
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 14: A Storm of Redemption

As John and Elara emerged from the forest, they were greeted by the sight of a peaceful village nestled on the outskirts of the wild terrain. A sense of relief washed over them, knowing that safety and rest awaited in the village after their arduous journey. They pitched their tent on the outskirts, seeking solace and a respite from their travels.

The morning sun rose with a gentle warmth, and the duo prepared for the day ahead. Little did they know that the tranquility they had found would soon be shattered by a horrifying event.

As John and Elara readied themselves, the serene atmosphere of the village was torn asunder by blood-curdling screams and the clash of weapons. Bandits, cloaked in darkness, descended upon the village, their intentions nefarious and their thirst for chaos unquenchable.

Elara's instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, she rushed to confront the marauders, her sword at the ready. She fought with valor and skill, her years of training as a knight coming to the fore. But as she faced the bandit leader, it became apparent that he was no ordinary adversary.

The bandit leader was a formidable swordsman, his movements fluid and precise. Each strike he delivered seemed to carry a deadly intent, and Elara found herself at a disadvantage. The bandit's blade danced with deadly grace, and with each parry, Elara's strength waned.

Desperation and fear gripped John's heart as he witnessed the dire situation unfolding before him. It was as if the ghosts of his past had resurfaced, bringing forth memories of his parents' tragic fate at the hands of gangs. The pain and helplessness he had felt as a child now surged within him, fueling an indescribable power.

With a sudden surge of magic, the atmosphere around John began to shift. The once gentle breeze turned into a powerful wind, whipping and howling with an eerie force. His body shimmered with a radiant light, illuminating the surroundings.

As the blinding light enveloped the village, the bandits were disoriented, their vision obscured. When the light finally faded, all that remained of the marauders were their discarded clothes, scattered like leaves in the wind.

Elara stood in awe, her body and spirit inexplicably healed. Bones that had been shattered by the bandit leader's assault now mended, and pain that had consumed her vanished. Confusion etched her features as she searched for an explanation.

But her attention quickly shifted to John, who now lay unconscious on the ground. Despite the incredible display of magic, he seemed unaware of what had transpired. Elara rushed to his side, her concern evident.

"What... what happened?" she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and concern. "Was it you, John? Did you unleash that power?"

Elara was left with more questions than answers, but she knew one thing for certain: whatever force had intervened, it had saved them all from certain doom.

Days passed, and John remained unconscious, his body weak and unresponsive. Elara stayed by his side, tending to his needs and watching over him with unwavering devotion. As she nursed him back to health, she couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of John's power and the source of the brilliant light that had saved them all.

As John's strength gradually returned, so did his memories. He recalled the painful events of his past life—the loss of his parents, the cruelty of those who had taken them from him, and the helplessness he had felt in the face of such evil.

With the clarity of remembrance came the realization that his magic had surged in response to that trauma, manifesting in a storm of redemption. It was a force borne from the depths of his soul, a power that sought to protect and heal, to vanquish darkness and bring forth light.

John looked at Elara, who had become not only his companion but also his closest friend. "I think my magic... it's connected to my emotions," he confessed, his voice tinged with both uncertainty and conviction. "When I saw you in danger, my past memories surfaced, and my power emerged to save you."

Elara listened with understanding, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "Your magic is unlike anything I have ever seen," she said, her admiration evident. "It is a gift, a reflection of the strength that resides within your heart. Your emotions give life to your power, and that is something truly remarkable."

With the bandits defeated and the village safe once more, John and Elara continued their journey to the kingdom of Etherea.