
Where am I?

Hello there, my name is Jacob Stevens, I am 22 years old and I am in college majoring in History. I am right now floating inside the void, It's very dark and there is nothing see here except emptiness. As you can already tell I am dead, so how did I end up in this situation. Well it all started a few hours ago, at least what I think it was few hours.


I was walking home from the Cultured Otaku store. I was going to read manga and watch anime that I bought, I am an avid otaku and for the most part this was my hobby. I like most animes and mangas except shitty ones like Boku no pico or Pupa, I hate those the most. I don't have much going on for me except that I have an exceptional memory. I have average looks and I am complete virgin, which is fucking sad to be honest, but as I was walking, I heard a girl screaming loudly. I don't know why but I quickly ran to that noise and saw an alley way. A girl was about to get mugged but I jumped to the mugger and tried to pin him down. I can't fight even if my life depended on it, yet I had to do something. So I tried to pin him and choke his neck but he hit in the stomach and kicked in the shin. I told the girl to run as fast as she can, the girl ran and I was left trying to apprehend the mugger. Then out of nowhere, the mugger stabbed me in the heart and I dropped down cold in the ground, at this moment, I died...


Right now I was floating in a dark and empty place, I don't what is happening but I waited.

Hello is anyone here? I can't see anything

Where the heck am I?

Hello? Hello is there anybody around me

And so I waited and waited for anyone to come by, To past the time, I meditated and looked through my memories. There is nothing going on memories except that I was an average guy who got average grades in school and has an average working-class parents. Anything notable for me is that I can remember a whole bunch of Animes, Mangas, Movies/Films, and even Literatures. By meditating a lot, I can remember everything more clearly, my mind became a near perfect photographic memory and I started to form my mindscape. Granted, my memory is not perfect and eidetic, I do tend to forget some memories, only if their insignificant or unimportant. Which I am glad I have, and sometimes I need time to remember certain thing, but all in all I am proud of my progress. Eventually, I practice a lot on forming my mindscape, and made a beautiful landscape filled with lush meadows, rolling hills, dense evergreen forests, And Huge mountains that reach to sky with the occasional small lakes. As I was doing that, I added barriers and defenses to the mindscape, I added different compartments for different memories, I put it all in a computer software with highly-advance security all in different levels and difficulty. I also made guards from different animes or mangas to protect them, and to top it all off, I made surround it all inside a death star filled a strong barrier so nobody without my permission can access my memories. This was my best work because it showed both offensive and defensive capabilities.

As I was waiting, I saw bright, shining light near me and started glow more intensely.

(Ahh, Hello there, young mortal, what are you doing inside the void?)

Umm, Who are you?

(I am what you called God, but to the multiverses I am the Supreme Creator. I am curious why are you here in the void because no mortal can survive in the void. Not even once and you are such an anomaly that I came here to check.)

The Omnipotent Being glowed brightly and revealed his true form. He was tall, handsome looking, young man with Dirty blonde hair almost light brown and sapphire blue eyes staring into my soul. He wearing a white greek toga with beige coloured belt and a crimson sash filled with intricate detail around his right shoulder, as well he was wearing greek sandals. The Omnipotent Being gave me a neutral smile and judge me to see what i am doing here.

I recently died during a mugging and some how landed here, I assume it has been few hours since it happened.

(Mortal, It has been few thousand years since when you died and I am amazed that you have survived here for so long.)

So what is going to happen?

(Mortal, for surviving here for here for so long, I am going to give 4 wishes as a compensation. That way that I can make it up for my negligence.)

Quick question, What happened to the girl I saved?

(That girl eventually called the police, and the police has managed to catch and apprehend the criminal. It turns out that the criminal was linked to a major criminal organization that would eventually start WW3, the police found their location and destroyed all traces of the organization. You have inadvertently saved millions of lives and the girl went on to a successful doctor and made cures that also saved millions of lives, she has lived a long with her husband and 2 kids. You have became an hero that everyone remembers and the world has been in peace. So what are your wishes mortal.)

My first wish is that I want a system that can check my stats and can buy things from any forms media. Make it so that to buy things I have earn points from quests or leveling up. Also make the quest reasonable and achievable that is given a certain amount of time.

(That is possible, what is your next wish.)

I want to become strongest being through my hard work that I can become immortal.

I also want to give immortality to my lovers as well.

(That can happen, but the lovers have to be truly in love with you and become soul bound for it to happen.)

That is fine, my next wish that I can choose my appearance

(Done. What is your final wish.)

My last wish is that can you give me the highest talent when it comes to knowledge, I want learns things more quickly and retain it into my memory.

(That can be arrange, what world do you want reincarnate in?)

Creator, I want reincarnate in earth but in a different timeline, I want the world to have magic but in a limited amounts where they can do runes, warding, and basic enchantment. Also make sure the humans don't really know much about it.

(Huh?! are you sure you want to this? there areworlds far better than this.)

Yes, I want this

(*Sigh* find, be my guess)

As the Creator left, I decided to choose my appearance. I chose 6'4 tall handsome, young man with short, black hair and pale blue eyes and well built lean muscles similar to a swimmer's build.

My appearance looked similar to Henry Cavill and Ian Somerhalder combined.

Well, it is time for me to reincarnate. I chose the timeline which is the early iron age in 1200 BC

around Ukraine. Maybe a great adventure will be upon me.