
Reborn : I Don't Need You To Take Responsibility !(Dropped)

After an unseen passionate night with her new employee,mafia leader Riya Hope realizes that she is pregnant.After three months of hiding this fact she decides to let the baby daddy know about his new responsibility.But what's this?On the day she decides to tell him a bunch of unknown people came and called him boss?Then another group came and called him mister CEO?But why did they start shooting everybody?!Riya died confused in the middle of a gunfight she knew nothing about. Only to be reborn in the moment of them doing the deed! "W-wait!What if I get pregnant!?" A certain CEO paused in his actions. "Then I will take responsibility" he said seriously. Riya was then effortlessly turned over and her legs where widened further.'But I don't want you to take responsibility!' she shouted woefully in her head. Riya wants nothing to do with this CEO who she thought brings nothing but trouble,but what can she do when he won't leave her alone? COVER NOT MINE!IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER!

SweetCupcup · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 1

Riya glanced down on her small bulging stomach.She had thought that she could have hidden it away for far longer,but as it seems she was wrong.If the fact that her secretary had noticed and had told her she was getting fatter was anything go by,she was sure others noticed too.At first she wanted to abort it but she realized she couldn't bear to do that.Then she thought that after successfully hiding it she would give it up for adoption but she had now grown fond of it and now she couldn't even bear the thought of giving it away.

Ofcourse if it wasn't for that fateful night ,none of this would of happened.Riya belongs to one of the top 5 families in the state.What no one knew however is that they were the family behind the number one mafia gang in the underworld.In order not to look suspicious her great great grand parents started this company which of course became successful.As the now main successor in the family.She inherited the company and the gang as their bosses.She has had this position for five years ever since she was 18.

She had to make sure she did everything right so that the branch families didn't get a chance to take over and the elders didn't have anything to complain about.She didn't allow any mistakes.

Who would have thought that on the night of going to a dinner party as the ceo of her company ,would end up with her getting drugged.When she had realized it was too late.She who had been in the deserted garden at the time was quickly taken away and dumped into a room.

How did this happen you may ask? Shouldn't a mafia leader have bodyguards?Well she does and she had later found out that they were also drugged.Thats not even the worst part.The worst part is that when she was thrown into that room someone else was also thrown inside with her.The two of them having been drugged and unable to control thier urges tossed in the sheets the whole night. That morning she had found out that the person who had taken her virginity was no other than the incredible handsome new recruit in her gang.He had came undercover as one of her bodyguards to gain experience.

She had hurriedly left before the other woke up ,and now she was on her way to tell him about his new responsibility .She was lucky the elders hadn't found out about her pregnancy and take away her positions for having a child out of wedlock.She was even luckier that none of the branch families found out as they would be the source of her troubles.This is why she must quickly tell the father of her unborn child and quickly get married.

Everything else can come after , including finding the traitor in her ranks.She didn't believe getting drugged and being sent to room was a coincidence. Especially the fact that that guy was also thrown in there with her.This unknown enemy clearly had evil intentions.Riya is always on guard so for something like this to happen to her she was really shocked at first.After she is married or rather she hoped,she didn't want to force someone to marry her after all.She will definitely catch them and repay them a thousand folds .

Turning a corner Riya finally made it to her destination.This was the room that that man,Mike, was.Opening the door she made her way inside .As soon as they saw her the people inside immediately stood up."Good morning boss!" they shouted in sync.Riya's cold face merely nodded before she turned towards the person who she came for.Before she could open her mouth the door bursted open and a group of men in black suits presumedly bodyguards filed in.

Riya took a defensive stance while her men quickly drew out their guns.As she was again about to ask them who they were she was again cut off by one of the men walking forward towards Mark and bowing his head... guilty?

"I am sorry boss...but something came up." Mark glared a them."What is so important that you came all the way over here and blow my cover!?" the bodyguard's head bowed impossibly lower as he answered in a weak voice."Your uncle..." Mark then looked at him in seriousness.No trace of his previous anger found.Riya again opened her mouth to ask what was this about when she was again cut off by another group of black suited men bursting in through the door.

Her lips couldn't help but twitch as she tried to swallow down her anger.'What is with people cutting me off today!' she thought angrily.This was her gangs hideout,she didn't even knew how these people found this place, let alone make it this far.Riya narrowed her eyes.Were her people really this incapable?More ever why did that guy call Mark boss!?

After this new group of men came in a middle aged man soon came in after them.He first looked around and smirked .He then directed his attention towards Mark and walked towards him,Mark glared fiercely at him.Once he was infront of him the middle aged man's smirk grew wider. "Well well mister ceo,I think it's time you finally handed that position over to your dear old uncle . I deserve it more than you anyway."

"We both know the reason I got the company is because I am the rightful heir .You are merely second choice."Mark said his glare becoming even more feirce.

The man's face grew red before he quickly calmed his self down."Well I will be the only choice left when I'm done with you.The elders will have no choice but to choose me."The man regained his smirk "Kill them!". Riya who was still in shock about the recent events failed to notice the stray bullet heading her way.When she realized it was by far too late.It had hit her square in her heart.Riya died instantly with her confused thoughts.