
Reborn in DC & Marvel world as supreme saiyan

A kind soul who lost everything in his life gets reincarnated into an apocalyptic dc & Marvel world with the body of the legendary saiyan and Gamer system......a world were darkside and Thanos had conquered everything and the remaining heroes are trying to resist them......can this new legendary saiyan be able to become their new hope? or will he become their greatest nightmare? warning ⚠️ there will be lot of mature themes in this novel including Gore and sex scenes also this a 'HAREM' novel so be warned.

The_Neo_force · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 1 : Life of a failure

"Be the reason someone smilies

Be the reason someone feels loved

Beleive in the goodness in the people so...son please always be a kind soul...."

These were the last words his mother spoke to him the day before she fell into coma

Inside a hospital room kyle a 7yrs old boy looked at his mother who was lying on the hospital bed eyes closed he hadn't seen her awake in over a month....but the doctors and his uncle and aunt said she's alive the boy couldn't understand why she wasn't waking up after his father's death his mother was everything to him....but he hoped if he followed what his mother said and be a kind person one day she would open her eyes.

So the child ignorant of the world tried his best to make everyone happy, he smiled even when his uncle and aunt abused him, when they beat him and even when they took over his mother's wealth in the name of being his guardian he didn't hold it against them he forced himself to think that 'like mother said if i showed them kindness they'll one day love me too'

But that day never came they continued abusing him even when he became a high schooler he was forced to pay his tution fees by working several hours while all his assets were being enjoyed by his uncle and his family

his school life wasn't much better he had a lot of friends but almost all of them saw him as a pushover and only tried to use him

"Hey kyle I have to practice for my upcoming game so can you do my homework please?"

" Kyle you're free right why don't you help me in my class project?"

" Kyle can you go buy me lunch today I'm too tired "

Despite his tight schedule with partime job and studies he still did others home work and helped them whenever could, growing up in harsh environment didn't change his mind he still believed his mother's words

This mentality continued even after his college all of his asserts were completely wasted by his uncle's family because of his failed business and they started bullying him more out of frustration, unable to bear their abuse kyle left his home because of his good grades he got job in a good company he took over his mother's hospital expenses as his uncle refused to do so despite his disappointment he still tried his best to follow his mother's words

he then married his first love she had a beautiful smile Kyle wanted to make her smile all her life he was willing to go any end to do that after an year they had a beautiful girl baby too Kyle finally felt he was being rewarded in his life for being a kind person...but once again he was wrong.....

Life went on he continued to be used by his co workers and his boss he worked overtime it was tiring but Kyle smiled and continued because of his pushover attitude even his wife became more commanding, she constantly started fighting with him demanding things he couldn't afford and because of his idealogy Kyle never learned to say 'No' in his life.....as such slowly his life once again became harsh but whenever he sees his little girl back at home and his sleeping mother in the hospital he felt all his hardship are worth it.

But one day even this small happiness was stripped away from him, his company was filed for manipulating taxes and stock prices but only one person was arrested during this incident...it was Kyle despite all his loyalty and efforts he gave for his company everyone choose him to be the 'scapegoat' without any hesitation

All his co-workers, his friends that he helped and shown kindness before none of them stood up for him. As such even without knowing why he was getting arrested he lost his life

Despite his miserable state his mind was only thinking about what his family is doing 'are they worried? Are they safe?' but his wife never came to visit him in jail after an year of investigation they decided to release him with a hefty fine forcing Kyle to pay for most of his life

But Kyle was more concerned about his family we'll being he rushed to his home hoping to see his wife and child he wanted to know his mother's status on hospital too...but whe he got home it was empty! in panic he searched everywhere but he couldn't find his wife or his daughter

Later he found out that his wife took all his savings and left his home along with his child but after some investigation Kyle found even harsher truth about his marriage...His wife had always been cheating on him, She didn't leave him because he got arrested but was already planing to do so.....Kyle was never loved

She also filed a complaint against him as domestic abuser and asked for heavy compensation he had once again hit the bottom of his life Kyle couldn't understand why this is happening to him

"Why.....whoud she?....I was always trying my best to....make her happy....make my daughter happy....so why?"

his mind was in a complete mess to think straight he was trying to grab any reason to live he rushed to the only person who wouldn't betray him.....his mother he hadn't seen her in a year

Unfortunately his mother was in critical condition all his money was taken away by his wife and he lost his job too but inorder to continue her treatment he need huge sum of money

Kyle begged his friends the people who constantly borrowed money from him but never returned but all of them turned their back he begged the hospital to help his mother and he'll soon arrange the money but they refused. He even went to his uncle who took his asserts and his old company that ruined his life begging them to give money for his mother's treatment but they all laughed at him for his foolish behaviour

At the end his mother died without proper treatment Kyle sat at her tomb with no expression on his face suddenly he remembered his mother's words when he was a kid.....the kindness he tried to keep all his life hoping one day she would wake up but she never did.....then


He started laughing like a maniac everyone around him though he became insane and moved away from him Kyle looked down at his mother's tomb with a scorn

"Kindness?.... bullshit! None of these people deserve it!.....all of them are selfish animals who would eat one another for their own greed!....and you want me to show them kindness?.....hahahahaha...I was a fool to believe your words mom....hahahaha"

His eyes became clouded he had lost any hope in his life the only thing fueling him is his rage towards the people who destroyed his life.....the world that took away everything from him

He took a knife and killed the first person who betrayed his kindness his uncle and then his family members too he stabbed them one by one but his anger didn't subsidise he continued his killing spree he went for his co workers and his boss who framed him and ruined his life one by one he killed them all

At this point he was declared as a psychopath killer and was given shooting order to kill him he was hunted down by all the police

In a bloodied state he dragged his body to a house to complete his revenge.....the house were his wife lived he kicked open the door and went in he saw his ex wife and the person she cheated with..... before they could even get surprised alex stabbed them and once they are dead he heared a child's crying sound in near by room he opened the door.....it was his baby girl.....no he wasn't sure if she was even his own child as his wif had been creating on him from the beginning

Looking at the man the Little girl who was crying in fear stopped she laughed gleefully


Looking at the little girl he raised his knife above to stab her.....but the girl still looked at him with a wide smile she also spread her little hands hoping her father would lift her

looking at those innocent eyes he couldn't bring himself to do it....it was his last bit of humanity left inside him. He knelt down and started crying revenge was the only thing that kept him going he lost all his will to live he remembered a sentence he one read

"A human could live without water for 75 days, without water for a week even without air for 5 min but...but without hope he can't live for even a second "

There were footsteps coming towards them Kyle knew it was the cops but he didn't runaway for someone who lost hope long ago he merely stood there when the cops came despite their warning he took the knife and rushed towards them...it was his act of suscide and it worked one of the cops shot him killing him infront of the last person he had any feelings for...at the end of his life he had only one thought

' i failed to keep your wish mother..... sorry.... sorry my child i failed you too...'

"Papa! Papa!...whhhhhaa!" Only a toddler's crying sound was filled in the room

Unknown to him this was only the beginning of his new life as the 'dominator'