
reborn in mha with Goku's powers

Transmigrated in the world of my hero academia with the powers of Goku our hero Motobu Miyagi now will face his biggest challenge learning to become a hero at Union Academy what will happen to this boy who has been reborn with gokus powers find out.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

the sports festival.

" he doesn't seem to be showing any effects from the over-boost in the fight with that monster," said Aizawa.

" but to think, just because he was angry his power skyrocketed; just look at these readings," said Mei hatsumé.

" the boy's parents say the more he fights the stronger he gets;" added Aizawa.

"that combined with his power up from anger means that he'll be about as strong or not stronger than all might be by the time he's eighteen," said Mei.

The U.A. sports festival; it is a sort of mix between an Olympiad event and a fighting tournament.

each class member is allowed to compete in a certain eventof their choosing; however, each must competitor will compete in the obstacle course and the U.A. fighting tournament,

For Izuku and myself however; we were given the opportunity to compete in a wrestling style tag match between two members of the kenpo club Ryubi Tachibana and chiho takahata.

As a result both of us were allowed to practice in the kenpo clubs personal ring to call it a ring would be a insult it was a circle platform built over a trench about twelve feet below.

Izuku and I were sparring in said ring.

" You ready Dekiru!" I asked the boy.

" I was born ready!" Deku replied.

We met in the center of the ring assuming the push hands position in which we crossed our lead arm in front of us which was our left arm's due to focusing emphasis on the lead left straight.

Once we were in a deadlock we began their training Izuku was to try and strike me fast enough for it to get past my defense but for him to do so he would have to learn to move his body at the speed of sound.

As far as I knew he could move at least eighty miles per hour at the normal speed without his quirk.

" Now Izuku!" I ordered.

Izuku threw a light straight but I slapped it aside and threw a left backhand which Izuku barely managed to parry with his Palm before using a right whisking hand aimed at my throat I caught his wrist and Izuku went for a left low blow which I caught with my other hand before twisting him around and Flipping him upside down putting him through a wrestling move known as the kill switch.

Izuku got up.

" Again faster this time," I said.

After five rounds Izuku had managed to throw a punch at 100 mph exceeding mach speed ans then we began actual kumité.

Izuku came at me with a hook punch but I countered with a slapping block Izuku threw a left straight and right cross but I ducked under both of them before countering with Uppercut which Izuku managed to weave away from,

Izuku came at me with a kick to the hip into a spinning hook kick in a fork known as dragon seeks it's path and dragon whips it's tail.

I blocked the second kick with my arms and countered with a low roundhouse kick fallowed by a body blow to the guy then a back turn punch to the jaw.

Deku got up and he came at me with a powered up punch as he wound up his arm he let out a powerful Uppercut that sent a gale of wind towards me and called out,

" Vacume smash!" The punch sent a blast of wind towards me I smirked and created a Ki gaurd before countering with my own strike involving force pressure my kiai attack.

The force pressure palm blast was enough to blow Deku back he came at me and unleashed a rapid fire punch combination as he called out "Smash!" And he slammed his fist into my gut with the force of a bomb and although I felt as if I would vomit I also felt a surge of power from my zenkai boost I then hit Deku with my own special punch a move I call my cyclone circle punch it was a ki powered roundhouse punch that sends the user spinning like a cyclone the move was fast powerful and straight to the point and for Deku thankfully I was holding back he only got span around four time'd albiet at least at 60 MPH.

After that we took a break to focus on kata, then we ate lunch and after that we began working out.

Deku and I had different workouts deku's workout involved beefing up his body to contain one for all, meanwhile my workout involved cultivating my own natural muscles to build up my own natural physique while also strengthening my body this is a form of training known as cultivating body training rather than focusing on a massive build it rather focuses a leaner natural build and a more lighter body.

The use for this is that I gain speed and keep strength via striking power instead of brawn which Is useful for actual fist fighting because brawn doesn't necessarily equal power besides even without a lot of bulk u was still 5.8 and weighed 230 pounds which is somewhere in the light heavy weight division this was due to my karate training since karate fighters tend to have more muscular builds if I were to describe my build it would be that of a swimmer's.

While deku's build was more of a kin to ippo's build.

After we ended our training we reviewed the obstical course in which we began doing preparations for it, I suggested that Deku use more of a kickboxing based technique rather than a straight up punching based technique like all might sure I may have taught him some fighting moves but those were just some fundamental moves and methods from styles like Jeet Kune do and tang soo doo but for him to learn actual fighting I suggested shoot fighting which is a mix of shoot style wrestling and kickboxing similar to what you may in the K1 grand prix after which I began to focus on having us do body tempering exercises like taking falls and punching ourselves in the gut with sand bags,

After this we rested.

Finally, The day of the school sports festival began.

Izuku and I stood at the start of the obstical course, where we would begin a race to the finish.

As we raced, we ran into the first of three obsticals,

the fall: a tight rope walk over a canyon.

Izuku and I ran across the tight rope with ease.

This was thanks to the energy regulation training Izuku and I did.

He simply used the one for all in a linear dash,

while I basically used my family's training to run across them; my family taught me lightness training, It is the method of making one's body weightless.

I got there first and was met by izuku.

" Stay sharp,We've got two more obsticals to overcome." I warned him.

Izuku nodded.

The next obstical was the Mine field.

Izuku and I used our energy to fly over the mine field; for Izuku this involved him propelling himself over the pit via a quirk called float,which he unlocked with the help of our training.

As for me I used my cheat skill and used the dancing sky art; this skill allows me to fly via manipulating my Ki Energy.

After this we faced the last obstical;

The Robo inferno:

A field full of robot villain's.

Izuku managed to best three robots using a set of moves he began with a boot to the gut, that was fallowed by a somersault backflip kick.

The next robot he bested by using the combo

of a back turn fist, fallowed by a spinning hook kick that took it out.

The last one fell to his smash punch.

I faced three robots of my own the first I bested with a crescent kick.

The second fell to a shot gun punch which was basically a fifteen jab combo,ending with a smashing hook punch; that sent that sumbitch flying.

The third fell to my new move called the head slicer, by channeling ki into my arm I execute a discuss punch that sends a blade of ki into my opponent and cuts them down it's effect is similar to the destrcto disk that krillin uses; it can't be blocked or else you lose your arms.

After this we went finished the obstical course in under a minute a new record.

" And now for the main event we've all been waiting for," said Radio guy making an elaborate pose.

" We have a very special match a tag team match, in the red corner; weighing a combined weight of 440 pounds;

" Ryubi 'Burning-Fist' Tachibana"

" And his partner: chiho 'the void breaker' takahata," said hizashi making a chuging pose.

" And in the blue corner; weighing a combined weight of 360 pounds.

"Motobu 'Dragon Gaurd' Miyagi!!!!"

"and his partner; Izuku Deku midoriya," said the commentary hero.

" You ready Dekiru," I asked stretching my shoulders, I was in my armor based off of Goku's Turtle Hermit Dōgi and Izuku was in his hero uniform that the schools science and development team made for him.

The other two were in their own hero attire.

Ryubi was in a black jacket with red flame's with matching pants he had two red gauntlets with concentrates to help him control his flames, he had a red mask similar to that of Robin's from the Batman comics,

Chiho had on a blue coat with a black pair of pant's black boots golden gauntlets and a blue hood.

" So you guys want to test your might against us," said chiho.

" you two best be ready, " said ryubi.

" lemme ask you something brother," i said psyching myself up.

" oh what is that," asked ryubi.

" watchya gunna do when motobu runs wild on you," i asked in my best hulkamania impression.

To be continued.

ooh, this is going to be a good next chapter maybe I just might reveal a technique of Goku that everyone in the fan community wants to be cannon and lemme ask you guys would you like to see an invasion into the school during the sports festival lemme know.

Anyway onto the preview.

"I've got you! " said Ryubi attempting a punch rush.

"Now izuku," I said and we both hit the boy with a thrust kick and then shuffled like Bruce Lee.


The Crowd Was Horrified as the villains came into the arena.

" I WON'T LET YOU THREATEN MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY!" I shouted going into a controlled wrathful state.

" what the hell is this kid!" said the villain Bombastia.

to be continued.

( who will survive!)

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