
Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!

Our story follows a guy who is the Twin brother of Hayley Turns out he had already once lived before, After getting his memories and realizing his situations he gets a System. The Iron Man System Oh, And the world is also swarming with End Game Boses. ------ For those who want to support me, Here is the Link: https://discord.gg/nPRBd4MD ---------- Full disclaimer: I do not own the orignal Version of the TV shows and Movies I use as crossover material in this fanfiction, All of that belongs to there respective owner, I Am only responsible for the OC in my Fanfic and the unique events that play out due to it being crossover Worlds And if the Orignal Copyright holder wishes for me to remove there Work, I'll be happy to do so I would also like to thank ChatGPT or OpenAI as that has made the entire writing quality of this novel so much better, Credits to them for improving the writing quality at around Ch 76 to 128. ----- This Fanfiction Contains supernatural elements and diffrent shows as well as movies, Currently one such show that is shown in the world is Wednesday, But there are more shows or movies to be found in this world such as the new Arc of Transformers

Karate_master_b · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
200 Chs

Chapter 147 Serum Injection

The next day, At around the time of Sunrise James stood in front a metal circular tube with nothing on its exterior, It was Bulky, Bigger than his body.

James Was Naked, The only piece of covering he had on was his Underwear and that was it.

James stood there within the bunker that felt slightly colder that usual, He stared at his reflection seeing the Blue eyes and White hair of his.

His slender Body with Little muscles, His Right Arm that was covered in Lines of Black Totenkbrau Particles.

That to a Normal person would simply look like a Arm tattoo.

He let out a deep breath he didnt know he was holding in and looked towards the machine with determination filling his eyes."Alright Jarvis, I'm Ready" he said as the Machine popped open.

The front part of the machine that had just popped open slid to the side like a sliding door revealing the internal part of the Machine.

It was like a carved out Oval pod with a Slanted Metalic bed for James to get in.

To side of the Inside there were plenty of metallic tool with needles and such causing James to guld slightly staring at the needles he knew would be penetrating his body to pump the Formula that he had created.

James stepped forward getting closer to the entrance but stopped himself staring at the place he will be injected with the formula and a seed of doubt appeared in his mind.

"What if this doesn't Work" he thought as that set of his mind racing.

He hadn't put much thought into it failing previously because he was to occupied in creating the formula, But now that the moment is actually staring at him in the face doubts began arising.

His eyes darted around looking at the multiple needles within the Machine and stepped back slightly filled with an uprising hesitation.

But he shook his head and took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

"If I dont do this, I wont be able to Do any harm to Totenkbraus" Afterall Without the Armour he is still a 15 year old Boy Physically.

He looked towards it and made his mind up and in partial blind determination took wide steps and entered the machine place himself on the metal bed that required him to be standing with a slight tilt.

"Alright Jarvis, Actiavate the Bindings" James said, Although Jarvis didnt respond the Bindings that were built to keep James in ine place activated.

Metal bars covered his hands going all the way up to his Arm tightly restricting the movement of his arms and the same happend for his legs and upper body.

"Alright Sir, I will ne monitoring your bodies conditions and will immediately stop if anything starts to get a little Abnormal in your Body when u release the Sleeping and Numbing Gas you made.

But Once the Serum is Injected I will not be able to stop anything, As there are no counter serums made, do you understand that Sir" Jarvis asked again wanting James to fully understand what he was about to do and its risk

"I Understand Jarvis, Activate the Machine, Let's Do this" James shouted hyping himself to go through with this.

His response was met with silence for a few seconds from Jarvis before it spoke in a concise and restricted Manner "Good Luck Sir" Jarvis said.

James nodded his head as the door that had slid to the side began retracting it self to fully close the Pod.

James watched with bated breath feeling the cold metal pressing up against his body as the light disappeared getting masked with the darkness brought upon by the sliding door as it become sealed tight shut encasing James's eyes into darkness.

James looked around seeing only darkness his eyes tried adjusting to all around him.

"Alright sir, Releasing the Sleping and Numbing Gas" Jarvis's voice resounded within the Pod.

James nodded his head and for the last time adjusted his body to be in a slightly more comfortable position as began regretting the fact that he couldn't make a machine where he could do the process while sitting.

He didnt have enough materials for such a thing and not enough time to get the Materials anyways, He thought with slight annoyance.

Gas began emitting from holes within the Pod that were placed all around the pod.

The gas was Invvisible due to the dark but James knew it was being released as The sound of it could clearly reach his ears.

He waited for a few seconds as the smell of the gas reached his noise It smelled a bit of Sulphur and had a but of a metalic taste to it.

James began feeling dizzy as his eyelids became heavy.

They began dropping James held for a few seconds before he decided to just let go and trust it as his eyes shut, His body fully relaxed only being held up by the restraints all over his body as they tightly held him in place.

The sound being emitted by the gas came to a Stop as Jarvis Voice once again resounded, Eventhough there was nobody to listen to it or respond.

"Vitals are stable, Initiating SES Serum Injection" Jarvis said as a bluish liquid began flowing through a tube that was connected to the Syringes.

The process lasted for about a minute until all of the Syringes were filled with the Serum and the Rubes disconnected from the syringe.

The syringes with there sharp needles began automatically moving as they encroached closer and closer to James's Body before Finnaly Making Contact and piercing several parts of the body.

"Injecting SES Serum" Jarvis said as the Serum with the syringes began getting emptied out into James's Body.