
Early 1700s

Extra chapter (1/2)

New Orleans, Early 1700s

Kol: "this place is wonderful, I can feel the magic surrounding every corner"

Kol said as he stepped foot on the grounds of New Orleans.

Niklaus: "I agree with you brother, this place is like a home to us, supernaturals"

The Mikaelson's have been travelling from one place to another, never staying in a particular location for long. They recently just left their previous location before coming to New Orleans.

Rebekah: "why don't we go find a place to rest for now, before admiring our new environment"

Henrik: "I agree with Rebekah, my butt is aching from all the travels"

Elijah: "I will go to the leader here and process our stay here, why don't you all go find a place for tonight?"

Kol: "typical Elijah, always the noble one, always trying to mingle with the higher ups"

Elijah: "I'm just trying to have a peaceful conversation with the leader here, so that we could live a peaceful life without people trying to undermine us which will lead to unnecessary massacre"

Finn: "by a peaceful conversation, do you mean, compelling him to do your bidding?"

Elijah: "I don't see another way to have a peaceful conversation without compelling them"

Viktor: "sigh, we should stop this stupid squabbles and find a place to rest, I will be joining Elijah to have a talk with the leader"

Kol: "alright, do your things, I will be going to introduce myself to the witch community"

Freya: "I will be joining you, Kol, I will like to see the witches here also"

Freya said as she looked at Qetsiyah whether she was going to join them.

Qetsiyah: "you should go without me, I want to rest a little bit, I tired from the journey just now"

Rebekah, Henrik, Qetsiyah, Mikeal, Finn and Erik went to find a hotel to spend the night as Viktor, Elijah and Niklaus went to meet the governor of New Orleans while Kol and Freya went to the witches of New Orleans.

Governor Mansion

A man who appeared to be of a small statue, with a potbelly, could be seen walking to group of maids and a Butler talking to the man and writing down what he says.

???: "you should know that, this is very important to us, so we should make sure to invite her, so as to not lose any face that day"

The Butler nodded his head with contemplation as he did not know how he was going to do what his master is asking of him, that's when he heard a voice, which made him turned to see three individuals standing in their front, two of the three men had the same features both one appeared a bit matured than the other who was smiling at them but he knew that the smile of the man was dangerous.

As he tried to call the guards to come to the hall, the one with a noble aura spoke again.

Elijah: "sorry, if I startled you, as my brother just said, we can help you with the person you are desperately trying to contact"

The governor looked at the three men warily as none of them even sensed the presence of the men in front of them until one of them spoke.

???: "what is it that you want, as I know you are not doing this for free, tell me what do you want in return"

Niklaus: "you see, we just came to your town just recently and we would like you to know and also hope if you could accommodate our stay here"

Niklaus said with a smile when he talked to the governor, which made the butler even more afraid as he knew that they were not ordinary.

???: "who do you think you are, how dare you come to my town and tell me what to do, why am I even talking to you, GUARDS"

The governor scream for the guards when Elijah sighed.

Elijah: "sigh, I told you we should just compel him and get over with it"

The butler saw their calm expression and suspected that they were about to see a frightening scene.

Viktor: "sigh, not everything should be about compulsion, Elijah, we don't want a mindless puppet, who do not have a choice but to do anything you tell him to do, sometimes, we need to use another methods, let me show you how fear can make someone completely obedient"

Viktor said as he heard the sound of people running in their direction. Not long after, they were surrounded by guards with their weapons drawn pointing to them.

???: "get rid of these fools and find the rest of the outsiders and get rid of them too"

The governor said to the guards as they advance to the three intruders.

Viktor: "sometimes, you should get rid of some pests to make the other ants summit willingly"

Viktor said as he controlled the shadow under the guards advancing towards them as it Pierced them ripping their lves in the process.

The governor, the butler and the rest of the maids and guards were terrified when they saw this scene before their eyes.

???: "wha..t is the meaning of this, who are you people, what is it that you want?"

The governor became so terrified that he asked series of question.

Niklaus: "you are right brother, look how he is willing to listen to us now"

Elijah: "sigh, I guess you've had your fun, right? If so, then let's continue with why we are here"

Elijah said as he knew Viktor's antics which is to instill fear in people so that they will be willing to do his bidding as he finds compulsion boring.

Niklaus: "hah, Elijah, you are no fun at all. So governor, what do you say about our stay here"

???: "you can stay here, infact I have a free house that you can use, I can have my maids clean it for you and also assist you in your daily lives"

The tone of the governor changed drastically compared to his arrogant tone before.

Elijah: "thank you, but before that"

Elijah compelled the maids as well as the guards to forget what happened here, he wanted to compel the butler but Viktor stopped him saying that the butler can help put the governor in check.

Elijah: "thank you once again, we will be staying here tonight, so you can order your maids to take care of the cleaning tonight or is that going to be a problem?"

???: "no sir, in fact, you are very much welcome"

Viktor: "good, didn't I tell you, Elijah, look how obedient he is, by the way, what is your name"

???: "Frederic Romilly, sir"

Viktor: "Frederic, nice name"

Viktor said as he joined his brothers as they find different rooms to stay.

Viktor: [we are now in New Orleans, I wonder how events will turn out from here]


600 power stones - 1 extra chapter on Saturday

1000 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday

2000 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

3000 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.

I guess this is it for now, what do you think.

Check out my novel

The Omnipotent System

My Infinite System

add My Infinite System to your collection as I'm currently partaking in a contest and also drop comments in case you read it, thank you.