

Dorian raised his hands, looking at the endless white rock that stretched off into the distance.

According to Ausra, this world here was under his control. She didn't give him any specifics, but he had gained an innate understanding of what that meant.

He looked closely at the stone floor in front of him and mentally willed the rock to pull up.

Immediately, a small, two meter tall pillar of stone rose into the air, about as wide as an arm's length. It shared the same plain white color as almost everything else.

'Ooh.' Dorian muttered as he felt the strange movement. It felt like he was controlling a tendril of energy, and that by willing that energy to move, he was able to change the landscape around him.

"Huh! Hah!" He grunted aloud as he waved his hands, causing two more pillars of stone to rise up.

He grinned, and then looked out off to his left at the empty expanse.

"RISE!" He yelled aloud, using the fullest extent of his will.