
Reborn in the Medieval Era with an Army System

In an age where armies were forged in steel, and bloody battles determined the fate of nations, a man is reincarnated into the Middle Ages with an unparalleled gift: an army system. Armed with modern knowledge, he seeks not only to survive but also to conquer this chaotic world. Determined to secure his own lands and army, he embarks on an epic journey that will take him from the ranks of a mere commoner to a feared commander, fostering unexpected alliances and revolutionary military strategies. In a world where sword intertwine, he will have to overcome constant challenges, face formidable foes, and forge a grand destiny.

CreativeCJ · สงคราม
24 Chs


When Richard's father opened the door to the cabin, a cozy scene unfolded before Richard's eyes. The cabin, built simply from wood, exuded rustic charm that contrasted with the urban environment of his previous life.

The single room served as a multifunctional space. Richard noticed that the weathered wooden floorboards added an authentic touch to the environment. A fireplace in the corner of the room emitted a soft light and warmth, providing a sense of comfort. Above the fireplace, a simple wooden shield and a shelf held some personal items, including candles and basic kitchen utensils.

The room was adorned with earthy-colored animal leather tapestries adorning the wooden walls, giving the cabin a cozy feeling. A rudimentary wooden table, surrounded by equally simple chairs, occupied the center of the room, indicating that the kitchen was the focal point of the cabin. A single, simple wooden window allowed natural light to enter, while a worn curtain could be drawn for privacy.

In the bedroom, a modest straw bed with rustic linens stood out, and a massive wooden chest occupied a corner of one wall, indicating limited space for clothes and belongings. Richard's father was busy lighting a torch that would illuminate the room during the night.

"This seems like a well-kept environment, but where am I going to stay?" This was a thought that couldn't help but cross his mind since there was no crib for babies in this cabin. Richard looked at his new father, the thought of sleeping in the same bed as that massive man gave him chills, as if that enormous man were to roll over him while sleeping, it would mean certain death!

Richard's mother, after his father finished lighting some torches, went to the wood stove in the corner and started tending to it to prepare something. Richard assumed she was going to make food, while Richard found himself in his father's arms, something strange was happening.

As soon as Richard was taken from his mother's arms, the man took some pieces of cloth and propped Richard up in a corner, then he came with some items to show Richard. In front of him was a flower, a piece of paper, and a small knife.

Seeing the man in front of him, arms crossed, looking expectantly at him, Richard couldn't help but think, "Doesn't this gorilla want a one-day-old child to choose what he will be in life?" Richard thought.

A somewhat funny scene was unfolding. The man looked at Richard with expectant eyes, and Richard looked at the man with the eyes of a judge. The mother, seeing this, came to the man's side, slapped his head, and said something that Richard didn't understand. The man didn't seem so imposing now.

While Richard's mother returned to the kitchen to continue her task, his father picked up Richard and went to the small table where a simple bowl and a piece of wooden spoon were already set, indicating that it was time to eat. The bowl contained the porridge that Richard's mother had just prepared, a modest and comforting meal. The simplicity of the environment was reflected in the food, which was a mixture of cereals cooked in a mild broth.

Richard's father sat at the small wooden table and began to eat the porridge with a satisfied expression on his face. It was evident that this meal was a moment of joy and coziness for the family. Richard continued with his judging eyes on the man until his mother picked him up and sat at the table as well.

His mother held Richard in her arms, rocking him gently while also enjoying the porridge. The cabin was filled with the warmth of the fireplace and the comforting smell of homemade food. It was a simple scene, but one filled with care.

Richard, even with the body of a newborn, seemed to absorb the environment around him. He observed the movements of his new parents, the way they shared the meal, and the warmth that radiated from this makeshift family. Even though it was still too early to fully understand what was happening, there was a sense of belonging.

As the porridge was savored and pleasant silence filled the cabin, Richard began to fall asleep in his mother's arms, cradled by the comfort and love of his new mother. Despite all the uncertainties that life could bring, at that moment, everything seemed to be in the right place.

Richard's mother realized that her little son had already succumbed to sleep in her arms. Carefully, she got up from the table, holding the baby gently to avoid disturbing him. Richard's father looked tenderly at the scene as he continued to enjoy the porridge.

They left the cabin, leaving the welcoming atmosphere behind. The outside was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the soft, intermittent glow of the stars in the night sky. There were no bright lights or electricity; just the natural beauty of the night.

The sky was filled with sparkling stars, like diamonds embedded in dark velvet. A galaxy cut through the firmament, a diffuse band of light stretching from one side to the other. The stars were the only guides in the darkness of the night, casting a faint, magical light on the land.

As Richard's mother walked on the grassy terrain, the rustling of leaves in the trees added serenity to the night. The gentle wind whispered secrets in attentive ears. Tranquility reigned, and the baby sleeping in his mother's arms seemed to feel the peace of the night.

His mother found a cozy spot under a nearby tree. She sat down carefully, ensuring that Richard remained safe in her arms. There, she began to sing a soft and melodious lullaby, in tune with the night's melody. Her voice was as soft as the nearby creek's murmur and as gentle as the night breeze.

As his mother sang, the stars shone brightly in the dark sky, as if dancing in response to the music. The sounds of the night, the crickets and frogs singing in unison, created a natural symphony that enveloped mother and son. It was a moment of deep connection with nature and the universe, a bond that transcended words.

Beneath the starry canopy, with the lullaby echoing gently in the night, Richard's mother cradled her precious son. The world could be harsh and challenging, but in that moment, everything was serenity and love. It was as if the night itself was whispering promises of a future full of adventure and glory for Richard.

How will the growth of our dear Richard be in this unknown world? I'm looking forward to seeing it together! ;)

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