
Reborn in Naruto: The Lighting Sword Demon

Ren was a normal guy, not having much ambition in life. He liked to watch anime, read manga and web novels. One day while crossing the road he got run over by a drunk driver. He thought his life was over but, when he opened his eyes he was in an orphanage in Naruto!? The plot might alter slightly at the start and might continue to move further away from the actual plot. This is also an AU (alternate universe) so most of the events that happen in the actual plot might not happen like the 4th great war, but it might happen in a different way. ............................................................ * I do not claim or own Naruto or the Cover. This isn't the typical overpowered FanFic where the Mc gets ridiculously overpowered and babysits the other MC. In this novel, the Mc has to work for his power. Also, the MC has a life outside of training

poopyscoopy123 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Academy (2)

The next couple of months went like this, I would wake up, train, go to the academy, chakra control training, sleep and repeat. Today I want to either buy a sword or start practicing E-rank Jutsu. So after the Academy ended I went to the academy library, there were tons of E-rank jutsu I pacifically wanted both the Static Strings Jutsu and the Fish Spit Jutsu. The Fish Spit Jutsu allows me to shoot out a stream of water from my mouth, while Static Strings can stick to an object or act as a sensor ability. After checking those two books out I headed to the forest to practice the two jutsus.

In the forest, I started to mold the hand signs for the FIsh Spit Jutsu. After hours, I still couldn't get water to come out of my mouth. It was getting late so I headed home.

"Damn, why in Naruto do they make jutsu look so easy," I murmured.

The next day after the Academy I went to Daichi's house to spar. Seeing the Uchiha compound was more beautiful than in the anime. When we finally reached the sparing grounds, he said "Why don't we make this interesting? Loser has to take the winner's backpack to school for the next month,"

"Deal," I said walking onto the sparing ground.

"3. 2. 1. Go!," Dachi's dad yelled.

I reached Daichi first a tried to punch him across his face, He caught the pouch and kicked me in the stomach making me stumble backward.

"Dammit," I said quietly.

I tried again overloading him with attacks, I could tell that I was much faster than him but he was way stronger. When I went for a kick to the face he blocked it and went to punch me but using the iron wall style I blocked it. He was on offense now using his Uchiha style I almost fainted from the number of attacks had to take in. He then jumped off of me and started to form hand signs.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu," He murmured.

"Holy shit I'm fucked," I said.

I tried to doge but got engulfed in the flames. Since the mastery of his Jutsu wasn't so high it didn't completely burn me but it still hurt.

"You win," I said quietly.

"Say that again I can't hear you," He said with a smug smile.

"You win you, bastard!" I yelled.

"Well here is my backpack and be very careful of it," He said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I said.

After the spar I headed straight home, next month was a vacation where I could train to catch up with the others. I went home and started to practice my Fish Spit Jutsu, still no success.

[1 month later]

Currently, we are on winter break, and I need to train as quickly as possible because I need to beat the hell out of Daichi at the finals. After a month of practicing, I can finally use Fish Spit without any problems but I can feel that I am leaking chakra so I need to keep practicing that. I am currently almost finished with completing Static Strings after you learn one jutsu it gets easier from the next. I know should work on my kunai throwing because I might get a bad score at finals if I don't.

Over the next couple of weeks, I have been training my kunai accuracy at the academy training ground. Today I was going to buy a sword with the Ryo I saved up. After going into the shop I pointed at a medium-sized sword. That will be 5000 Ryo, that was all my savings but it was for a good cause. I bought the sword and headed home, I started to swing the sword a realized how heavy it was, I needed to increase my physical training too. Over the next couple of weeks, I learned Static Strings and could accurately hit a kunai in the deadeye from 5 meters away, I needed to increase the range but for now, it was fine. I could also swing by the sword with some amount of control. I could stick a leaf on my forehead for about 30 minutes. Today we would get back to the academy.

As I entered the academy I could instantly see that there were eyes on me, maybe because I guess my body was more toned than most others but I soon realized that there was a water bucket right over my head. It landed on my head with a blop.

"DAICHI!" I yelled. I could see him laughing his ass off.

"Got you," He said, still laughing.

Then sensei came in and said, "Today we will be learning about the history of the village," Once he said that I started to zone out, most times in class I would just be practicing my chakra control. Today I was going to learn substitution jutsu and Clone jutsu. After class, I went to the library to look at the substitution jutsu. For substitution jutsu, I need to substitute with a log but later I can substitute with water. After checking out the scrolls I headed home.

For the next couple of months, I continued to train I learned substitution jutsu but it still took me 3 hand signs to form. My next goal is to perform all my jutsu without hand signs which should be possible because they are low-ranked jutsus. I also learned clone jutsu. Tomorrow will be the 1st year finals. And no matter what I will crush Daichi.


Do we want Kenji to

A) Focus mainly on Ninjutsu and a little bit on taijutsu.

B) Focus mainly on Taijutsu with a little Ninjutsu

C) Start to learn Genjutsu and Learn more Ninjutsu

D) Start Learning swordsmanship and train taijutsu. Also, ask Senji to help with your Swordsmanship.

E) Do a little of all but not exceed in one.

(Inspiration from Naruto Infinite Possibilities)

Character Update!

[Name: Kenji]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Stamina: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Speed: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Defense: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Chakra Reserves: Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Affinities: Water and Lightning]

[Jutsu: Substitution Jutsu, Fish Spit Jutsu, Static Strings Jutsu, Clone Jutsu. ]

[Skills: Chakra control: 1/100, Sword Skill: 0.5/100]

[Relationships: Daichi Uchiha 7/10 can trust him]

[Daichi Uchiha]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Stamina: Low Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Speed: Low Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Defense: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Chakra Reserves: High Mid Acadmey Student Level]

[Affinities: fire,?]

[Jutsu: Fire style: Fireball jutsu]

[Skills: Chakra control 1.2/100]

[Relationships: Kenji 8/10 friendly]

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