
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 6: Mastery Awakened

For a year, the center of the forest became John's sanctuary, his training ground where he delved deep into the realms of magic. Guided by the knowledge imprinted within his mind and the limitless wellspring of mana flowing through his veins, he immersed himself in the study and practice of every aspect of magic.

From Pyromancy, where he conjured flames that danced at his command, to Hydromancy, where he called upon surging waves and shaped water into intricate forms. He honed his skills in Geomancy, bending the earth to his will, and Aeromancy, where he commanded the winds to weave melodies of power. And in the ethereal realm of Spirit Magic, he communed with unseen forces, channeling their energy to manifest his intentions.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, John's proficiency grew, his command of magic expanding with each passing day. His once fledgling abilities had transformed into a mastery that surpassed even his own expectations.

And then, as the final day of his year-long training arrived, the forest stirred with a newfound energy. The dragon, Azrael, began to rouse from his deep slumber. His massive form materialized before John, his azure scales shimmering with renewed vitality.

The dragon's eyes met John's, and a smile curled upon his serpentine lips. "John," he boomed, his voice resonating with pride and satisfaction. "You have surpassed all expectations. Your growth in the magical arts is a testament to your dedication and unwavering spirit."

John's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and accomplishment. To earn the recognition and praise of a being as ancient and wise as Azrael was a feat he could hardly comprehend.

Azrael extended a scaled claw, the same talon that had forged their spirit contract. "Come, John," he invited, his voice laced with excitement. "Stand before me, and let me witness the full extent of your newfound power."

With a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins, John stepped forward and stood before the dragon, his gaze meeting Azrael's wise, glowing eyes.

As he raised his hands, a surge of magic surged through him, intertwining with his very being. The air crackled with energy as he channeled the elements, shaping them with finesse and control. Flames danced upon his fingertips, water twirled and shaped to his command, the earth obeyed his will, and the winds answered his call.

With every display of mastery, Azrael's eyes widened in awe, his form radiating a sense of pride and fulfillment. The dragon had witnessed John's journey from a mere office worker to a formidable wielder of magic—a force to be reckoned with in the realm of Elysia.

As the display of power reached its climax, John lowered his hands, his chest heaving with exertion. The forest echoed with the remnants of his magic, as if acknowledging his newfound status as a mage of unparalleled prowess.

Azrael approached John, his enormous form exuding warmth and admiration. "You have surpassed even my expectations," the dragon rumbled. "Your growth, your power—it is a testament to your unwavering spirit and the divine cheat bestowed upon you by the gods."

John bowed his head respectfully, acknowledging the role both Azrael and the gods had played in his transformation. "I owe my gratitude to your guidance and the gifts I have been given," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

Azrael placed a clawed hand upon John's shoulder, his touch both gentle and reassuring. "Now, my young friend," the dragon said, his voice tinged with excitement, "with your newfound power, you are ready to embark on the next phase of your journey. Elysia awaits your presence."

With the dragon's blessings and the gods' cheat, John knew he held the power to shape the course of Elysia.

And so, with Azrael as his mentor and his newfound mastery as his shield, John prepared to leave the center of the forest behind. Elysia awaited, and he would rise to the challenges it presented, forging his path as a mage of unparalleled power—a champion of magic, destined to reshape the very fabric of this extraordinary realm.