
Reborn in the Medieval Era with an Army System

In an age where armies were forged in steel, and bloody battles determined the fate of nations, a man is reincarnated into the Middle Ages with an unparalleled gift: an army system. Armed with modern knowledge, he seeks not only to survive but also to conquer this chaotic world. Determined to secure his own lands and army, he embarks on an epic journey that will take him from the ranks of a mere commoner to a feared commander, fostering unexpected alliances and revolutionary military strategies. In a world where sword intertwine, he will have to overcome constant challenges, face formidable foes, and forge a grand destiny.

CreativeCJ · สงคราม
24 Chs

The Miraculous Army System

The sun was just beginning to cast its golden glow on the horizon, dispelling the darkness of the night. In the serenity of dawn, the bird's songs sounded like melodies, adding harmony to the tranquility.

In this cozy place, sunlight slowly seeped through the small cracks in the wall, warming the face of the little Richard who was peacefully asleep in his crib. He slept soundly, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was a significant day. The day of his first birthday.

Suddenly, Richard began to stir in his sleep. Small murmurs escaped his lips, interrupting the room's tranquility as his eyelashes quivered slightly. A confused expression replaced the serenity as Richard slowly opened his eyes.

Looking up, Richard suddenly saw something unusual.

Floating above his crib was a perfect circle, radiating in a fiery red hue as if it were a polished ruby star. The red circle spun slowly, emitting a soft light that illuminated the entire nursery.

Richard furrowed his brow in a perplexed expression. He had experienced many things in his past life as a successful businessman. However, this strange phenomenon happening before his eyes was something he had never experienced or expected. Richard firmly believed in science, and as such, he couldn't accept non-scientific occurrences with words like "supernatural," "mystical," or "wonderful."

"Since I was reborn, I haven't seen anything abnormal, so I assumed this was a normal world, and I hadn't reincarnated into a fantasy world with cheats like in those novels," Richard thought, intrigued by what he was seeing.

With a puzzled and stupefied look in his small eyes, Richard watched the mysterious circle that rotated gently like a sparkling red star. The light emitted by the red circle brightened the darkness in the room, creating dancing shadows that enchanted Richard's childish eyes.

He couldn't understand what was happening. For a while, Richard studied the ring of light with considerable curiosity, trying to look beyond the radiant halo and make sense of what he was seeing. Each turn of the sphere seemed to emit a wave of mysterious power that floated like smoke around the room.

Richard fell into deep thought, wondering what this mysterious red circle could be. The logic and reason he had acquired as a powerful businessman didn't seem capable of providing a plausible answer. However, a part of him was enchanted by this mysterious phenomenon, feeling that it might be a game-changer in his new life.

Amidst his thoughts, suddenly, a loud resonating sound, "DING!" echoed in Richard's head.

It was a sound that made his head vibrate, echoing throughout the room.

The light circle stopped spinning, temporarily freezing in the air. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a holographic screen with bright letters that read, "Army System Activated."

"IT'S THIS! I HAVE A CHEAT TOO!" Richard celebrated in his thoughts.

Richard's heart raced as he looked at the floating letters, overwhelmed by a mix of shock, admiration, and an inexplicable excitement. It was clear to him that this new world he had called home was full of surprises beyond his imagination.

The words floating in space were like a compass for a lost navigator, full of promise and potential. As he looked at them, Richard began to contemplate the possibility of a world beyond everything he had known.

(AS) Army System


{status} {Abilities} {Troops} {Improvements} {Equipment}


|Name: Richard

|Level: 0

|Strength: 0.1

|Intelligence: 3

|Dexterity: 0.1

|Constitution: 0.1

|exp: 0.0

|EP: 0


Richard's eyes scanned the lines of text that appeared, noticing information that could change his entire life, and every word he saw filled him with excitement.

Right at the beginning, he noticed that six words were highlighted, like a top menu. Something inside him told him that these words represented different aspects of the system.

With his knowledge from reading novels on Earth, Richard interpreted the word {status} as a representation of his physical and mental attributes, including strength, intelligence, dexterity, and constitution. To his surprise, he noticed that, although his physical attributes were extremely low, corresponding to his baby form, his intelligence was at a value of 3, likely thanks to his past life as a successful businessman.

The word {abilities} probably referred to his own capabilities and talents. Richard was excited by the thought that he could learn and improve new and powerful skills in this world.

{Troops} was another aspect that caught Richard's attention. He realized that in this medieval world, the idea of leading an army could very well be a reality, and the thought of leading soldiers against opponents was an exhilarating concept for the former businessman.

{Improvements} was an aspect that gave Richard hope. If there was a possibility for improvement, it meant he could become stronger and more successful in this life.

Finally, the word {Equipment} was like music to his ears. In his previous world, good equipment could make the difference between a decent employee and an exceptional one.

After checking all the information, Richard looked at the fact that he was at level 0. Even though an average adult in this world would have an average of 1 in all their physical and mental attributes, he didn't feel discouraged. On the contrary, he realized he had a golden opportunity to relaunch himself in this world and was determined to make good use of it.

At this moment, nothing could shake Richard's determination. With a baby's body and the mind of a successful adult, he was ready to face the challenge that fate had thrown his way.