
8. What is this, an Onmyounji?

I've been getting used to my skill and understanding the information that Rias gibe out to me regarding the supernatural world.

But why, Here I am with a piece of paper yet it felt I was almost chocked to death by what written inside of it many people will think that I have good comprehension but this here don't need any comprehension.

Did Sona use any magic to prevent anyone from cheating? if so that's simply cruel of you sona, Haah Finnaly over.

I was going straight back home because today I took a day off so that I don't need to finish any Contract and Rias agree I need to take a day off.

well you see I am pretty diligent devils, its been 3 month since I become a devils I already finished more than 200 contract on that time, well mostly of it thanks to Kage being the perfect advertiser though.

I'm on my way back hope but suddenly Kage fell to my Shoulder, I was confused but I felt a faint magic yet it gives off quite a lot of danger.

I decided that I need to go before running to annoying trouble its a drag if I got into a trouble I didn't sign up for.

but before I even have the chance to leave 10 meters of the area, a group of white robed guys stopped me 'THE HELL IS THEY SOME KIND OF KKK OR SOMETHING?'.

I tried to stay calm and observe the situation, "You have devils magic aura, yet you use Cross in your ear" The guy said or ask but his tone sounded more like a Command.

"Answer me young devils, at least we can understand the one who we will kill." did that old bag of bone just said that I need to tell them so they can kill me at peace.

I don't like feeling being threatened I hate it in fact "Yo.. you useless Exorcist, say? How do you want to die?" I said that with an anger I let out my mana and aura who I always hold down to the most miniscule amount.

The exorcist on the other hand see something differently, what they see is not a person or even a being they ever faced before they see a monster a deep and fearless monster.

"Did he plan on facing 24 exorcist on his own? is this devils an idiot?" one of the exorcist blurt out but even he knew that he is not sure if they will survive facing the being in front of em.

while they getting ready to fight I pull out Kusabimaru and rip my Earrings to use {LIMIT} there are 24 of them, my sword style is 1vsMany sword style so you can say I have the advantage.

their light energy sword will not harm me, maybe it will but it will not become a fatal blow and burn me to death, their revolver on the other hand have much more danger to it, I activate my eyes and ready to fight.

"Sen Ten no Aki" I mumbled out second later I vanish from my spot and move at an incredible speed, my {LIMIT} form may lose out to Balance Breaker, but it still gives +150 attribute to me with how much I condense until now.

They don't see my movement but they react to my slash, I slashed toward the closest one there are 2 of them I slashed toward his neck he died instantly the second one got stabbed to the heart.

I run around the battlefield which the Exorcist already make barrier so I don't need to worry about the surroundings , I just keep slashing towards all of them.

all of my strike Intended in a fatal spot like heart and neck, but some of it managed to be block, now I knew that {Sen Ten No Aki} is blockable and only helped me know their fatal area and gives me boost to speed.

a minute passed by and there are only 14 of them left after that, 2 of them died because of Hoshi no Fuin, I don't know where did they got sucked to and I don't need to find out.

I got shot on the shoulder and legs but only that the armor block most of the holy energy but the physical bullet still penetrated it.

I know after using two of Kusabimaru skill my mana and stamina got quite low especially my mana, It seems using skill will used up my mana and it is A LOT.

I dicided to fight using my sword art and managed to be on stand still, they them self got beaten up by the passive abilities that Kusabimaru had which drain their stamina at an alarming rate.

20 minute or so passed I managed to kill 8 more of them, I was wondering why did I feel nothing after killing these guys after all this is my first kill still in my thought the exorcist take out a scroll with a danger filled aura from it.

"oy oy oy.. do we need to go that far" I asked while knowing that thing they hold had Space magic in it so either they want to teleport away or they want to sent me away to some place where I will die, with how much danger that scroll emit, I'm pretty sure its the letter one.

not saying anything 4 guys charge up to me some sending powerful light based ranged attack which I deflect using Hebi O Sorasu, some of them got into close range to fight me.

'Damn this guys are ready to die, why don't you just run away after that many of your comrade died' I keep fighting the 3 guys and deflecting all attack from the guy on the back, I managed to kill 2 of the guy.

after killing 2 guy I ran straight to the ranged guys and kill him, the last one also died with the amount of blood loss he have.

the last two guys who is still reading the scroll which made a magic circle is still chanting I charge to them and kill the guy defending, I killed the last one but it seems the magic already invoked I got shrouded in space tentacles and got taken out to the void.

I was panicking with how much pressure the void that the exorcist sent me to, I know that I can only mantain my {LIMIT} mode around 5 more minute after that, I'll probably got crushed by the sheer pressure.

4 minute passed I knew my end are coming I got so much to regret, like not being able to do anything to Rias and meeting the other peerage member.

"Haah, it seems this is it, It was fun but still dying is not pleasant" I was getting ready to die when suddenly a Giant Roar in ny head.


there I see Akeno worried face 'that was rare' and Rias running to me while Akeno getting ready to fight, "They.. are.. dead.. exorcist.. idiot.. hurt.. like.. an.. exam.." I side between my coughing blood.

"calm down Rias he still can make a stupid joke at the time so I'm sure he is fine" Akeno asure Rias which I give a weak thumbs up before passing out.

In my unconscious state I know that the roar that saved me is the Great Red that Yami said but who is Paarthurnax, The elder one? And he also said I am who dicide the fate of the world?

'Haah, whatever I just deal with it when the time comes, I don't even have enough information on me anyway. Not Neat not Neat...' I said before drifting deeper to my sleep.

(A.N: YAHHALO AUTHOR HERE, This chapter should be published on 4 september, I actually not supposed to wrote anything today but I still done it because on 4 september I will be quite busy with pre-exam which is killing me so yea, wish me luck please T-T)