

After introducing himself Tumi had to pick one of those three to fight.

Tumi picked the guy with the 16 million power level.

When the guy saw that Timi picked him he was about to laugh as somebody had actually thought that he could defeat him.

He said nothing and was about to teach tumi a lesson.

They went outside where the fighting stage was and started the fight.

When the fight started tumi disappeared and reappeared being him.

When yumi disappeared he was shocked as he could see nothing and he was about to turn around to look for tumi he was sent flying.

He hit the wall of the school and fell on the floor unconscious.

When tumu had hit him, he went for a chop on his neck just like what beruus did to Super Saiyan 3 Goku but unlike how you fell, this guy wasn't sent flying to the direction the chop was going.

Tumi looked at the principle and said: "so do I pass the test?"

The principal had no words to say and just nodded her head.

The principal at least could do that but the student that saw this they were just standing there like dummies with no brains.

It took them a few minutes before they could come back to their mind and when they did they immediately surrounded tumi.

All of them tried to bootlick tumi, why, all cause they knew if they were with someone strong they would be able to pass the group mission easily.

Which are almost all the missions?

Tumi was speechless at what was happening so he just chatted with them until he was challenged to a fight.

Tumi looked at the person that challenges him and saw that it was the group leader of group A, Alina.

He looked at her and agreed to accept her challenge.

Tumi brought down his power level by bit, just cause she was a Wahmen, he sent ki blast towards her she tried to dodge, she was successful with dodging but Tumi did not want to fight a girl so he blended a tiny bit of his divine ki in his normal.

After doing that he tried to suppress her, and the moment he did, she flopped down on the floor.

She tries to get up with all her might but she was currently too weak to resist such a strong pressure.

Tumi looked at her and said, "do you give up?".

She looked at him and said, "i can get up, this is nothing".

Tumi did not want her to wast her time for too long so he just sent a bit more pressure which caused her to temporarily pass out.

She was unconscious for a second before she came back.

The principal saw what Tumi did and was very certain that the pressure from Tumi wasn't some normal pressure.

The moment it was released the aura that Tumi was releasing turn into a dark purple with flares of bright red sparks that appeared in his aura sometimes.

Tumi looked at her for a few seconds and when she gained back her consciousness he said: "give it up your not even close to bringing out 1% of my full power".

Tumi was waiting for her reply, which surprised him when he heard it "okay, I give up".

Tumi thought he could now get on with his day when suddenly Alina came up to him.

As if some kind of fire was ignited in her as she came to tumi.

Her eyes were showing two sparks of fire except for her pupils.

"now that you have become a year twelve, come to join my team".

She continued "we can train with each other so that we can get stronger and you will also help me have a target to reach before I pass you", she said all that with a bright smile that was radiating her confidence that made other people look up to her.

"do you really think that you could surpass me, what you just said just put a smile on my face".

"well if you dare come train with me and you will see", if she was in another race she would never ask somebody that she was trying to surpass to train with her but since she was a Saiyan, her target was very strong in her eyes, which meant training with her target can result in major power up from zenkai's.

Tumi was about to reject her when he thought about his training.

He remembered how bored he would always get while training, especially from the fact that he could only do normal push-ups and some other stuff but with a partner, he could train in gaining experience, plus increasing her ki control to unlock his Saiyan transformation.

But the most important reason that he didn't reject her was cause he felt being with her could increase his skills on flirting with the ladies that he would try to get with.

The only thing he knew was how to fight, which was what he exactly did with the first Wahmen he had talked to, he had fought her till she was unconscious.

He had reflected at that moment for the whole time he was transforming his ki to divine ki.

Tumi looked at her and said, "okay, I'll be your training partner".

When he heard tumi say that she immediately started to bounce up and down, as of she was stepping on 5000-degree rocks.

She went and grabbed tumi's hand, "let's go we can start training now until we get an assignment".

Tumi was surprised and excited as this was his first time having proper skin to skin contact with a Wahmen, but he knew he had to act cool.

He started to go where she was going until they reached the school's gravity chamber.

Tumi looked at where she was going and the first thing he thought was 'I get to be with her in one of this training chamber for hours" after he finished thinking a smirk appeared on his face.

Only he knew the meaning of that smirk, but what he really didn't know was that the author knew what he really was thinking and some or most of the readers.

The smirk was to show he could now get the chance to respect wahmens with his superior white knight skills.

Just gonna flat out say it ”love interest”

L1_acreators' thoughts