
Reborn in Dragon Ball with a System

In the Heavens as the Gods and Goddess' where enjoying a refreshing banquet, when suddenly something disturbed them, and that was the near destruction of one of the lesser worlds under their control and Truck-kun's blunder. Join Magno in his quest to restore the Dragon Ball World to its former prime. Note from the author "I will be uploading this when ever I decide I can write or if I have nothing better to do."

VioletRouge · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Old Chapters

Chapter 2: System Functions & Explanations

In a dark corner, of a dark blueish planet, in a rundown alleyway a small, naked infant with rugged, bushy hair that spiked out in every direction, was sitting down on a crate. This infant is Kyle now named Magno. After he woke up in an abandoned incubation chamber in a, very much, destroyed building. He went out of the building not feeling safe. Thus him being where he is now.

Magno: (Why am toddler, and not a baby?)

System: <That would be because you payed so that you wouldn't remember the pains of being born, and you where asleep for the rest of time due to the fatigue your soul had for staying up for a Void week.>

Magno: (I'm guessing your my system.)

System: <That is right host.>

Magno: (Then what kind of functions do you have.)

System: <I have 6 functions at the moment they are {Status, Quest, Store, Proficiency, Inventory, and Lottery}.>

Magno: (Can you tell me what they do?)

System: <Status shows the host's Status, Quest shows all the Quests the Host has as well as the ones the Host has completed, Store allows the host to buy and sell any items, techniques, or bloodlines for system points. Proficiency shows the host's master over all the skills, abilities, and techniques.

The inventory allows the host to store a practical infinite number of goods. The lottery gives the host a easy way of either saving or losing System Points, the lottery has everything in system store and to use the lottery host must spend 1000 SP for a chance to draw.>

Magno: (System check my Status.)


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 50

Level: 1

Experience: 0/50

Hp: 50

Ki: 50

Strength: 5

Defense: 3

Intelligence: 65

Wisdom: 20

Speed: 5

Luck: 15

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)]

Skills: None

Techniques: None

SP: 50


==Great Ape Transformation (C)==

Only beings that have Saiyan blood as well as a tail are able to transform into a Great Ape.

Lower Level Saiyans aren't able to control their Great Ape Form.

Multiplies the users power by 10 times.


==Environmental Resistance (D+)==

The being who has this ability will not be affected by the environment they fight in.


==Zenkai Boost (S-)==

Racial Ability of the Saiyans.

When recovered from a near death experience the being with this ability will experience a power boost.

The boost ranges from 2 times to 12 times.


==Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)==

The ability to create Dragon Balls.

As this was granted by the Demon Dragon of Demise and not by Zalama, users Dragon Balls will be leagues above any other set of Dragon Balls.

The users Dragon Ball have an equal power to the user, so they can't be used to destroy a universe unless the user has the strength to do so.


Magno: (System what was my stats like before I came here.)

System: <Your power level was only 5 and all, but your intelligence, wisdom and luck, where 1. While your Hp and Ki where both 5.>

Magno: (Hmm, why was I so weak!?) He asked in an annoyed tone.

System: <That would be because of your Rank as well as the wishes you asked for.>

Magno: (Umm... Could you elaborate more please? Like what the hell this Ranking is!)

System: <Your Rank is a measurement of how strong the host is in comparison to all realms and the void. The wording used for it is based off of the realm the host knows best.>

Magno: (Okay so what does the level on my status mean.)

System: <It is the accumulation of Origin Energy in the host body. This can be gained by killing other beings, completing Quests, or by converting all of this realms energies into Origin Energy.>

System: <As for the host's wishes coming into play by having me the host could become the most powerful being in this realm. And the ability to make Dragon Balls was only given to those that the Demon Dragon of Demise thought worthy of, which is why there are very few with this ability and why they are in this world.>

Magno: (Okay system what's in my Inventory)

System: <Host has a starter kit and a rugged set of clothes>

Magno: (I'd like to equip the set of clothes, as well as use the starter kit.)

System: <Okay host prepossessing 1%... 4%... 26%... 45%... 90%... Complete.>

===Congratulations host has gained 1 free shop token!!===

===Congratulations host has gained the [Ki Sense] skill!===

===Congratulations host has gained 15,000 SP!===

Magno no longer felt the breeze going in between his nether region, and he felt warmth coming from the air deducing that it must be Ki.

==Shop Token==

Allows the host to buy any thing in the system shop for free.


==Ki Sense (F-)==

Allows the user to sense Ki in the air and in the bodies of others.

Higher level users can even sense the Ki of a planet, or the Ki in space.

Mastery: 0/100


Magno had no idea where he was and he was very hungry but felt no life in a 50m radius, which seemed to be his limit in his sensing radius. So he started walking north in hopes of finding someone. He also asked system where he was.

System: <Host is currently on Frieza Planet 13, in the Ruins of Carkon one of the biggest trading city on the planet.>

Magno: (What happened to make it this way?)

System: <I cannot tell the host this as it would mean limiting the host growth.>

Magno: (What do you mean?)

System: <The host must figure out your problems, so that you may grow mentally and learn more about this realm.>

Magno: (That makes a little bit of sense. {Sigh} So I can't just rely on the system for everything.)

System: <That would be correct.>

Magno wasn't happy about this, but he knew he couldn't just change it so he dropped it. Little did he know that just outside his range of Ki Sense a small figure was looking at him with intrude and disgust.

Chapter 3: New Skills, Abilities, & Techniques

Magno has been walking north for about 3 hours when his belly started to rumbling, all of the creatures he saw up to this point where way above his Power Level; the weakest he had seen had a Power Level of 1045.

Magno: (System why is everything so much stronger than me!)

System: <I believe we talked about this a few hours ago, it is also due to the host being an infant.>

Magno: (Is there any way I can kill them even with my power?)

System: <Host can use the shop to search for a skill or technique that could do this.>

Magno: (Then system find me something that can help out me out of my predicament)

System: <All right host Searching.... Done>

A list of 3 skills/techniques then appeared:

==Seven Sins: Gluttony (B+)==

A skill in which the user uses its sin to absorb anything in its path, so long as it wasn't that much stronger than the user.

The user can absorb thing 100 times his Power Level.

The user must mainly be Evil (51%+)

Cost: 1,000 SP


==Black Flame Will (D-)==

A technique passed down by the Milordian people of one of the realms.

The user summons a Black Flame that they can control and burn enemies alive.

The user must be able to use an energy type to fuel the Black Flame.

Cost: 750 SP


==Decaying Mask (A+)==

A skill used the undead of most realms to kill their enemies by decaying their bodies.

The user creates a mask out of energy to put on the enemy, so that it can begin decaying.

User must be able to control a Death-type energy in order to use.

Cost: 10,000


Magno: (System how are the first and third ones useful to me?)

System: <Host can use these skills in the long run to defeat opponents easily and they can be used right now, as the first one can be used to devour them whole at the cost of going to hell when you die. And the third one can be used to gain Exp easily which will make killing them easier.>

Magno: (Well I don't want to go to hell, and I don't want to buy an extra energy source at the moment. So system use my Shop Token to buy Black Flame Will!!)

System: <System has bought the Black Flame Will using up the hosts Shop Token. I shall now show the host's status.>


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 60

Level: 1

Experience: 0/50

Hp: 50

Ki: 50

Strength: 5

Defense: 3

Intelligence: 65

Wisdom: 20

Speed: 5

Luck: 15

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)], [Ki Sense (F)]

Skills: None

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min]

SP: 15,050


Magno: (Hmm... My Power Level rose why is that?)

System: <That would be because you have a damaging technique.>

Magno: (Okay it just means I'm becoming just a little bit more powerful.)

He then found the closest beast to test his new technique. The beast had a bear-like appearance but was 3.5 meters tall, with deep blue colour fur, in order to blend in with the plants in the area, its fangs where 25cm long, and all over its body where deep scars and gashes. Magno felt sorry for this beast but he needed food, and as they say in the animal kingdom it's survival of the fittest. So he readied his attack and yelled:

Magno: "Black Fire Will!!"

A magnificent black flame shot out from his open palm and went straight towards the bear-like beast. In a few second it arrived near the beast ready to burn it to ash. The moment the fire touched the beast it burst into flames due to the heat and the immediate area smelt like burning hair and grilled bear. In a few second the beast was dead with all of its fur burned black.

Magno: "Holy S***!! I didn't think it would be this powerful!"

System: <That is a matter of course as most beings in this realm don't have a resistance to the elements, as they aren't used very much.>

Magno: (I see well no need to spend much time thinking as I NEED FOOD!)

After going up to the beast he ripped its fur out of the way and started eating it, it might have been considered not very cooked in his past life but right now that didn't matter. The small figure looking at Magno from afar didn't know what to make of those black flames. On one hand it was terrified of them being used on itself, but on its leader they might not be much.

Magno: (Hey system is there anyway for me to raise my Ki without raising my level?)

System: <Yes there is, but you could also look at quest as you have completed a few so far.>

Magno: (Really why haven't you told, that I completed them?)

System: <I wanted to see if you would have figured it out your self to confirm completion of the quest.>

Magno: (Well next time I complete a quest give me a prompt.)

System: <...I will... keep that in mind....>

Magno: (Anyway open the {Quest} function.)


Main Quests: 8 quests/ 2 completed/ 6 uncompleted

Side Quests: 12 quests/ 2 completed/ 10 uncompleted

==Main Quest: Obtain first technique==

Obtain your first technique to complete this quest.

Reward(s): 10 points to all stats, and 1,000 SP


==Main Quest: First Blood==

Kill your first enemy to complete this quest.

Reward(s): 2 Random Skill Crystals, 1,500 SP


==Side Quest: Raise your Power Level==

Raise your power level by at least 10%

Reward(s): [Ki Cultivation (F)], 200 SP


==Side Quest: Use Ki==

You must use ki to attack, search, or defend.

Reward(s): [Ki Manipulation (F+)], 150 SP


In the moment Magno confirmed that he completed these quest he got the rewards they are:

10+ to stats

2850 SP

2 Random Skill Crystals

[Ki Cultivation (F)]

[Ki Manipulation (F+)]

==Random Skill Crystals==

Gives the user a random skill.

Can only be used once per crystal.


==Ki Cultivation (F)==

Allows the user to strengthen the user's body and to increase the amount of Ki the user can hold and use.

User must be perfectly still for however long they use this skill to gain the benefits.

1 hour of cultivation is +1 to HP, strength, defense, and speed. And also 20+ Ki.

This amount can be increased with training this skill.


==Ki Manipulation (F+)==

Allows the user to more easily manipulate Ki in the air and in the user's body.

Higher level users can completely hide their Ki signature from any being.


Magno felt so much power coursing through his body and he could better feel the ambient Ki in the air.

Magno: (I feel incredible! But why didn't they give me any Exp?)

System: <They where designed to make sure you don't rely on level ups to get stronger.>

Magno: (I see... Wait how do I store this thing?) He said to the system as he looked at the beast that had been half eaten.

System: <All you need to do is say "Store" and it will go in your inventory.>

Magno: "Store" he said that and then the beast was stored.

He felt refreshed for the first time since he woke up in this world. The small figure looked at Magno with eyes of fear and shock, as he grew stronger it felt it and wondered where the beast had gone.


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 160

Level: 1

Experience: 5/50

Hp: 60

Ki: 60

Strength: 15

Defense: 13

Intelligence: 75

Wisdom: 30

Speed: 15

Luck: 25

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)], [Ki Sense (F)], [Ki Manipulation (F+)]

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (F)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min]

SP: 17,900


Chapter 4: The Hunt

After Magno finished checking his Status. It was near sunset, so he needed to find a place to sleep the night. After walking for an other 30 minutes he found a well sheltered cave, he took a look inside and saw the same type of beast he had killed earlier inside sleeping. After using his skill it went down without being able to put up any resistance.

System: <Ding! Host has unlocked a Side Quest!>

==Side Quest: Beast Hunter (Repeatable)==

Condition 1: Kill 10 Mammoth High-Bears (2 Killed)

Condition 2: Kill 15 Monkey Scorpions (0 Killed)

Condition 3: Kill 5 Dinosaur Eagles

C1 Rewards: 500 SP, & Random Ability Token

C2 Rewards: [Poison Resistance (D-)], 750 SP

C3 Rewards: [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)], 1250 SP

Note *Host can complete any one of the Conditions and get the rewards when it's completed*


Magno was quite surprised to find out he managed to unlock a quest just by killing that beast, which he now knows its species name. He put that to the side and looked inside the cave and found a lot of, what looks like, fruits and nuts. He then went up to one of the fruits and picked it up. It smelled similar to a peeled orange, he took a bite out of it, to discover it tasted like a sweeter orange. He ate it all then asked his system.

Magno: (System why did I unlock that quest now and not when I killed the first one?)

System: <That would be because you avoided the beasts after you killed the fist one, there for ending your hunt until now.>

Magno: (That sounds a little contrived.)

System: <If you feel that way please call us, and we'll get back to you... never.>

Magno decided to drop it at that point, because he knew it was a losing battle. Also he was curious about a few of the things listed in the rewards section.

Magno: (System what does the Random Ability Token do?)

System: <The Random Ability Token allows the host to get any random ability in the system shop.>

Magno: (So I have a chance at getting anything including other racial abilities?)

System: <Yes but host would need that race's bloodline to use it at it's full potential.>

Magno: (I see. Then what is [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)] as far as I know, isn't there only stuff like Ki and no elemental variants?)

System: <Host would be wrong many ancient races used elemental variants of the many energies in this realm the difference is that they are far harder to control and master, but they provide more power for that trade off.>

Magno: (Then if I get Fire Ki would I be able to power up my [Black Flame Will]?)

System: <Yes host would be able to, but at the cost of it almost always being uncontrollable similar to Hiei's [Dragon of the Darkness Flame] before he mastered it.>

Magno: (I guess it seems to be a good trade off, but I'll need to learn how to fly first if I want to catch those Dinosaur Eagles. Hmm.... Hey system could I purchase Flying in the system shop?)

System: <Yes is able to.>

Magno: (Then purchase flight so I can go hunting.)

System: <Confirmed, purchasing flight... Removing 500 SP for transaction.. Done.>

==Flight (C-)==

User uses their ki to fight gravity and propel them upwards.

Costs 10 Ki per Minute

Mastery: 0/100


Magno then felt like all the information about the technique was formed in his brain as if he knew it all along. He felt incredible so he tried using the technique to get the hang of it. After a couple of minutes of trying it he got the hang of it and asked the system where the Dinosaur Eagles are.

System: <Host the Dinosaur Eagles are on the Mountains to the North-North-East of where you are right now. It is advised host does this tomorrow as it is night right now.>

Magno then looked around and say that it was in fact night time so he deiced to go to bed and start has hunt tomorrow morning.

After a good night's sleep he went North-North-East and in a couple of minutes he found the mountains where the Dinosaur Eagles live.

Magno: "My Ki has gone down by 50% on the brighter side of things my Mastery went up by 5% so all is good in the world."

After searching for a bit he spotted a big eagle in the distance, he sensed its ki and found that it had a Power Power of 1550, the highest he's seen so far. It looked to be about 50 km away.

Magno: (System how far can my [Black Flame Will] fire to with me ki reserves?)

System: <Host can fire up to about 55 km away, but the power of your attack will weaken slightly.>

Magno deiced to wait for it to get closer, he waited 3 minutes until it was about 15 km away and used his technique.

Magno: "Black Flame Will"

Once shouted a trail of black flame went and rained down terror on the bird it died within a couple of seconds due to not being able to dodge the flame and being caught off guard.

Magno: (System could I condense the flames to make them hotter and stronger?)

System: <Yes but at the cost of more Ki being expended.>

After the quick chat with the system he went to loot his spoils and found an 3m tall bird with a wingspan of about 8m. It's face remind him of a dinosaurs and its talons looked more like claws than talons. Having killed he stored it away in his inventory and went searching for more prey. After an hour he was done hunting the birds and completed his quest.

System: <Ding.. Host has completed one of the conditions for the Side Quest Beast Hunter. Would you like the rewards?>

Magno: (Yes I would like the rewards!!)

System: <Processing.... Done reward have been given out showing host's Status.>


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 160

Level: 1

Experience: 48.75/50

Hp: 60

Ki: 60

Strength: 15

Defense: 13

Intelligence: 75

Wisdom: 30

Speed: 15

Luck: 25

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)], [Ki Sense (F)], [Ki Manipulation (F+)], [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)]

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (F)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min], [Flight (C-) Cost: 10 Ki/min]

SP: 19,150


==Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)==

Allows the user to manipulate the wind ki in the ambient air to attack, defend, or search

Mastery: 0/1000


System: <Changing Rewards for condition 3.. Done showing new rewards>

==Side Quest: Beast Hunter (Repeatable)==

Condition 3: Kill 5 Dinosaur Eagles

C3 Rewards: [Gale Slicer (D-)], 1250 SP


Magno felt like he was getting just a little bit stronger so he deiced to try to complete the rest of his quest today.

Chapter 5: Explanations and Level Up!!

After deciding to finish his side quest he felt 8 more Dinosaur Eagles approaching him at fast speed. He looked at them and saw that they seemed to be enraged that he had killed some members of their flock. When he saw them he thought of an idea to infuse Wind Ki into his [Black Flame Will] to kill them all in one go. So he waited, standing there without running made the Eagles out raged that such a weakling could wipe out their fellow members. When they where 25m away he started his attack.

Magno: "Roaring Infernal Will!!"

After he shouted his attack's name a great wave of dark emerald green flames shout out devouring the eagles. It cut them then with the flames heat sealed them back up to cut them again, sadly the arm that Magno used to shout out the flames also got cuts and burns on it. All this took place in less than a second, after Magno stopped the attack he felt immense pain first, but he decided to bare with it and check the bodies first. When he got to them all he say was a mangled mess of bones sticking out of the bodies, cuts and burn searing the flesh, skin, and bones with out discrimination.

Magno: (System why are they like this I thought they would at most be burned pick black like charcoal.)

System: <Host that would be because Wind Ki and all other wind based energy attacks cut not burn. Their only burned because of the technique [Black Flame Will], well besides that congrats for gaining a variant technique, you've also completed a new Main Quest and condition 3 of the Side Quest, as well as leveling up.>

Magno: 'I guess that makes sense, the system wasn't kidding when it said that elemental Ki is harder to control than regular Ki.'

Magno: (System show me the quests I completed and the information on my variant technique.)

System: <Alright host showing information and confirmation of completing Main Quest and condition 3 of Side Quest.>

==Main Quest: Create your own technique==

Host must create his/her own technique without the system's help.

Rewards: [Random Elemental Energy (F+ - SSS-)], 1500 SP


==Side Quest: Beast Hunter (Repeatable)==

Condition 3: Kill 5 Dinosaur Eagles

C3 Rewards: [Gale Slicer (D-)], 1250 SP


==Ding! You've gained [Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Gale Slicer (D-)]==

==Ding! You've gained 2750 SP==

==Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)==

Allow's the user to manipulate Lightning of most forms.

Mastery: 0/10,000


==Gale Slicer (D-)==

Sends a blade made of wind in front of the user.

Cost: (10 Ki per blade), (3 Wind Ki per Blade)


System: <Configuring Side Quest: Beast Hunter Condition 3..... Done.. Showing Host>

==Side Quest: Beast Hunter (Repeatable)==

Condition 3: Kill 8 Gale Wolf-Beasts

C3 Rewards: [Moonlit Howl (B)], 2500 SP


System: <Showing Host's Stats>


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 1,600

Level: 2

Experience: 60.75/1000

Hp: 600

Ki: 600

Wind Ki: 150

Strength: 150

Defense: 130

Intelligence: 750

Wisdom: 300

Speed: 150

Luck: 250

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)], [Ki Sense (F -> E-)], [Ki Manipulation (F+)], [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)], [Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)]

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (F)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min], [Flight (C-) Cost: 10 Ki/min], [Roaring Infernal Will (A) Cost: 50 Ki and 15 Wind Ki/ second], [Gale Slicer (D-) Cost: 10 Ki/blade, 3 Wind Ki/blade]

SP: 21,900


After Magno leveled up he felt immensely more powerful and his Ki sense could go up to 2 km now. Magno: (System why did all my stats go up by 10 times but the experience needed went up by 20 times?)

System: <That would be because the Origin Energy needed to establish a connection with you as you raise your level even higher the experience needed is going to go higher as well, because your body will have adapted to the Origin Energy thus needing more for significant improvement.>

Magno: (I see. Hey what is the highest level any one has climbed in this realm?)

System: <They highest level would be 4`598 that was achieved by Cumber.>

Magno: (Who's Cumber?)

System: <The Evil Saiyan as some call him, he is an ancient saiyan.>

Magno: (Hmm so he had the highest level then why didn't he end the realm?)

System: <More so than the Saiyans of today Ancient Saiyans love fighting more than anything, also the Ancient Namekian used their Dragon Balls to seal away most of his power.>

Magno: (Are Saiyans now a days weaker compared to in the past?)

System: <That is hard to say most of the Saiyans living now only have a low power power because Frieza keeps them from obtaining any more power, but they are mostly weaker.>

Magno: (Then how much would it cost me to become an Ancient Saiyan?)

System: <Host would need 50,000 SP to obtain the Ancient Saiyan bloodline.>

After hearing that he decided to give up being an Ancient Saiyan for now. He used his full [Ki Sense] to see if there are any Mammoth High-Bears, or Monkey Scorpions, alas he couldn't find any around him so he decided to fly to the sheltered cave he was at this morning and search from there. He arrived within half a minute without using very much Ki. After his arrival he found 4 bears by a lake

that he stumbled upon during his walk to find shelter. He used 4 [Gale Slicer] and killed them before storing their bodies for consumption latter.

He walked around for a bit and noticed someone watching him, he turned and ran in the direction that the person watching him was in and sent his [Black Flame Will] at it. The mysterious person then jumped away, but not before having its cloak catch on fire so it through it away before firing a Ki Blast at it to destroy it. When Magno saw the person underneath the cloak he was at a loss for words, he saw that it looked to be a girl of 12 years of age. She had light-sky blue hair and eyes with a pair of cat ear on her head. She was about 150 cm tall wearing what looked like regular Saiyan battle armor just with a white jumpsuit and no shoulder pads, she also had a cat-like tail. Magno's inner weeb was telling him to touch her tail and ears but he resisted quite a bit.

Magno: "Who are you!?" He tried to make himself sound domineering but failed, due to the excitement of seeing a cat person.

Cat Girl: "#%$*&@$^%&"

(Author note: Cat Girl will only be used because her name wasn't mentioned yet)

It was then that Magno realized they don't speak English!!

Chapter 6: Usagi and the Beast Village

Magno was in a bit of a dilemma he didn't know what the hell she just said.

Magno: (System is there anything in the shop that can translate English to whatever the people here speak?)

System: <Yes their is a skill in the shop that can do just that it's called [Dimensional Language Translator]. It cost just shy of 1`000 SP, would you like to buy it?>

Magno: (Yes buy it immediately!)

System: <Processing.... Done.>

==Dimensional Language Translator==

User's of this skill are able to translate any language they see or hear.


Magno activated his skill then spoke to the girl in front of him.

Magno: "As I was saying, who are you!" Once again trying to sound intimidating but failing miserably due to his small stature he just ended up looking funny.

Cat Girl: "Huh how come I can understand you now?"

Magno: "I'm the one asking questions after all who knows how long you've been spying on me."

Usagi: "I am called Usagi from the people in my tribe."

Magno: "Why would you people be a tribe when your wearing a standard female battle armour?"

Usagi: "We got these from looting the dead bodies that have popped up a few months ago."

Magno: "Well then where is your tribe, if you're here then that must mean that their close."

Usagi: "Their hidden using techniques passed down from our ancestors and their far from here."

Magno: "Well then why are you here?"

Usagi: "I was here on a scouting expedition when I came across you. And you smell like those invaders that went and destroyed everything!!"

Magno thought about what she had said and pondered for a bit, but then sensed someone sneaking up from behind him. He tried to turn and face the one that was sneaking only to be knocked out before he knew what was going on.

==Some time later==

Magno woke up in a cave while hanging upside down and being bound in chains, weirdly enough he couldn't circulate any of his normal Ki nor call upon any of the ambient Ki. He tried to break free with just his brute strength alone but couldn't get the chains to budge, they seemed to be made of a special material. He tried to call on Wind Ki since Lightning Energy would just electrocute him, he used [Gale Slicer] from the sides of his arms and one side got cut about 40% of the chain so he tried again and broke free.

Now free from the chains he used his [Ki Sense] to find out where he was. However it seemed the cave was blocking his sense from escaping thinking he concluded that the special material must be what this cave is made of. So he looked around him and found a door leading somewhere, he focused all of his senses and managed to see a few signatures on the other side of the door he felt that the highest one was only at 1555 P.P. (Power Level) he decided he could beat them within reason since they did kidnap him.

He focused his [Gale Slicer] onto the door and cut though it like butter. When the door was cut open the guards readied themselves for a battle, unfortunately Magno sent 12 [Gale Slicers] at them and they weren't able to put up any resistance and became dismembered limbs and paint for the floor and walls. Magno felt pity for the poor souls but his new Saiyan nature managed to make him get over it. Looking at where he was it seemed to be an abandoned prison that has been overgrown with plant-life.

After running though the maze like prison for 3 hours he finally reached the exit. Once out he say many different kinds of animal ears and tails, he felt as though he had entered Heaven. He also, while admiring the animal-people paradise, hurriedly hid and used his [Ki Sense] to scan the whole village; the people's P.P. ranged from 25, at the lowest end, all the way to 25`000. He knew if he angered them he would have a rough time getting out of here, hard but not impossible. After finding a safe spot to hide he called his system to ask some questions.

Magno: (System why do they all have beast ears I thought Dragon Ball didn't have these kinds of people?)

System: <Host must remember that the Dragon Ball Manga was just a recreation of this realm not the other way around. Also they where wiped out from this Universe by the Frieza Force.>

Magno: (System what is all in my Inventory?) He was trying to find something that might be able to help him in this situation.

System: <Opening Inventory>


2x Random Skill Crystal

5x Mammoth High-Bear Corpses

1x Mammoth High-Bear Pelt

1x Mammoth High-Bear Bones


He realized all that he had was junk so he used his Random Skill Crystals hoping to get anything good.

==Ding! You've gained [Death Cultivation (A+)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Thought Acceleration (B+)]==

==Death Cultivation (A+)==

Gives the user the ability to cultivate Death Energies.

If cultivated to perfection user will never die.

Mastery: 0/100

Progress: 0/10`000`000


(Author Note: The progress number is how much until it is cultivated to perfection)

==Thought Acceleration (B+)==

Allows the user to accelerate their thoughts up to 10`000`000 times per second.

User will place great burden on the brain when accelerating.

Can be by passed if the brain is cultivated.

Mastery: 0/100`000`000`000


He didn't get anything that he needed at the moment and just cried some very salty tears. Until he remembered his system has a Lottery function.

Magno: (System use all the SP you can for the Lottery!)

System: <Processing.... Done. You've gained 5 bloodlines, 2 abilities, 6 skills, 4 techniques, 3 items. Remaining SP 900.>

(Author Note: A lot of descriptions are in coming from this point on wards)

==Ding! You've gained [Ancient Namekian Bloodline (Crystal)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Ancient Saiyan Bloodline (Pure)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Core People Bloodline (Crystal)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Eastern Sun Monkey Bloodline (Pure)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Frozen Lightning Demon Bloodline (Crystal)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Super Demon Transformation (A)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Super Ki Manipulation (A+)]==

==Ding! You've gained [True God's Body Cultivation (S-)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Void Extraction (SSS+)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Materialize and Condense (S)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Cooking: Roasting (C)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Flame Magic Cultivation (E+)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Teaching (F)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Ki Blast (E)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Gemdi Martial Arts (C-)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Rising Dragon of the North (A-)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Vanishing Steps (B-)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Restricting Chain Mask (Legend)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Weighted Gi{Grey and Black} (Rare)]==

==Ding! You've gained [Shop Token (God)]==

==Ancient Namekian Bloodline (Crystal)==

The blood of the ancient Namekians. They where masters of magic, Nature Ki, Dragon Ki, and Wind Ki. They died out due to Cumber finding them fun to fight against ultimately sealing most of his power and escaping him.

Racial Skills, Abilities, and Techniques: [Magic Cultivation (F+)], [Dragon Ki Cultivation (A)], [Nature Ki Cultivation (E+)], [Sculpting (F-)], [Regeneration (C+)], [Magic Manipulation (D)], [Lesser Dragon Ball Creation (S-)], [Photosynthesis (C+)]


==Ancient Saiyan Bloodline (Pure)==

Descendants of the Monkey God Tagdros. They have direct access to the Evil Saiyan state, can bring out the full power of SSJ3. Evolved into modern day Saiyans.

Racial Skills, Abilities, and Techniques: [Intent Cultivation (D-)], [Wrath of the Monkey God (SSS)], [Genetic Limitation (SS)], [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Mouth Blast (D+)], [Intimidation Aura (A)]


==Core People Bloodline (Crystal)==

People born from a big, great, magnificent tree. They are a near extinct race due to not being born like normal races. The Kaioshin are chosen from this race of people.

Racial Skills, Abilities, Techniques: [Divine Ki Cultivation (A+)], [God Ki Cultivation (S+)], [Godly Authority (S)], [Creation (SS)]


==Eastern Sun Monkey Bloodline (Pure)==

Descendants of the Monkey God Tagdros. They live on the Eastern side of the multiverse replacing the Saiyans. They look like smaller, liner versions of the Golden Great Ape form that some Saiyan have access to. They are typically very righteous in their action except for when they meet a strong foe in which case they become just as wild as the Saiyans are.

Racial Skills, Abilities, Techniques: [Essence Cultivation (S)], [Sun Essence Manipulation (S+)], [Sun Essence Sense (S-)], [Glowing Fist (A)]


==Frozen Lightning Demon Bloodline (Crystal)==

Demons who use both lightning and ice to get stronger.

Racial Skills, Abilities, Techniques: [Lightning Cultivation (A+)], [Ice Cultivation (A+)], [Frozen Lightning Shell (S)]


==Super Demon Transformation (A)==

Similar to SSJ only done with a demon bloodline instead

Has higher forms that haven't been unlocked.

Cost: 15 Super Ki per Minute


==Super Ki Manipulation (A+)==

Allows the user to manipulate the super ki within their bodies.


==True God's Body Cultivation (S-)==

Allows one to cultivate their body to the True God level.

Mastery: 0/100`000`000`000`000

Progress: 0/1`000`000`000`000`000`000`000`000


==Void Extraction (SSS+)==

Allows extraction of anything including the void.

Causes backlash if the user hesitates even for a moment about what their extracting.


==Materialize and Condense (S)==

Allows the user to Materialize and Condense anything.

Causes backlash if the user hesitates even for a moment about what their materializing or condensing.


==Cooking: Roasting (C)==

Allows the user to roast food item.


==Flame Magic Cultivation (E+)==

Allows the user to cultivate their magic core into accepting flame magic into it.

Causes a burning sensation to spread through out the body when preforming skill.

Cultivates 5 Flame Magic Points per Minute.


==Teaching (F)==

Allows the user to teach someone else.

Only allows the user to teach what they know, student will only learn as fast as the teachers knowledge on the subject at hand is.


==Ki Blast (E)==

User fires a single blast of Ki.

Cost: 1 Ki per blast

Mastery: 0/50


==Gemdi Martial Arts (C-)==

User is a practitioner of Gemdi Martial Arts. A close combat-style Martial Art.

Focusing on kicks and short, quick jabs that strike at the foes vital points.

Mastery: 0/1`000


==Rising Dragon of the North (A-)==

The user compresses a lot of energy into a single point on their body and fires it at their foe.

Takes the shape of an eastern dragon.

Cost: 50`000 of any energy type


==Vanishing Steps (B-)==

User moves with a particular pattern making it seem like they vanished right in front of their opponent.


==Restricting Chain Mask (Legend)==

A mask made out of a shard from the [Chains of the Restricting Dragon]. A chain so powerful it can restrain the D.D.D. for 5 seconds. Its shape is ovular and it has black markings coming from the eyes all the way down to the chin.

Durability: 1`000`000`000`000`000`000`000`000/1`000`000`000`000`000`000`000`000


==Weighted Gi {Grey and Black} (Rare)==

A Gi that weighs 10 Metric Tonnes. The top half looks similar to a vest that is light-grey in colour with a white short sleeved undershirt. The bottom half looks like a black pair of pants that Vegito wore. The shoes are black in colour and extend half way up the bottom portion of the leg, they have white lining. It is also machine washable!!

Durability: 1`000`000/1`000`000


After that info dump Magno checked his stats as soon as possible.


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 1,600

Level: 2

Experience: 75.5/1000

Hp: 600

Ki: 600

Wind Ki: 150

Lightning Energy: 15

Strength: 150

Defense: 130

Intelligence: 750

Wisdom: 300

Speed: 150

Luck: 250

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C) -> Moonlight Warrior (A+)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS-)], [Ki Sense (E-)], [Ki Manipulation (E+)], [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)], [Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)], [Super Demon Transformation (A)], [Super Ki Manipulation (A+)]

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (F)], [Dimensional Language Translator], [Death Cultivation (A+)], [Thought Acceleration (B+)], [True God's Body Cultivation (S-)], [Void Extraction (SSS+)], [Materialize and Condense (S)], [Cooking: Roasting (C)], [Flame Magic Cultivation (E+)], [Teaching (F)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min], [Flight (C-) Cost: 10 Ki/min], [Roaring Infernal Will (A) Cost: 50 Ki and 15 Wind Ki/ second], [Gale Slicer (D-) Cost: 10 Ki/blade, 3 Wind Ki/blade], [Ki Blast (E) Cost: 1 Ki/Blast], [Gemdi Martial Arts (C-)], [Rising Dragon of the North (A-) Cost: 50`000 of any energy/wave], [Vanishing Steps (B-)]

SP: 900


Chapter 7: Unique Saiyan

After a few minutes Magno digested the massive info dump he got. He left from his hiding spot in order to escape the settlement that these people established. He thought of extracting his smell with [Void Extraction] and then materializing it with [Materialize and Condense], in order to lure them away from him. After finding a small stream he through his little ball of smell into it and ran in the other direction. He ran for a full hour before deciding he was far enough away.

Magno: (System how could I be sneaked up upon?)

System: <Host he had an ability that kept all of the energy he would have emitted inside of him so any energy searching abilities wouldn't have worked.>

Magno: (Damn well how can I use the bloodlines I obtained?)

System: <Easy just say the command {Integrate} while thinking of the bloodlines you wish to use. However host must realize that there are 2 types of {Integrate} both of which must be said before the integration command: Singular, where they are integrated one at a time, or Multiple, where the bloodlines are all integrated at the same time.>

Magno: (How long does {Integrate} take?)

System: <For Singular 1 hour per bloodline, but the pain is minimal. And for Multiple 1 hour, but the pain is immense and could cause host mental trauma.>

Magno had to choose between a safe integration or a quick integration. After pondering for a couple of minutes he chose the quick integration.

Magno: (System {Multiple Integrate} all the blood lines I have.)

System: <Roger host... Done process is commencing.>

After he hear that Magno felt as if his body was constantly being broken apart and put back to gather again, over and over with out stopping. He quickly put on the [Restricting Chain Mask], to stop any screaming that might occur. After about 10 minutes, which to him felt like and eternity, he blacked out only to awake 3 hours later.

==3 hours later==

Magno: (System when did I black out?)

System: <Host lost consciousness at 10 minutes, 45 seconds, and 18 milliseconds.>

Magno: (I could see how that could instill mental trauma. (Sighs) System show me my {Status}.)


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Eclipse Fallen Dragon Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 6`007

Level: 2

Experience: 75.5/1`000

Hp: 1`850

Ki: 1`900

Super Ki: 150

Wind Ki: 800

Nature Ki: 650

Dragon Ki: 1`500

Lightning Energy: 300

Ice Energy: 150

Sun Essence: 30

Magic: 650

Strength: 450

Defense: 390

Intelligence: 1`500

Wisdom: 600

Speed: 450

Luck: 250

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C) -> Moonlight Warrior (A+)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS- -> SS)], [Ki Sense (E-)], [Ki Manipulation (E+)], [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)], [Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)], [Super Demon Transformation (A) -> Super Sate Transformation (A+)], [Super Ki Manipulation (A+)], [Regeneration (C+)], [Magic Manipulation (D)], [Photosynthesis (C+)], [Wrath of the Monkey God (SSS)], [Genetic Limitation (SS)], [Godly Authority (S)], [Sun Essence Manipulation (S+)], [Sun Essence Sense (S-)],

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (F)], [Dimensional Language Translator], [Death Cultivation (A+)], [Thought Acceleration (B+)], [True God's Body Cultivation (S-)], [Void Extraction (SSS+)], [Materialize and Condense (S)], [Cooking: Roasting (C)], [Flame Magic Cultivation (E+)], [Teaching (F)], [Magic Cultivation (F+)], [Dragon Ki Cultivation (A)], [Nature Ki Cultivation (E+)], [Sculpting (F-)], [Intent Cultivation (D-)], [Divine Ki Cultivation (A+)], [God Ki Cultivation (S+)], [Essence Cultivation (S)], [Lightning Cultivation (A+)], [Ice Cultivation (A+)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min], [Flight (C-) Cost: 10 Ki/min], [Roaring Infernal Will (A) Cost: 50 Ki and 15 Wind Ki/ second], [Gale Slicer (D-) Cost: 10 Ki/blade, 3 Wind Ki/blade], [Ki Blast (E) Cost: 1 Ki/Blast], [Gemdi Martial Arts (C-)], [Rising Dragon of the North (A-) Cost: 50`000 of any energy/wave], [Vanishing Steps (B-)], [Mouth Blast (D+) Cost: 5 Ki/Blast], [Intimidation Aura (A)], [Creation (SS) Cost: Depends on the creation], [Glowing Fist (A) Cost: 5 Sun Essene/minute], [Frozen Lightning Shell (S) Cost: 15 Lightning and Ice Energy/minute]

SP: 900


Magno was surprised by the power up he felt and all of his new abilities, skills, and techniques. However the thing that most surprised him was his race.

Magno: (System why am I called an Eclipse Fallen Dragon Saiyan?)

System: <Due to the mixing of bloodlines the Ancient Saiyan bloodline and the Eastern Sun Monkey bloodlines mixed into becoming an Eclipse-type bloodline. The Core People Bloodline and the

Frozen Thunder Demon Bloodline fused to make a Fallen-type bloodline. And the Ancient Namekian bloodline was broken down further becoming a Dragon-type bloodline. So mixing all of these plus the fact that host was a Saiyan made you into the Eclipse Fallen Dragon Saiyan.>

Magno felt that the answer was acceptable, he thought the name was dumb, so he moved on from the spot he was at and tried to find someplace to train because he felt weak when he was snuck up upon. After searching he found 5 Mammoth High-Bears in a cave, and thought it would make a good base of operations for him to train. He fired 9 [Ki Blasts] at them and killed them once he was done he put them into his [Inventory].

System: <Host has completed Condition 1 of Side Quest: Beast Hunter.>

==Side Quest: Beast Hunter (Repeatable)==

Condition 1: Kill 10 Mammoth High-Bears

C1 Rewards: Random Ability Token, 500 SP


==Ding! You've gained [Random Ability Token (Rare)]==

==Ding! You've gained 500 SP==

System: <Configuring Condition 1 of Side Quest: Beast Hunter..... Done showing host.>

==Side Quest: Beast Hunter (Repeatable)==

Condition 1: Kill 10 Mammoth High-Bears (1 killed)

C1 Rewards: [Earth Ki Cultivation (E+)], 500 SP


After Magno got his rewards he used his Random Ability Token straight away.

==Ding! You've gained [Vacuum Breathing (A)]==

==Vacuum Breathing (A)==

Allows one to breath in a vacuum as if they where breathing air.


After he looked at the ability, he didn't think it would be of any use to him at this point in time. He looked around and sat on a rock and started all of his cultivation techniques.

Chapter 8: Completing a lot of Quests

After 8 hours of cultivating Magno checked his stats to see what changed.


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Eclipse Fallen Dragon Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 11`621

Level: 2

Experience: 75.5/1`000

Hp: 5`000

Ki: 2`060

Super Ki: 450

Divine Ki: 300

God Ki: 15

Wind Ki: 800

Nature Ki: 1200

Dragon Ki: 1`750

Lightning Energy: 1500

Ice Energy: 1300

Essence: 600

Sun Essence: 300

Magic: 650

Fire Magic: 2`400

Intent: 125

Strength: 1`230

Defense: 1`170

Intelligence: 1`500

Wisdom: 600

Speed: 1`230

Luck: 250

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Moonlight Warrior (A+)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS)], [Ki Sense (E-)], [Ki Manipulation (E+)], [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)], [Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)], [Super Sate Transformation (A+)], [Super Ki Manipulation (A+)], , [Regeneration (C+)], [Magic Manipulation (D)], [Photosynthesis (C+)], [Wrath of the Monkey God (SSS)], [Genetic Limitation (SS)], [Godly Authority (S)], [Sun Essence Manipulation (S+)], [Sun Essence Sense (S-)], [Vacuum Breathing (A)]

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (F)], [Dimensional Language Translator], [Death Cultivation (A+)], [Thought Acceleration (B+)], [True God's Body Cultivation (S-)], [Void Extraction (SSS+)], [Materialize and Condense (S)], [Cooking: Roasting (C)], [Flame Magic Cultivation (E+)], [Teaching (F)], [Magic Cultivation (F+)], [Dragon Ki Cultivation (A)], [Nature Ki Cultivation (E+)], [Sculpting (F-)], [Intent Cultivation (D-)], [Divine Ki Cultivation (A+)], [God Ki Cultivation (S+)], [Essence Cultivation (S)], [Lightning Cultivation (A+)], [Ice Cultivation (A+)], [Super Ki Cultivation (B+)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 5 Ki/min], [Flight (C-) Cost: 10 Ki/min] [Roaring Infernal Will (A) Cost: 50 Ki and 15 Wind Ki/ second], [Gale Slicer (D-) Cost: 10 Ki/blade, 3 Wind Ki/blade], [Ki Blast (E) Cost: 1 Ki/Blast], [Gemdi Martial Arts (C-)], [Rising Dragon of the North (A-) Cost: 50`000 of any energy/wave], [Vanishing Steps (B-)], [Mouth Blast (D+) Cost: 5 Ki/Blast], [Intimidation Aura (A)], [Creation (SS) Cost: Depends on the creation], [Glowing Fist (A) Cost: 5 Sun Essene/minute], [Frozen Lightning Shell (S) Cost: 15 Lightning and Ice Energy/minute]

SP: 1400


He was quite happy with his growth and decided to see if he completed anymore quests in that time frame. And the fact that he created a cultivation method.


Main Quests: 11 quests/ 7 completed/ 4 uncompleted

Side Quests: 12 quests/ 4 completed/ 8 uncompleted


==Main Quest: Reach a Power Level of 10`000 or more.==

Rewards: [Random Technique (F -> A+)], [Potara Earrings (A+)], 2`500 SP


==Main Quest: Create a Skill==

Create a skill without the help of the system

Rewards: [Random Energy Cultivation (F -> S)], 1`500 SP


==Main Quest: Obtain Super Ki==

Super Ki is required for any being to step into a super state.

Rewards: [Shop Token (God)], 1`500 SP


==Main Quest: Obtain God Ki==

Gain any amount of God Ki. God Ki is used for any being to enter a God State.

Rewards: [Mastery Token (God)], [Shop Token (God)], 9`000 SP


==Side Quest: Obtain Divine Ki==

Obtain Divine Ki. Divine Ki isn't used by any note worth fighters, so it isn't mandatory.

Rewards: [Mastery Token (God)], 3`000 SP


==Side Quest: Obtain Magic==

Obtain any Magic Energy. Magic is used very little by any race in the realm.

Rewards: [Random Magic Manipulation (D+ -> B-)], 500 SP


All the reward Magno got are:

[Reaper's Claw (A)]

[Time Cultivation (S)]

2x [Shop Token (God)]

2x [Mastery Token (God)]

[Shadow Magic Manipulation (C+)]

18`000 SP

Magno felt pretty good about the fact that he replenished all of his lost SP in one go. He then left the cave traveling in a random direction using [Vanishing Steps] so that he is untraceable. After reaching a small pond he tried using his Super Ki to search around him and, to his surprise it worked. He could search up to 8 km with his Super Ki so he dubbed it [Super Ki Sense].

System: <Host has completed another main quest>

==Main Quest: Create your own ability==

Create your own ability with our the use of the system.

Rewards: [Random Healing Technique (A- -> SS)], 1`500 SP


==Ding! You've gained [Healing Aura (S-)]==

==Ding! You've gained 1`500 SP==

After getting even more rewards he decided to search for a more secluded area to train so he could fight whoever had that 25`000 P.L. (Power Level). When thinking about it his Saiyan blood boiled but he knew he was weak right now so he would put more effort into becoming strong. On that day in that forest the greatest legend was starting his quest to becoming the strongest, but alas that will come another day.

Chapter 9: One Month Later

After Magno was done with his quests he started his training to master his [Gemdi Martial Arts] and his [Black Flame Will]. His martial arts because if he doesn't he won't be able to unlock ultra instinct, and [Black Flame Will] because he wants to see how far he can push the Technique until it becomes an entirely different technique.

During the first week there was a significant improvement to Magno's Body Control as well as his Ki Control. Before he didn't move his body in any special way manly relying on brute force to get by, but now he could control his lower body to the point where if he moved there would be no sound or any indication that he moved, his control over his upper body was still somewhat lacking as [Gemdi Martial Arts] focused mainly on the lower body and only touched upon the upper body. His Ki Control became almost like instinct for him, he was nearing the Mastery level in all of his normal Ki based abilities. As for [Black Flame Will] the improvement was minuscule as the D- rank technique could only pushed so much before no more improvement could be made, luckily he Mastered the technique within the first few days of his training causing him to not require to put any energy into the attack, and a new Quest alert to appear.

System: <Host has completed Main Quest: Master a Technique, Skill, or Ability>

==Main Quest: Master a Technique, Skill, or Ability==

Master any skill, technique, or ability.

Rewards: [Shop Token (God)], [Mastery Token (God)], 1`750 SP


He was quite happy with the rewards but put them aside for now. For the next few days within the first week he was thinking of ways to improve his [Black Flame Will] and the only thing he could come up with was to try to make it scale with the amount of Ki he put into it. As of now all of his techniques, except [Creation], have a fixed amount of Ki he can put into them. However he didn't know the difference between the fixed Ki techniques and the non-fixed Ki techniques, so he started to master [Ki Blast], as many different [Ki Blasts] where shown through out the series, he mastered it within an hour of training.

He then understood the difference that was giving a hard time to modify his technique. The difference was that for fixed Ki techniques they use that energy as a source in which they draw from, similar to how a fire needs fuel to burn that's how his fixed Ki techniques work. As for non-fixed Ki techniques he learned that unless it's a single fire move or a laser technique they can't draw on more power, so his [Gale Slicer] can use more energy to power up the attack but his [Black Flame Will] is more like a wave that has a fixed wavelength, frequency, and speed; causing the attack to be very hard to make more powerful, as he would need to completely recreate the technique from the ground up.

After another week he finally completed his new [Black Flame Will] and called it [Ashen Flame Beam], it went from being a D- rank technique to being a A+ rank. He was shocked when he saw how high the rank went up. This new technique fires a beam made of flames that is ashen in colour, hence the name, and anything he fired it against, whether it be mountains, river's, or forests was burned to ash only to be scattered in the wind. The only problem with this technique is that it is to effective against anything he throws it against, and with all the beings having little to no elemental resistance he could just burn them to a crisp.

All so within that week he Mastered [Gemdi Martial Arts] and was thinking of getting a new martial arts technique so that he could learn to better control his lacking upper body. The system recommended [Selluy Assassination Techniques] a bunch of techniques that focus on eliminating the opponent in a frontal confrontation, and of course on assassination. It took him a few hours before he could grasp the fine movements demanded by this technique, but in a few days the results showed staggering progress he could now catch raindrops mid-air as well as dodge them. By the time the week was over he had Mastered this technique as well.

For the next week he focus his attention on his [Frozen Lightning Shell] and [Glowing Fist], he also coated his body in flames as a sort of defensive technique as well as a combat technique which earned him the technique [Flame Armament] a A rank technique. It took him a few days before he made any progress on [Frozen Lightning Shell], a S rank technique is nothing to scoff at, but when he did make progress he made it in leaps and strides. His [Frozen Lightning Shell] could not be used to coat singular parts of his body with out freezing or paralyzing them. After a few more days of fiddling around he finally mastered it, but it only went down to 1.5 in cost as he didn't completely understand Lightning Energy nor Ice Energy.

As for [Glowing Fist] he mastered this technique pretty easily only needing a few days as it was a pretty basic combat technique, but his power when he used the skill could not be under estimated at full Mastery he had 10 times more power while only using a tenth of the cost of the technique. The reason it didn't go down to no cost was because he didn't under stand Sun Essence. Within this time he completely Mastered the use of [Ki Sense], [Ki Manipulation], and [Ki Cultivation] making him understand elemental Ki more and increasing his power by 2 times.

For the last week he spent it entirely on Energy Cultivation and [True God's Body Cultivation] as he wished to grow stronger. The first 4 days where spent like that with minimal hunting and moving; after the 4 day however he started to practice his martial arts to get a better sense of control, as gaining power, in a short amount of time, can make one unable to bring out the best in them. And so he was happy with his month long training session and knew he had become far more powerful and he wished to fight the person who had a Power level of 25`000, but had gone up to 80`000. His Saiyan blood was boiling whenever he thought of fighting such a strong opponent, as although he has fought with beasts he had no idea how he'd fare against an opponent that has as much as, if not more, intelligence as him. So after packing up he went the same way he came from in order to have his first real fight.


Name: Magno (Formerly Kyle Smith)

Sex: Male

Race: Eclipse Fallen Dragon Saiyan

Age: 3 years old

Potential Unlocked: 0%

Alignment: 75% Good

Host Rank: Low-Low

Power Level: 67`650

Level: 2

Experience: 75.5/1`000

Hp: 27`027

Ki: 4`466

Super Ki: 2`700

Divine Ki: 900

God Ki: 45

Wind Ki: 1`600

Nature Ki: 4`430

Dragon Ki: 4`083

Lightning Energy: 15`000

Ice Energy: 22`533

Time Energy: 3`584

Essence: 3`800

Sun Essence: 6`000

Magic: 1`950

Fire Magic: 7`200

Intent: 375

Strength: 6`724

Defense: 7`020

Intelligence: 3`000

Wisdom: 1`200

Speed: 6`724

Luck: 500

Abilities: [Great Ape Transformation (C)], [Moonlight Warrior (A+)], [Environmental Resistance (D+)], [Zenkai Boost (S-)], [Dragon Ball Creation (SS)], [Ki Sense (A) Mastered], [Ki Manipulation (B+) Mastered], [Wind Ki Manipulation (C+)], [Lightning Energy Manipulation (B-)], [Super Sate Transformation (A+)], [Super Ki Manipulation (A+)], , [Regeneration (C+)], [Magic Manipulation (D)], [Photosynthesis (C+)], [Wrath of the Monkey God (SSS)], [Genetic Limitation (SS)], [Godly Authority (S)], [Sun Essence Manipulation (S+)], [Sun Essence Sense (S-)], [Vacuum Breathing (A)], [Shadow Magic Manipulation (C+)]

Skills: [Ki Cultivation (D+) Mastered], [Dimensional Language Translator], [Death Cultivation (A+)], [Thought Acceleration (B+)], [True God's Body Cultivation (S-)], [Void Extraction (SSS+)], [Materialize and Condense (S)], [Cooking: Roasting (C)], [Flame Magic Cultivation (E+)], [Teaching (F)], [Magic Cultivation (F+)], [Dragon Ki Cultivation (A)], [Nature Ki Cultivation (E+)], [Sculpting (F-)], [Intent Cultivation (D-)], [Divine Ki Cultivation (A+)], [God Ki Cultivation (S+)], [Essence Cultivation (S)], [Lightning Cultivation (A+)], [Ice Cultivation (A+)], [Super Ki Cultivation (B+)], [Time Cultivation (S)]

Techniques: [Black Flame Will (D-) Cost: 0 Mastered], [Flight (C-) Cost: 10 Ki/min] [Roaring Infernal Will (A) Cost: 50 Ki and 15 Wind Ki/ second], [Gale Slicer (D-) Cost: 10 Ki/blade, 3 Wind Ki/blade], [Ki Blast (E) Cost: 0 Mastered], [Gemdi Martial Arts (B-) Mastered], [Rising Dragon of the North (A-) Cost: 50`000 of any energy/wave], [Vanishing Steps (B-)], [Mouth Blast (D+) Cost: 5 Ki/Blast], [Intimidation Aura (A)], [Creation (SS) Cost: Depends on the creation], [Glowing Fist (A) Cost: 0.5 Sun Essene/minute Mastered], [Frozen Lightning Shell (S) Cost: 1.5 Lightning and Ice Energy/minute Mastered], [Reaper's Claw (A)], [Healing Aura (S-)], [Ashen Flame Beam (A+) Cost: 0 Mastered], [Selluy Assassination Techniques (B-) Mastered]

SP: 24`150


These are all the old chapters.

If anyone cares you may restart this story line, I really don't care as I got bored of this story line.

I'm writing the rewrite so Pokemon: Grey's Adventure will have to wait for a bit.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed!!!

VioletRougecreators' thoughts