

"What happened, I heard screams coming from everywhere throughout the entire night and then it suddenly stops"

"Didn't you hear, someone said they saw a big animal running through Mystic Falls and killed a lot of people before the founders got to it at the Mikaelson's courtyard but they were unable to stop it and instead it kill almost all the founders including the entire Mikaelson family in Mystic Falls and only Jonathan Gilbert survived"

"What tragedy, that poor girl Malia just died like that, she was such a lovely and beautiful child, sigh, she was the princess of Mystic Falls, what kind of animal attacked Mystic Falls to cause such a bloody mess"

"Nobody knows but only the one who saw it and survived could tell us, but they say that Jonathan Gilbert hasn't woken up since they saw him but what they know is that he is alive as he is still breathing"

The entire Mystic Falls was talking about what happened last night as after Viktor finished with the founders, he went on a killing spree on all the vampires in Mystic Falls and other supernatural creatures that appeared during the merging of both worlds, so that this night will go down in history books as the night of a bloody massacre, the night where an animal went on a rampage in Mystic Falls, this night would bore the story of the beast of Mystic Falls.

After he cleaned Mystic Falls of their supernatural problem with the exception of the Bennett witches and the untriggered Lockwood werewolves, he left to join his family at New Orleans.

At the peripheral of Mystic Falls

???: "whatever that was stopping us from coming into this plane, it is no longer doing so as we are now able to enter freely, so I say we should use this opportunity to put an end to the old ones once and for all"

If Dahlia was here she would have recognized the woman as the one who came to her some years ago.

???: "I don't see any reason for us to attack them, they haven't done anything wrong, they are just a family living their lives, they have not commit any offence to warrant us to raise our weapons against them, Ryannen"

A very tall and strikingly attractive, beautiful, with a finely-curved athletic figure. She has dark red shoulder length hair, her name is Sage said to the blonde guardian which name is Ryannen.

Ryannen: "what about what one of them just did in this town, what do you say about that, Sage"

Sage: "that's not even something you should bring up, Ryannen, let me ask you this, what will you do if someone tried to attack you and your family because you were different from them and you have the power to get rid of them, now, will you let them walk over you or will you show them their place, what will be your answer?"

Sage asked Ryannen wanting to hear her answer.

Ryannen: "well, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the other people he killed, they were innocent, they didn't deserve his wrath, but he still decided to kill them anyway, so what are you going to say to support him know, Sage?"

Ryannen deflected the first question she was asked as she did not know what to say about that.

Sage: "about those guys, I won't say they are innocent per say, you do know that he killed vampires and the other creatures that escaped the dark dimension and when looked from another perspective, he was doing our job for us"

Ryannen: "what did I expect from the devil's spawn"

Ryannen said as she stared at sage with contempt as she is the daughter bore from the devil with a human.

The devil is a fallen guardian, he was among the celestial court before he rebelled and was cast out of the celestial court into the deepest part of the Dark Dimension, where he created his own court, the infernal court to take his revenge against the celestial court.

But ironically his daughter is now a guardian of the celestial court.

Sage: "say whatever you want, but I'm right, your hatred for the old ones are unjustified"

Sage didn't mind what Ryannen said when she made reference to her father.

Ryannen: "you..., are you going to let her have stupid believe about the old ones"

???: "oh, now you know that we are here"

Ryannen looked at the brown haired guardian with a look as if saying, really?.

???: "whatever, sage is right, we can't just go have a fight with the old ones when they did nothing wrong or something that would warrant our wrath against them"

Ryannen: "seriously, are you also siding with the devil spawn, Susurre, what about you, Idola, are you going to also side with them"

Susurre is the brown haired guardian while Idola is a red haired guardian.

Idola didn't answer and just looked at the sky which gave out her answer.

Ryannen: "seriously, you too, fine then, do whatever you want, I am going to destroy them myself, I don't need your help, I can get rid of the old ones myself"

Ryannen said as she willed her wings to appear and flew off.

Sage: "you should have told her that she might die or worse, captured by the old ones and believe me, death would be a better option"

Sage said.

???: "Sage, go with her, I don't care what will happen, but make sure she is safe or else, the old ones will be the least of our worries, as the old ones and the deamons including your father might join forces to rid us all"

Sage: "yes, Mylea"

Mylea is the leader of their group, she is blond with golden blue eyes.

Sage flew away as she followed Ryannen.

Mylea: "we have to go back to the dark dimension and prevent anymore creatures from escaping"

New Orleans

Malia: "Daddy"

Malia ran to her father the moment he appeared and good thing Viktor already took care of his bloody clothes, if not he would have gotten an earful from Qetsiyah.

Qetsiyah: "you are back, so how did you handle things over there?"

Qetsiyah who was with Malia all these while as they wait for Viktor together.

Viktor: "well, I just had to etched my name in the annals of history as the only known Mikaelson who handled a situation peacefully"

Viktor said with a smile.

Qetsiyah: "as if that could ever happen in a million years. Whatever, just so you know, Mikael is very pissed off by what you did back at Mystic Falls"

Viktor: "well, I wouldn't have done that if he didn't let William leave to inform the others"

Mikael: "and I explicably said that I will handle it"

Mikael said as he walked into the room they were when he heard Viktor is back.


Sorry for the late chapter

600 power stones - 1 extra chapter on Saturday

1000 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday

2000 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

3000 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.

Check out my novel

The Omnipotent System please for those of you who had been following this novel, I just want to say that it is finally released and you all can support me by adding it to your collection as I'm currently participating in the ongoing WPC, thank you.

My Infinite System

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Reborn in F. R. I. E. N. D. S