
Reborn : I Don't Need You To Take Responsibility !(Dropped)

After an unseen passionate night with her new employee,mafia leader Riya Hope realizes that she is pregnant.After three months of hiding this fact she decides to let the baby daddy know about his new responsibility.But what's this?On the day she decides to tell him a bunch of unknown people came and called him boss?Then another group came and called him mister CEO?But why did they start shooting everybody?!Riya died confused in the middle of a gunfight she knew nothing about. Only to be reborn in the moment of them doing the deed! "W-wait!What if I get pregnant!?" A certain CEO paused in his actions. "Then I will take responsibility" he said seriously. Riya was then effortlessly turned over and her legs where widened further.'But I don't want you to take responsibility!' she shouted woefully in her head. Riya wants nothing to do with this CEO who she thought brings nothing but trouble,but what can she do when he won't leave her alone? COVER NOT MINE!IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER!

SweetCupcup · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 5

Colson lovingly watched as Riya ate her breakfast,before asking the question that he had been wanting ask since she started eating."How does it taste?" "Like crap" Riya answered heartlessly."And stop looking at me like that,it gives me the creeps!" Colson bowed his head pitifully like an abondoned puppy ,but Riya paid him no mind.

Seeing that it wasn't working, he gave up and continued to eat his own breakfast while staring at her.It had now been a month since the two have been living together and Riya was still acting cold towards him.Colson frowned slightly,'Just what had he been doing wrong?'.

After they had finished eating and Colson had done the dishes,Riya went towards the bathroom as Colson followed behind her.

"Why are you following me?"she asked sending him a glare.Colson gave her an innocent look " I want to know where your going"."I'm going to the bathroom, happy now?" Colson tilted his head in question "Why?".Riya gave him an annoyed look "I'm going for my monthly check up,so I'm going to take a bath."

"Then I'm coming with you!"

"Don't trouble your self,you don't need to." without looking back at Colson ,Riya slammed the bathroom door in his face.Not one to give up , Colson went towards his room and began to put on some clothes.This morning he had luckily taken a bath before Riya woke up .Since last night was especially hot and he didn't have a fan like Riya did ,he sweated the whole night through.Colson couldn't help but think that lady luck was looking down on him this morning.

After finishing putting on his clothes he then went towards the kitchen and made a quick fruit salad with pineapple,apples and grapes.He then took out a bottle of water from the fridge and held both items while standing at the door waiting for Riya to come out.When she finally came out Riya looked at him in shock."You!Did you even bathe!?" Colson smirked at her "I did this morning,now let's go".He then turned around and went through the door to go start the car.

With no other choice Riya followed behind him.After closing the door she quickly looked around for any passing cabs but found none.With no other options, she went towards Colson who was patiently waiting in his car while watching her.She got into the back seat and Colson started the car.Colson then gave her the bottle of water ,"You can drink this untill we reach there,it's important to stay hydrated." Riya took the bottle wordlessly.

She then glanced outside in boredom.As Colson was driving slowly,it would take them awhile to reach their destination.Growing even more bored by the minute,Riya thought of something to do to relieve her boredom.Taking a look around she noticed the covered bowl of fruit salad seated beside Colson.Now that she had thought about it,she was feeling a bit hungry."Hey" Colson immediately looked back at her smilingly "Yes?"."Who's that for ?" Riya asked as she pointed at the bowl of salad.

Colson looked towards where she was pointing "Oh,it's for you.What?Do you want it now?" Riya nodded her head."Ah,I really didn't think you would be hungry so soon.Go ahead ,take it." Riya unhesitatingly took up the bowl and happily uncovered it."Thanks." she murmured under her breath as she she took a bite out of a slice of apple.Colson thought he was hearing things ,he then smiled happily as the words registered in his head.

The rest of the car ride was engulfed in comfortable silence.When they finally reached there,it was 10:00 am .They went out of the car and Riya made her way towards the hospital's entrance.It was the closest hospital near them,and luckily,it was the hospital that Riya had been going to since she was pregnant.She made her way towards the receptionist."May I see Dr Dragson?" ,Dr Dragson was the doctor she had made to be her private doctor ,so as long as she called him, whether she was at home or the hospital,he had to see her."He's on his lunch break right now,may I ask if you have an appointment?"Riya took out the card that Dr Dragson had given her.

Dr Dragson had some influence so the receptionist instantly recognized his card."Oh,feel free to go up then"Riya nodded her thanks and went towards the elevator while Colson trailed behind her.




Dr Dragson was in the middle of measuring Riya's belly when Colson's phone rang."I'll go out side and take this " he said as he got up.The other two people nodded and watched as he left.Now outside Colson answered the phone.


"Colson!Why won't you talk to Jamila?!"

"Mom,I don't have time for this!"

"Listen son,I know your angry because of last dinner night..."

"Hah,angry? You don't know the half of it!"

"You shouldn't blame Jamila! She's a nice girl and I'm sure if you just got to know her ..."

"I already have someone I love mother."

"Colson...how could you do that?"

Colson frowned in confusion"What do you mean?".

"After you got Jamila pregnant your now telling me you found someone you love!?"

"What!? Didn't I already told you people that I didn't get that bitch pregnant!?I didn't even touch her for god's sake!"

"Colson!You apologize right now!"

"I didn't get her pregnant!"

"Didn't get who pregnant?"

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