a light lunar gray cherry blossoms around the fringe of the arms and feet. The Kimono showed off her hips as they were parted at her hips, over top of the Kimono, the Avatar wore a white grey samurai type armor that was the same color as the moon.

"You! Who are you!?" Madara shouted.

"I'm the wife of the leader from the village you just tried to blow up!" Shion said as she raised her hands and cupped them together in a circle. "Divine Eclipse!" A moon formed in the center of her hands and charged a powerful beam of Immortal Energy that took the shape of a cylinder.

Madara grunted as he performed a series of Jutsus, and dodged the massive beam that shot out of the planet's atmosphere and into the distant stars, after seeing the sheer amount of power coming from her, Madara decided to get serious, "Heavenly Obstacle, Quaking Stars!" Dozens of Meteors started to fall, each of the of descending objects instead of being made from stone, were made giant Orbs of Truth that could level a nation.

"Shattering Space, Swallowing Void!" Shion shouted as her Avatar performed a series of hand signs.

The space around the Truth-Seeking Balls suddenly tore open and pulled them in, no more than a second later, a large series of explosions went off in the distant stratosphere.

Madara directed his Limbo Clones to attack her, however, his jaw almost dropped in surprise as he witnessed her doge their attacks without even looking.

That's when he noticed her eyes, "That seems familiar! Wait a minute, you're the Shrine Maiden of the Land of Demons!"

Shion raised out her arm and slapped her hands together, "Nefilim Form!" The Pure Angel and Demon energy merged into her core as the Chang'e Avatar grew long white angel wings with black quills running down the spine of the feathers, next, a half black and white ring appeared behind her Avatar's back and slowly began to rotate.

As she shouted, her aura alone began tearing up the surrounding land, she made a few hand signs and pointed to the sky, "Divine Wrath!"

A large beam of light shined down on the entire area around them, his Limbo Clones, suddenly visible to the world.

Shion performed a series of hand signs causing the light to suddenly scream, Madara's eyes widened because he sensed the immense amount of Immortal Energy gathering in the pillar at an alarming rate.

He quickly pulled his Limbo Clones back into his body, he couldn't risk losing them and started to perform a series of hands signs of his own.

"Yasaka Magatama Shuriken" Several, Truth Seeking Orbs gathered together and turned into large black and purple Magatamas that linked together in the shape of a three-bladed shuriken, the encircling Magatamas suddenly blew up in size as his Immortal energy shot through the roof, he flicked his finger and shot them up at the light that was descending as Shion directed the attack by lowering her hand.

The Beam that came from the heavens crashed down colliding with the Yasaka Magatama Shurikens, the two Immortal energies clashed causing a massive explosion, the smoke didn't even have time to clear before Shion and Madara were back at it, their fists clashed together and caused a massive whirlwind that kicked up the terrain around them.

The two started to exchange rapid blows, they each dodged one another with ease, their Do-Justsu showing them the best path to take throughout all their movements, Madara suddenly lifted his leg to kick Shion's Avatar in the hip, however, Shion twirled in and sent out the back side of her fist towards Madara's Head.

Madara leaned downward to avoid the blow and was going to grab her ankle, but Shion had already seen him perform that attack ahead of time, she lifted her leg, dodging his grasp as she continued to spin, before he could evade, her foot connected with the side of Madara's Susanoo Avatar and he was sent flying into the ground.

Shion, instead of continuing her attack, used her massive wings to flap back and gained some distance.

Madara was planning on taking the hit, all in order to use his Izanagi in a surprise counterattack attempt to strike a fatal blow, and if she had gone through with it, Madara would have cut her head off.

"I see, the Bokugan lives up to its name, what a fierce Do-Jutsu!" Madara said as a sword manifested around his hand, as he grabbed it his energy solidified into a long sword, he then pulled out a gourd and faced down Shion as a true opponent.

Elsewhere, Naruto had his hands full dealing with the Snake Immortal, Naruto had pulled him all the way over to an open space in the battlefield, the Snake Immortal shouted as his body expanded and grew scales, he gripped Naruto's fist and shouted, "Frozen Domain!"

The space around Naruto suddenly expanded into a snowy white field. "I must admit you're strong, kid! However, don't you think it's a little reckless to challenge an Immortal that has already eaten his first Dao Fruit?"

Naruto frowned as he felt the Domain that had opened up around him was sapping away his energy.

Naruto grunted and said, "I'll admit, I don't know what this Domain is, but it can't hold me!"

Naruto crossed his fingers and created thousands of Perma-Clones.

The Snake Immortal was shocked, "What cultivation technique is this!?"

Naruto laughed, "That's right, Nii-Chan said that early Immortals didn't know about Chakra or Jutsus! That puts you a pretty big disadvantage. Cultivation techniques can augment, even mutate the body and soul, however, you never polished your Chakra, and you knew nothing of hand signs."

The Snake Immortal was confused, however, Naruto didn't stop, he raised his hand, all of his clones did so as well. Suddenly thousands of Rasenshurikens appeared.

The grew in size until the Domain the Immortal made started to shake, "Now wait a minute! Please don't destroy my Domain, if you do..."

It was too late, Naruto's multi Elemental Rasenshuriken bombarded the Snake Immortal with great force, the Frozen Domain started to crack, as it did, the Snake Immortal grabbed his head and screamed.

"My Soul! NOOOOO!" The Snake Immortal collapsed and his Edo-Tensei body turned back into a skeleton. Naruto noticed that as the armor and clothing made by the Edo Tensei disappeared, he wasn't fully human, in fact, he looked more like a lizard person than a man.

"They were actual Demi-Gods, not humans? I wonder why they never found a partner to fuse with?" Naruto questioned. What he didn't know was that they were an extinct species called the Demon Race that was wiped out in the first invasion.

The survivor's futures were cut off thanks to the shortened gene pool after the planet's extinction level event, only a few Demon Species could breed with humans, and all of them had their blood so diluted over the years that demon blood is almost non-existent.

Naruto had shattered the Snake Immortal's soul, it must have been the most painful experience the Snake Immortal had ever felt, however, thanks to the Edo -Tensei, a sliver of the being's soul remained connected to his skeleton and was actually slowly replenishing its fragmented soul, given enough time he would eventually recover; unless Madara canceled the technique.

Naruto chained up the skeleton and cast a powerful Sealing Jutsu on it that disconnected it from the Edo-Tensei Jutsu.

Naruto then turned back to Shion and witnessed her strength as she did battle with Madara, the two continued to attack with their martial arts, neither giving way.

"Well I can't just sit here and watch, Clones go help the army take down to all the fake Nine-Tailed Beasts and help out the army by giving them your some energies." The crowd of clones shouted, "Yes Sir!" As the began to go join the rest of the Ninja.

He picked up the skeleton and placed it in Kurama's Realm before headed off towards the rest of the Zodiac Immortals.

Like Naruto, the remaining Zodiac Immortals were all easily being dealt with, although they were strong back then Naruto was right in saying that they all lacked a certain kind of foundation.

However the same couldn't be said for the 4 Sacred Immortal Lords, they were at the very top of the Immortal Threshold, they had devoured all their Dao Fruits and only need to invoke their desire to become gods in order to trigger their tribulations.

However, fear had kept them from doing so, which sane person would give up eternity for risking one's own mortality.

As they were carried towards a specific location they began to fight back.

A surge of powerful Immortal energy soaked the skies, "Combined Domain!" The four Immortal Lords shouted.

Suddenly a world of trees and lakes appeared alongside a field of burning lava and fire, a jungle paradise made of steel, and a large expanse of endless water.

The four Domains crashed together and made a miniature world that acted as a separate realm. The 5 Kage were immediately pulled into the domain, however, they weren't by themselves as quite a few from the army had entered as well, Jiraiya, Temari, Konkuro, and the Mysterious Shinobi that had saved the lives of the Sand Nin during Orochimaru's attack on the leaf.

The Azure Dragon Lord roared as he stepped out of the rubble of the mountain and cracked his neck, suddenly the area became extremely heavy, the Turtle suddenly slipped from Onoki's grasp.

As she landed her feet sank into the ground slightly as she placed her hands behind her back and said, "Your manipulation of gravity is good, for a spring chicken."

The Pheonix Immortal sighed and said, "Is this how you treat a lady!" As she reformed as pure fire.

"Ahahah! You look like fun, let's have a fun fight kid!" The White Tiger Lord shouted at Gara.

The Kage entered their Demi-God forms and frowned, "I don't think it will be as easy as you think." Tsunade said cracking her knuckles.

In fact, our plan isn't to beat you at all, but seal you up and gather you together for a special event." Jiraiya said stepping up next to everyone as he entered his Demi-God form as well. Thanks to Gamabunta becoming his partner, he had already reach Demi-God status as well.

He looked like one would expect, older, scruffy and quite handsome, he had long black hair and a wart on his nose. A single loose fitting kimono, tobacco pipe, and Geta clog sandals.

Timari had chosen her partner Kamatari, the white weasel had transformed into a handsome young man with white hair and a thin muscle body type. He wore a black headband and an open vest. Loose pants with armored leggings tightly wrapped around his knees and shins.

Konkuro had chosen a Trent type beast that evolved into a Dyrad, now he could make an infinite amount of puppets, and use various Jutsu. The Dyrad appeared as a beautiful young maiden that had glowing green hair, grey-bark colored skin, and crystal clear green eyes that shined like emeralds.

She wore a dress with that had leaves vines wrapped around her body tightly, an odd combination but still aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

The Mysterious Shinobi stood by Gara, in fact ever since the mission to retrieve the Sand Nin, he has stayed in Gara's shadow, only protecting him if needed.

He looked to Gara and nodded his head without saying a word and then activated his Demi-God mode, he had already asked for a Tanuki to raise up, and like the other's this mysterious man built it up to the Demi-God level.

The odds were two on one for the Four Immortal Lords, Tsunade and Mei took care of the Azure Dragon Lord, Jiraiya and Onoki took care of the Black Tortoise Lord, Gara and the Mysterious Shinobi took on the White Tiger Lord, while Temari and 'A' took on the Pheonix Lord.

Konkuro was told to guard the weaker Shinobi and study the Immortals while waiting for a moment to act.

"You should be careful young warriors in this combined Dao Domain we are pretty much gods or a False God so to speak," The Azure Dragon Lord warned.

His body suddenly transformed into a Hybrid between a human and a Dragon, his skin was pitch black and covered in star-like dots that roamed freely across his skin.

He grew horns and his face morphed to a more dragon-like appearance.

The other's went through a similar transformation, their bodies grew in size and their Immortal energy skyrocketed.

The Pheonix Lord grew feathers all over its body, talons for feet, and a golden beak on her face. The 7 flames spread around her and danced as if they were alive.

The Black Tortoise Lord grew a shell and a snake-head tail, along with her entire body being covered in tortoiseshell pieces, they were engraved in with ancient Array Markings.

The White Tiger looked like a were-beast, he had a tiger's face and body but its physiology was suited for bipedal movements, he had long claws and five fingers and toes on each appendage, his furry white body was covered in black stripes and a single tail spouted from its back.

"Now the real battle begins!" The Four Immortal Lords shouted.


Author Note: So it really has been hectic, there are just so many characters to focus on, so I know I only have a few more left, Kakashi and the other Jonin, etc... They all have their parts as well. I hope you enjoyed the improvements made to their powers.