
Reborn as Vlad Dracula In A World of sword and magic

If you are allowed 3 wishes in afterlife What would you desire? Let's see what Our MC does

Vikas_Kumar_5470 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Year 2034,

Well I am Alex lane and unfortunately from last three years I m quite unwell ,to be specific I m suffering from cancer and still bedridden at hospital unable to do anything besides reading novels and fanfics . Now it has become a part of me .

At first I was afraid of dieing but not anymore ,i started accepting it and moving forward to enjoy my last moments . My parents are always worried about me and it does make me feel bad ,they are working their best to pay my hospital fees even though it's not gonna save me .huh.....Well it's past 12pm and now I am gonna sleep .

Finally putting back my diary on table , i should now sleep.....

... " Hello Alex".....(God)

who? ....is anyone there . I opened my eyes but can't see anything and even can't feel my body

" Well i can't tell you my real name but you can me GOD"...

.....oh ok i see (Alex nodded).....is this afterlife?what's gonna happen to me ?

" Dont worry as you didn't get the chance to even build some karma in your life because of which I can't send you to hell or heaven....But instead i m gonna give you three wishes via which you will undergo reincarnation "

whatttt????.....(shocked) .....well i can't believe it but I can try and see if it's real or illusion/dream

" So state your wishes my child...but let me remind you the more difficult the wish is the more impact it will have on your fate ....it can be either good or bad "(God)

I see.....looks like I need to think rationally

So for My first Wish - I want to have abilities of Vlad Dracula (the strongest vampire ) but still be able to feel emotions and have children.

My Second wish - I want to reincarnate in

a world of sword and magic with instant mastery skill and resistance to magic attribute.

My Third wish - I wish to be born in a Rich Noble family and want to be good looking and if possible I would like to customize my appearance.

" Well its possible....And as for transaction fees I will be taking the karma of your next life...."(God)

.....I see .....the karma is like currency for Gods .....well i don't mind

" Ok then ....Customize your appearance now (God)

A screen pannel appeared in front of me ...

Let's see ....

For eyes i like the Ruby Red ones

As For my hair i prefer it to be black only and Such handsome looks that you can't take your eyes off .

.... After some adjustments....it's perfect now i am ready

" Now I will be sending you .... Alex enjoy your new life and try to build a lot of good karma ,Bye see you soon "

What did he meant by see you soon ??no i don't want to se..... Slowly i started loosing consciousness