
Reborn Dragon

Akira a man who didn't deserve to die was killed along with his girlfriend Hana, but both of them were reincarnated Hana as a princess and Akira as a Dragon. Akira finds berries, but these berries are dangerous because when eaten in large amounts you die. Instead of Akira dying his body changed to a beautiful female dragon girl.

DemiCake · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

CH 3 - The Wind

Akira notices that she's wearing some clothing, black shorts and a black bra with long sleeves.

"Where did these come from?" asked Akira confused how she has clothing.

"I made them for you," said a female voice.

"Who's there?" asked Akira and a human looking creature the size of a fairy flies out of the bushes.

The creature is wearing a green dress and she has four wings.

"What are you?" asked Akira.

"I'm the wind," said the small girl.

"What do you mean?" asked Akira confused.

"Let me explain im a spirit the one that controls wind magic without me the wind wouldn't exist," said the small girl.

"So your a goddess?" asked Akira.

"Not exactly, but im close to one. I'm called sylph and my name is Chiyo," said Chiyo.

"I'm Akira," said Akira.

"Akira I want to become apart of you," said Chiyo wanting to give Akira power.

"I don't know exactly what you mean," said Akira very confused.

"I mean that I want to become one with you," said Chiyo and Akira is still confused.

"Just say yes," said Chiyo needing permission from Akira.

"Yes," said Akira and Chiyo flies at Akira.

Chiyo disappears into Akira's body.

Akira starts to feel weird and she feels a massive amount of power flowing through her body.

"What is this feeling?" asked Akira.

"It's my magic, try and use wind magic," said Chiyo and Akira uses some magic.

In less than a second, a giant tornado of wind appears around Akira with her right in the middle of it.

The wind grabs Akira and restrains her.

"What's Happening?!" asked Akira confused and unable to break free.

"Calm down your safe just let your body become one with the wind," said Chiyo and Akira stops struggling.

The wind starts forming around Akira in the shape of her body. When she was completely enveloped in the wind it turns to green armour and attaches to Akira's body.

The tornado disappears and Akira looks to see that she's in full body armour and she has a helmet.

For some reason Akira feels as light as the wind, so she jumps and goes as high as the clouds.

Akira sees a kingdom close to the forest, but just as she was enjoying the view she starts falling.

Akira remembers that she has wings, so she opens them and flies to the cave, but to her surprise she sees that the rock blocking the entrance is in pieces.

Akira doesn't see Sakura in the cave, so she realizes that something has taken her.

"No No No No!" said Akira.

"What's wrong?" asked Chiyo.

"My friend she was going through an evolution, but she's not here. Something must have taken her," said Akira afraid that Sakura might be dead.

"Don't worry she's still alive," said Chiyo.

"How do you know?" asked Akira.

"The wind it told me," said Chiyo and Akira realizes with the wind can do that then it can probably locate Sakura.

"Could you get the wind to locate her?" asked Akira.

"Yes," said Chiyo and she gets Sakura's location in an instant.

"She is that way," said Chiyo and Akira starts running.

It only takes a few minutes for Akira to get to a cave with goblins and hobgoblins.

As soon as the monsters see Akira they attack, but Akira kills each one in one punch, but just as she was fighting them she didn't notice a hobgoblin come up behind her with a needle.

Akira gets injected with a drug which puts her to sleep.