
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 12: Paths Uniting

As the sun cast its warm glow upon them, John and Elara stood at the edge of the river, engrossed in conversation. Elara, a knight and adventurer of the guild, shared tales of her exploits and her affiliation with the kingdom of Etherea—one of the five mighty realms of Elysia. She revealed that she was not only an adventurer but also the esteemed commander of the kingdom's knights.

"I have journeyed here to the holy forest to complete a quest entrusted to me by the guild," Elara explained, her voice carrying a sense of authority and purpose. "But now that my task is complete, I must return to Etherea, for the dangers that lurk within this forest are unparalleled. It is a place where the strongest and most fearsome beasts dwell, including the mighty dragon."

John listened intently, absorbing every word. The tales of the forest's dangers painted a vivid picture in his mind, eliciting a shiver of both awe and trepidation. He understood the significance of Elara's warning, acknowledging the need for caution when traversing such perilous terrain.

Elara's gaze softened as she turned her attention to John. "How is it that you have come from this foreboding place?" she asked, genuine curiosity reflected in her eyes. "It is said that the holy forest is not only dangerous but also home to the mighty dragon. How have you survived within its depths?"

John took a moment to collect his thoughts, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "I was abandoned near the outskirts of the forest when I was just a child," he revealed, his voice laced with a tinge of melancholy. "But I was fortunate to be taken in by an Orneal—a magical beast resembling a monkey—who raised and protected me. The Orneal kept me safe from harm, and we lived harmoniously at the outermost part of the forest."

A mixture of surprise and empathy crossed Elara's face as she listened to John's tale. "You have faced your share of trials and found solace within the companionship of a magical beast," she remarked, her voice filled with understanding. "I can only imagine the challenges you must have overcome living in the wilderness. It is commendable."

John nodded, his gaze softening as he recalled memories of his upbringing. "The Orneal was like a guardian to me, teaching me to survive and providing the love and protection I needed. But recently, it passed away, leaving me feeling alone and restless. That is why I have decided to leave the forest behind, to explore the wider world and seek my place within it."

Elara's expression softened with sympathy. "I understand your desire to venture beyond the familiar," she replied, her voice gentle. "You have endured a solitary existence for far too long. It would be my honor to guide you to the kingdom of Etherea as a gesture of apology for our initial misunderstanding."

John's eyes sparkled with a mix of gratitude and anticipation. The opportunity to explore a kingdom and experience the vibrant realm of Elysia alongside a seasoned adventurer like Elara was an invitation he couldn't refuse.

"I accept your offer, Elara," he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Your guidance and companionship will be invaluable as I embark on this new chapter of my life."

As they set forth, John and Elara began their journey towards the kingdom of Etherea. The sun illuminated their path, casting a golden hue upon the landscape that stretched before them. With each step, their bond of friendship deepened, nurtured by understanding, forgiveness, and a shared sense of adventure.

Meanwhile, concealed within the unseen depths, the dragon, Azrael, observed their departure, a smile playing upon his scaled lips. He had witnessed their misunderstanding and subsequent reconciliation, knowing that their unity would forge a formidable alliance.

The dragon's silent presence lingered, a guardian unseen yet ever-watchful, as John and Elara traversed the unknown, weaving their destinies together. And with each stride, they moved one step closer to the kingdom of Etherea—a place where their paths would intertwine, and their shared adventure would set the stage for their future within the vibrant realm of Elysia.