
Chapter 3: The hunter played by the Fisherman.

A small pack of three wolves emerged from the shadows and growled at Elrica, they were clearly eyeing his prey.

Armed with only a few wooden spears and severely exhausted Elrica was clearly at a disadvantage.

That is why Elrica didn't hesitate and immediately went on the offensive. Throwing a spear at one of the wolves it dodged at a blistering quick speed and lunged at him.

Grabbing another spear he thrust it at the air born wolf and impaled it making howl in agony.

The two other wolves took the opportunity to pinser attack him from both front and rear.

Elrica swung the spear with the wolf still stuck on it at the wolf that attacked him from the front sending it flying and braced himself for the attack of the one wolf that came from behind.

The wolf plunged it's claws into her soft and supple skin and prepared to bite down on her neck.

Elrica grabbed the wolf by the neck and swung it forward with all her strength uncaring of the wolf's claws that shred her back and slammed the wolf heavily on the ground.

The wolf that she had hit earlier came back and lunged at her again with it's sharp teeth bared, Elrica guarded with her forearm allowing the wolf to sink it's teeth into it before slamming it's head on the ground.

Elrica slammed both howling wolves on the ground over and over until they howled no more and the slammed them a bit more just for extra measure.

Ignoring her stinging forearm and back she got up and walked towards the final the layed on the ground with a spear lodged in its stomach.

Stepping on it heavily, she ignored its mournful howls and proceeded to poke it to death with the spear.

[You have leveled up.]

[You have reached LV 4]

[All stats have been enhanced.]

[You have gained the title {Hunter}]

[100 skill points have been awarded.]

'Hunter huh.....' Elrica thought as he layed back on a tree, too exhausted to care about the pain that caused to his back.

'No hunters here...'

"Just Elrica."

Just then Elrica heard a chime in his head.

"Elrica." He repeated and the chime played again.


[Skills are available for purchase.]


[Skill {Healing magic LV 1} available for 100 skill points.]

[Skill {Healing hand} available for 25 skill points.]

Elrica fell into thought for a moment before speaking.

"Purchase healing magic."

[You have gained the skill {Healing magic LV 1}]

In that moment a stream of information regarding the basics of healing magic and spell structures were beamed directly into Elrica's head.

His new knowledge revealed the third pitfall he'd walked into this day, although he knew how to move his mana to construct the spell he could neither feel his mana nor control it.

'I've been scammed.'




[Skill {Fire magic LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {water magic LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {ice magic LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {lightning magic LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Earth magic LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Wind magic LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Space magic LV 1} available for 500]

[Skill {Dark magic LV 1} available for 500]

[Skill {Hex magic LV 1} available for 500]

[Skill {Curse magic LV 1} available for 500]

[Skill {Healing magic LV 2} available for 200]




[Skill {Mana operation LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Mana sensing LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Lessened mana use LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Hastened mana recovery LV 1} available for 100]

[Skill {Mana transfer LV 1} available for 150]


Elrica needed to control his mana to weave the spell structure and feel so that he wouldn't be doing it blind that meant that he would need at least 200 skill points to even cast the weakest spell.

That meant that his earlier investment in the [Healing magic] skill was a waste.

'Not everything in this world can follow our wishes, sometimes everything that can go wrong does so, other times everything goes smoothly. If everything went right no warrior could hold onto their edge.' Elrica pushed off the tree and stood up.

It was only a matter of time before even more beasts were lured in by the thick scent of blood and Elrica was in no state to fight so he decided to make a hasty retreat.

Elrica used the stars to guide him in the direction of his woman cave, after arriving at this world a few days ago he made sure to remember the position of stars in order to navigate.

Although it wasn't perfect he could at least tell the general direction where he should go.

While walking back while clutching his right forearm tightly to limit the bleeding, Elrica thought about the events of today.

He decided to seek the challenge of hunting bigger prey both for the dear hide which he could use to make clothes and as a form of practice.

He successfully killed the dear yet his success was rendered meaningless as soon as the wolves showed up.

He chose to fight the wolves instead of letting them take his prey, that resulted in being severely injured but gaining some more knowledge about the voice and this new world.

Now it was all a matter of luck, if Elrica met with another hungry animal on his way back that would be the end.

If he got lucky then he would have avoided death for at least today and that was the most important thing.

Elrica was lucky enough to reach his cave and he laid down on his stomach and curled to a ball and went to sleep. Hopefully he would wake up the next day.

Elrica was lucky enough to wake up in the morning and he was enthusiastically received by both his aching back and arm.

Elrica struggle to start a fire with one hand for 2 hours before he grilled a few fish that he had previously stockpiled.

Elrica knew that what his body needed was rest so he stayed at home for the next two days until his fish stockpile ran out.

He felt a tiny bit better and his wounds had closed so he went fishing in the pond.

It didn't go very well as he had to use his left hand to fish while being right handed so it was quite difficult but Elrica persisted.

3 weeks passed and in that time Elrica gained the {Fisherman} title that gained him another 100 skill points which he didn't spend on anything, His wound were also mostly healed although they left many deep scars on his back and forearm.

Unfortunately the nerves on his arm were permanently damaged, making him incapable of closing his right hand.

This would certainly greatly weaken Elrica in the future.

Not to mention the huge inconvenience that a disability would cause to anyone much less a loner living in the woods the greatest concern for Elrica was regarding his combat power.

He heavily relied on duel wielding as part of his fighting style and was greatly adept at it, being able to wield only one weapon wouldn't simply slash his combat power by half, it would be reduced to at most a third of what it could be.

This gave Elrica only one choice and that was to continue down the path of magic so that he could hopefully heal his arm.