
Reborn in black clover with Demon Slaying magic

Having reincarnated multiple times in the past, our MC is given the chance to reincarnate in another world as a vacation. Remembering the time he spent on Earth, he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Black Clover with the sword skills and breath styles from the Demon slayer manga.

Arada · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
252 Chs

Lets Play A Game



"Favourite animal?"

"The one with the sharpest fangs."

"Is that a joke?"

"Its as real as the blood on my shirt."


Sitting in a dark room surrounded by books, weird symbols and strange sounds, Grim sat around a table opposite a woman in wearing golden bangles, a mouth mask and a hood that covered some strange tiara like ornament.

In front of them was a small crystal ball.

"How long is this gonna take?"

"As long as it needs to." The woman answered focusing her attention on the crystal ball.

"You know I could just take the stone right?"

"Then why don't you?"

Leaning forward, he took a closer look at the crystal ball and smiled.

"Call it curiosity."

"Oh?" The woman raised a brow.

"You said that stone's been in your family for generations right? Any idea where it came from?"

"No idea."

"Any idea what it does?"

"No idea."

"Any idea why its releasing mana?"

"No idea."

"Is there anything you do know?"

"You killed a lot of people before coming here."

"...You don't need to be a fortune teller to know that."

The stone in question that the two were talking about referred to the object that resonating with his grimoire. A gray stone that gave of a soft silvery glow leaking out pure unrefined mana that Grim found strangely comforting.

"So... see anything yet?"

"Yes." She answered concentrating solely on the crystal ball.

"Its murky but... I see... 3 figures... a man covered in shadows...a large tree... and a ritual..."

"...Wow, that told me absolutely nothing."

"I just told you what I saw, its not really my concern if you understand it or not."

"Yeah yeah, can I have the stone now?"

Rolling her eyes, the woman stood up and picked up a stone from the counter.


Snatching it out of mid air, Grim took a closer look at it.

'Besides its colour and the fact that its leaking mana, it looks like an ordinary stone.'

"Find anything?" The fortune teller asked.

"Not yet."

Seeing that he was just as lost as she was, the fortune teller smiled and kept checking his fortune.

"You're still doing that?"

"Got nothing better to do." She shrugged.

"How about a game then?"

Pausing for a moment, she thought about his suggestion.

"What type of game?"

"One that proves fortune telling isn't absolute."

Raising her eyes, she looked at him deeply and sighed.

"You do know I have [Divination Magic] right?"

"Yep, but my future isn't something a human like you could see."

"Didn't I already see your future with my fortune telling?"

"Nope, that sounded like some vague bullshit that you could have made up on the spot. What I propose is something much more concrete."

Feeling challenged and slightly intrigued, the fortune teller nodded her head.

"What's the game?"


"Ever heard of rock paper scissors?"


"Get it?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

After explaining how the game worked, Grim told her how they'd play. She was allowed to use her [Divination Magic] whenever she wanted to see his next move. And to make the game more interesting, he added in the condition that every time one of them lost a round they'd have to remove a piece of clothing.

"I still don't get why we're playing this."

"Think about it this way, if you win then you'll prove that your magic is viable. But if I win. It proves that the future isn't as concrete as you thought."

"...Why does it feel like you win no matter the outcome."

Smiling at her comment, he formed his hand into a fist.

""Rock paper scissors!!""

[Divination Magic: Future Sight]

Throwing out their hands, the fortune teller suddenly smiled.

"I win." She said with a smirk on her face.

Taking one of his boots off, he placed it to the side.

"To think the hero of commoners would be stripping in my shop, I wonder what your fans would say if they knew?" She laughed.

Throwing a condescending smile his way, the two threw the fists forward again.

[Divination Magic: Future Sight]

"I WINN!!" The fortune teller yelled again and grinned in his direction.

Removing another boot, the expression on his face remained neutral as he said "Again."

"You're really desperate for me to see you in the nude eh." Confident in her [Future Sight], the fortune teller threw her hand forward again.

"HA! I wi- !!!"

Looking at her own fist and then at Grim's, a look of confusion covered her face as she abruptly stopped her sentence.


Slamming her hands on the table, the fortune teller's eyes trembled.

"H-HOW?! I saw you throw paper!"

"Strip." He smiled.


'I must have messed up the spell! There's no way my [Future Sight] could be tricked in a small game like this!'

Gritting her teeth, the fortune teller removed her hood to show off her enchanting face.

'Not bad... If only she was about 10-12 years older.'

[A/n: MilfSect UNITE!!]

Expecting him to be charmed by her appearance, a look of shock flashed across her face when she saw that not a single muscle on his face had twitched.

'This bastard!'

""Rock paper scissors!!""

[Future Sight]


Feeling like she had just been punched in the gut, the fortune teller stumbled back when she saw that her prediction had been wrong again.



Sitting around the table with a taunting smile smeared across his face, Grim's aura seemed to have grown bigger as the shadows in the room seem to consume all the light except the glow from the crystal ball.

"Strip." He repeated.

Clenching her fists, the looked in the fortune teller's eyes became serious as she slowly took of her golden tiara and sat back around the table.


"Rock paper scissors!!"


"H-How can this be! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS!!"

At her wits end, the two had been playing rock paper scissors for over twenty minutes now and after her first two initial wins, she hadn't won a single match since.

"Who knows." He shrugged. "Why not look into the future and tell me how I'm doing it." He teased.

Clenching her fists tightly, she stared him down trying to figure out what was going on.

'I'm not sensing any mana fluctuations from him... its clear that he's not using any magic to beat me.'

"Strip." He suddenly said.

Angered by the nonchalant expression on his face, the fortune teller removed one of the bangles on her wrists.


"Stop... Please stop..."

"Oh? But weren't you confident in your Divination Magic?"

"I was wrong! Please let me go!!"

Down on her knees and bowing her head to him. The fortune teller was left in nothing but her undergarments with tears and snot covering her once beautiful face.

"Let you go?" He chuckled. "Why not use that magic your so proud of to see whether I'll let you go or not."




"So... what'd you see?"

"...You didn't let me go."

"Wow, I'm not even a fortune teller and even I knew that." He grinned.

"Gri- no sir Grim, please let me go!" She prostrated herself before him.

Resting his feet on her back, he let out a tired sigh. "You already know how this is gonna end, so why drag this out longer than it needs to be?"

"B-B-But I can't, if you see my naked then-

"Listen up whatever your name is, I honestly couldn't give a shit about seeing you naked. Are you hot? Yes. Would I smash? Without a second thought. But would I let you go? Hell no! I'm having way to much fun watching you squirm and try to figure out how I'm beating you. I'm not ready to give that up yet."

"Please." She sobbed.

Smiling at her, he clenched his fist and shook it in front of her.



"C'mon, the sooner we finish the sooner you can put your clothes back on."

"...Paper." She whispered.

""Scissors!!" They both yelled in union.

And as expected, Grim won again.



Laughing at her drop in expression, Grim felt like he was on top of the world. While this may not be a fight, dominating someone in any circumstance was what he lived for.

"So panties or bra?"


"WHOA!! What's going on!!"

After playing her one more time, Grim finally got her to remove her panties and got to see her in her full glory. Unfortunately that moment was short lived as a weird magic circle seemed to manifest beneath them.

*Sniff* "This is why I didn't want to get fully naked in front of you."

"What? What are you talking about?!"

"This magic circle... My mom set it up so that the first man who saw me naked would be bound to me."

"WHAT!! You don't mean its a-

"Marriage contract."

Well shit.

Aradacreators' thoughts