
Chapter 2

*authors note

* I'm changing somethings I'm going to kill the mc but he will be revived in the future.

"Put your hands on my shoulders." They nodded and did what there told.

Karin was on my right, Tayuya on my left, Narumi was in front ( narumi has blond hair with 3 whiskermarks on each cheek, she's 5 ft 6 and where's that same orange jumpsuit over her cc cup bordering d cupp breasts).

as I started going through hand signs Shirou floated 5 ft above me his wings outspread and started glowing silver shining as bright as a star white flames unleashed from his wings and started to spin around us forming a sphere.

I kept my smile while looking at Narumi who had tears flowing down her face. Tayuya and karin looked at me with sad expressions as the fire grew hotter and hotter. As my energy leaked into their bodies the edges started to glow. when I went through my last hand-sign, my fingers that I crossed in a t formation started to glow Silver.


As I looked I spotted the hokage along with all of her shinobi root the rookie nine. Iruka ayame tuechi and the konohamaru corps looked at me with sad expressions as I told them already and they said their good byes

"Good bye" I said sadly as My body unleashed all of my power Causing a Massive shock-wave that Blowed them back unconscious into trees buildings and the ground. the fire mixed with my power turning it golden as It shined brighter and brighter My eyes glowed teal full of determination and power.

"Pheonix style: Dimensional Transfer Technique!" Me and Shirou said at the same time as I slammed my hands down on the ground.

A Huge circle surrounded us before a crack appeared. ( Have you ever played pac man you know the ghost mouth when they turn blue and run away that's what it looks like) I returned to my normal state and I blacked out It opened like a mouth once we fell it closed the mouth and the circle disappeared like it wasn't even there.

Dbz universe

As we made it to an unknown forest

tayuya and Narumi were unconscious,

HELP !!!!" Karin screamed "SOMEBODY, ANYBODY HELP!!!!" as her vision faded she spotted a guy with black spiky hair with an orange and blue gi jumping off a yellow...cloud?(Goku)

"Don't worry" he told her with a caring smile "everything going to be alriight." the guy had confidence excluding from his very being she couldn't help but feel relieved

"T-thank you" she said tiredly before she fainted


A Beautiful middle aged women with black hair wearing a golden saiyan amor with a white cape Speaking to a little baby in a pod. "train hard, eat lots of food and remember to give me plenty of grand babies"

"ma-ma" her eyes widen "he said moma!" she whispered to herself tears were flowing down her face she smiled sadly

"Your mother will always love you."

She closed the door to the pod and watched as It took off "Goodbye... kira-kun"

the baby flew out of the atmosphere. as the baby cried in his pod a giant fireball was seen at the corner of his eye and evil laughter was heard across planet vegeta "HAHAHAHAHA" the evil tyrant known as freiza laughed "LOOK AT THE FIREWORKS ZARBON LOOK AT THE FIREWORKS AHAHAHAHAHAHA"

as the baby flew a purple wormhole appeared sucking the Pod inside


"gasp" I woke up startled , sweating and panting heavily tears flowing down my face.

"what was that?" I asked myself were,those... my parents? no-it was just a dream" i denied

I quickly wiped my tears

Hello there young man!" A voice spoke startling as I snapped my neck towards the voice a blue skinned man with black sun glasses and 2 antennas with strange clothing ( king kai) for some reason looked very familiar, I took this moment to glance around i noiticed it was kind of on the small side. i spotted a car and a house and a.. monkey? for some reason they all looked very familiar

I looked back to king kai "who are you?" I asked

Me? he asked he then puffed out his chest and smirked I'm king kai the funniest of all the lands!"

That's when my eyes widen in realization. "Oh"


with the group 10 hours later

"Gasp!" narumi woke on e up alarmed and started to look around frankly "Kira kun?...."

"Kira kun?" after a few more seconds she looked over to karin

"Karin nee, wheres kira kun? she asked her she and tayuya looked down

"H-he didn't make it." her eyes widen

"oh no" she fell to her knees and started to cry karin released some tears as well and tayuya looked down very distressed

A women in her late 20's (chichi) who was holding her son 2 years of age who was looking at them with curiosity and nervous stopped doing the dishes and turned to them she looked at them in sadness and pity as they told her everything that happened how the lost a loved one to get them away from their abusive guardians. she offered them a place here which they hesitantly accept. the blond one obviously loved that boy its a shame how cruel people can be.


with me on king kais planet

"say that again?" King kai asked

"I want you to train me" I repeated Slowly getting irritated we've been doing this for 3 minutes I think hes doing this to piss me off

"One more time?"

"I WANT YOU TO TRAIN ME!" I finally snapped at him he looked at me funny

"temper temper"

I was about to strangle him, when he said "Make me laugh"

"Huh?" I said confused

"You heard me" king kai smirked "Make me laugh and I'll teach you."

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"No." King kai's smirk grew "your kidding me!" I groaned as king kai started laughing king kai is more infuriating in person

"fine. "

1 minute later

"I got one!" King kai looked at me with curiousity "it took you that long to think of a joke?" I glared at him before I smirked

"why was the baby strawberry crying?"

"I don't know why?" king kai asked

"Because his mom and dad were in a jam."

King kai stood their for a moment before his eyes started to widen and he cracked up laughing

"ahahahaha thats a good one hahaha"

I waited patiently "Can we train now"

He smirked the top of his left anteena glowed before a white beam shot at me with blinding speeds and covered my body once It was done I suddenly felt heavier and was parylized

"W-what- did -you-do" I glared at him he smirked back

"Oh nothing much just made your clothes double your body weight" My eyes widen "WHAT?" He ignored me and whistled "OH BUBBLES" He called

"ooh- ooh" Bubbles said as he poked his head out of the tree and rush towards us My eyes widen as I recognized him and smiled

"This is bubbles the monkey

bubbles waved

"Bubbles this is ...?"

"kira...kira hikari" I smiled

"Kira!" king kai finished

"Your first part of your training, catch the monkey,...no food till you do!" My eyes widen in shock and panic


"Then you better get started"he smirked as my stomach roared like a lion I glared at himI started to slowly put one foot in front of the other as i turned towards bubbles who ran off

King Kai smiled 'For a saiyan he sure is a nice guy, he would be interesting company to keep around'