
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

The Beginning & A Past Discussion!

(3rd Person Pov)

Standing high atop the roof of the open U.A stadium, was Sirzechs Gremory who watched in surprise at the sight of the entire venue being filled to the brim with people and heroes alike. Alot of them discussing about the current U.A sports festival, and their curiosity about the younger generation of student's.

As well as various other people, heroes and students pointing and whispering things about him to which he ignored. And soon enough, everyone's attention was brought to the center stage where the pro hero Midnight appeared in her usual skin tight outfit that showed off her curves that attracted the gazes of many men, and the envy of many women.

Midnight smiled proudly happy about the expressions of the people. However, her gaze discreetly went to where Sirzechs stood hoping to see his reaction. Only to sigh slightly dissaspointed at his amused and entertained smile. She then turned her gaze up to the commentary booth where President Mic and Aizawa sat. One was wearing a joyful, and excited smile. And the other tired and lazy looking. Midnight faked coughed into her mic to gather everyone's attention as she spoke.

Midnight: "Good day ladies and gentleman! Boys and girls of all age's! I am the pro hero Midnight, who will be your host for this year's U.A sports festival!" 

People cheered in excitement as Midnight continued. 

Midnight: "And as I'm sure you've all seen, up in the booth is our commentators for this festival! Give it up to President Mic, and Eraserhead!" 


Aizawa: "Good Day."

Midnight: "Come now Eraserhead. Be a little more energetic today! Afterall, your students will be competing against the other first year student's, and maybe even amongst themselves!" 

Some people laughed at Midnight's word's, while others got excited over the upcoming event's. Then Midnight spoke. 

Midnight: "And of course, we also have quite the controversial figure standing high up on the roof of the stadium. Someone who almost everyone knows. Sirzechs Gremory!" 

Immediately the crowd turned silent as all eyes feel upon Sirzechs. Not just the heroes, or civilians, but even the student's eye's all fell upon his handsome figure standing looking at everyone with a raised eyebrow. As if questioning why they're suddenly looking at him. Midnight coughed into the microphone as she spoke. 

Midnight: "Moving on, as with every other year, the Sport's Festival begins with a motivational speech from the student who scored first place during the entrance exam. Will the student Bakugo Katsuki please go up to the podium and give your motivational speech for everyone to hear!"

Immeaidtely when Midnight said that, Bakugo walked up to the stage. His steps were full of confidence and arrogance as he made his way to the top of the podium. All of class 1-A suddenly looked dejected arousing the curiosity of the others. 

Katsuki Bakugo stood before the microphone, he took a deep breath and the words that came out of his mouth triggered all the student's. 

Bakugo: "I alone will be number 1."

His words were calm, but the arrogance behind them was obvious to everyone in the entire stadium. The other students exploded in outrage at his arrogant declaration as the crowd booed the ash blonde haired boy. 

President Mic laughed awkwardly as he spoke.

President Mic: "Damn Eraserhead. Your student sure knows how to rile up the crowd."

Eraserhead: "Leave it be. With his words, he must prove that he meant what he said. This means an extremely high expectation coming from someone who made such an arrogant declaration. Will he prove his own words, or will he collapse under the pressure of his own declaration?"

As Katsuki walked down the stage, his eye's met with Sirzechs who simply watched the boy in silence causing the ash blonde boy to click his tounge as he muttered. 

Katsuki: "Soon it'll be me against you. Let me see it. The gap in strength, ability and experience between us."

Sirzechs heard the boys words but ignored them. Midnight called out to the crowd. 

Midnight: "And with that passionate declaration? Uh, let the UA sports festival officially begin!" 

With that declaration, the crowd cheered in joy as Sirzechs continued watching from above remembering the meeting that involved all the UA Staff's and himself who joined only because of the fact that the villains who attacked had a connection with the Nomu's. 


In the U.A. Conference Room. The U.A. faculty is having a meeting about the League of Villains. Standing before them was a highly popular detective named Naomasa Tsukauchi who informs the U.A. faculty and Sirzechs that he could not find or obtain any information on the perpetrators who attacked the USJ over a month ago.

All Might then spoke up telling the U.A. faculty about what he learned from the students.

All Might: "According to what Izuku Midoriya told me, was that the ringleader whose name was Tomura Shigaraki, displayed a childlike mindset. Confirmed by the other students of 1-A, the man known as Tomura Shigaraki kept using video game analogy for most of the things he said."

All Might's words intrigued the U.A. faculty, but their curiosity was cut short as Naomasa spoke.

Naomasa: "There's also another pretty big problem as of right now. The fact that first year students killed several villain's. This bit of information has thankfully not been made public, but the police are unsure who to point the fingers at because technically what they did was out of self-defence, and that they're all underage. But that doesn't change the fact that many villains were electrocuted to death by atleast two million volts of electricity."

The one who spoke up was Aizawa. 

Aizawa: "I'll take the blame for them. As their class teacher, I had the responsibility of keeping them safe. Yet in the end they had no choice but to take drastic measures to keep everyone safe."

This time it was 

Midnight who spoke. 

Midnight: "Your not the only one to blame Aizawa. Both myself and Thirteen could also do nothing in that situation. All three of us are to blame."

Thirteen nodded her head in agreement as Naomasa spoke. 

Naomasa: "What do you say about this Principal Nezu?" 

P.Nezu: "Since all three are willing to take blame, you may hold them accountable for the actions of the kid's. But when they're brought to court, I do hope that the jury will be tight lipped about the case. And that the judge will be someone understanding and not easily swayed by money."

Naomasa: "Your asking for quite the tough favour Principal. If thats what you want, U.A. will owe the police department a huge favour to keep this case under wraps, and to meet your demands. But how do you plan to deal with the Yaoyorozu family? I'm sure that their daughter would've already informed them of what had happened."

Nezu waved his paw as he spoke. 

P.Nezu: "I'll deal with them with All Might."

Naomasa: "I guess I was hoping for too much from you. Alright then, so do we have a deal?" 

P.Nezu: "We have a deal."

Naomasa: "I'll send the contract later on. For now let's continue where we left off."

Naomasa then went on to explain how the villains they captured all swore allegiance to Tomura and he surmises that these villains may have been attracted by Tomura's childlike mindset due to being pressurized by the great amount of Heroes in this present age.

Naomasa then declares that he will be assisting the police in order to continue capturing more criminals. And finally before the meeting ends, Principal Nezu suggests that due to his childlike mindset, they could help Tomura grow but then supposes that it's naive of him to think that way.

Naomasa rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he spoke. 

Naomasa: "Also principal Nezu. What should we do about Sirzechs Gremory? With multiple accounts of illegal quirk usage, and going as far as threatening to destroy the world. There are alot of people asking for criminal justice."

Principal Nezu: "He's right beside you Detective. Please go ahead and ask him."

Sirzechs finally spoke at the words of the Detective.

Sirzechs: "It doesn't matter what you try to do. Even if you gave me the death penalty, you'd still be unable to kill me."

Detective Naomasa: "So you'd be willing to be brought for a trial?" 

Sirzechs: "You'd give the death penalty just for breaking a minor law like illegally using my Power's?" 

Naomasa: "It doesn't matter what you may say. You'd still be given the death penalty."

Sirzechs: "I understand why some would request me to be given the penalty considering what happend to Europe, but truly the people on the Internet actually wants me to be executed for just using my power without a license?" 

Naomasa: "And threatening to destroy the world."

Sirzechs: "And I would've done so if not for the fact that the government all across what remains of the world actually did as I requested. I'm atleast glad they know I mean what I say."

Naomasa: "So essentially your not going to listen are you?" 

Sirzechs: "That's right. Because when your the strongest, no one dares to question you."

Naomasa: "*Sigh*Alright then. I'll take my leave for now. I'll see all three U.A. staff members at court ik a few days. Try to look as inconspicuous as Aizawa if possible."

Aizawa's eye twitched in annoyance as several staff members laughed and snorted at the detective's word's. And once the detective left Sirzechs spoke. 

Sirzechs: "I'll take my leave now. I am off to continue my training."

P.Nezu: "Will you attend the sports festival?" 

Sirzechs: "I will."

P.Nezu: "Alright then. I do hope you don't cause any more issues that would harm our school's reputation. We're already dealing with alot of problem's after people learned that you live here." 

Sirzechs: "I won't make any promises. But I'll try my best."

P.Nezu: "That's about as good an answer as I can get from you."

Sirzechs: "Ah one more thing. All Might, I must say your a terrible mentor you know that? Your protégé has so much untapped potential, but you haven't taught him how to control his power. One day he will die to the backlash of your power if you don't teach him how to properly control it."

All Might sighed sadly at Sirzechs word's. He knew the boy was right, but it's just that compared to when he was given One For All, Izuku Midoriya wasn't immediately able to master the quirk as he did. 

Sirzechs: "Also, how's the situation unfolded regarding the erasure of every trace of that video?" 

P.Nezu: "The government in every country across the globe has banned any and all sights from being allowed to play that video. And even the black market has banned any and all sales of the video. Finding the owners with the physical copy's of the video is still ongoing, and the government has already illegalise even having the video downloaded or recorded on any device as well as cd's, cassettes, and even radio's.

You really have caused a worldwide storm. The number of people committing suicide over the loss of the video has skyrocketed. You honestly did the world government's a favour by showing them just how messed up the video has made their people."

Sirzechs: "I see. Thank you for updating me on the situation."

P.Nezu: "If you weren't so focused on growing stronger, and actually began living in this era of technology, you'd be able to keep yourself updated on everything happening."

Sirzechs: "It'll happen eventually. When exactly I'm not sure."

And with those word's, Sirzechs vanished as Aizawa closed his eye's and spoke. 

Aizawa: "How unexpected."

Aizawa's words aroused the staffs curiosity as they waited for him to continue. And Aizawa did. Opening his eye's, he explained the reason for his word's. 

Aizawa: "That boy. He's alot more human than I gave him credit for. His eye's weren't happy nor were they sad over the news. They were just full of dissapointment at what he's heard."

P.Nezu: "Agreed. Though he may not be the most compassionate for the life of other's, but that doesn't mean he's bad. Just the fact that he was simply dissaspointed speaks volumes of himself. But moving on from the topic of Sirzechs Gremory, let's begin planning who will be the host for the festivals event."

As they continued their discussion, they never noticed the movement of space as Sirzechs entered his alternative space to continue his training. 

-(Flashback End)-

Sirzechs was brought out his memories by the sound of Midnight speaking loudly. 

Midnight: "Round and around the wheel goes, where will it stop? Nobody knows!" 

And when the wheel did stop, Midnight spoke enthusiastically. 

Midnight: "Oh?! And the first event of the day is an obstacle race that's nearly 4 km around the stadium! Good luck out there boys and girl's~ Show me just how much stamina you all possess~" 

And once more her words caused many of the boys to get pumped up in excitement and the girls just shook their heads in disbelief. As everyone was brought to the starting line as Midnight spoke. 

Midnight: "Alright ladies and gentlemen! Let's all countdown together the official beginning of the first event of the day say it with me now. Ten! Nine!" 

The crowd: "Eight! Seven!"

The students took a deep breath preparing themselves for the run as the countdown continued causing their hearts to beat in both fear and excitement. 

President Mic: "Six! "

UA Staff: "Five! FOUR! "

Everyone: "THREE!" 

All Might: "TWO!" 

Sirzechs: "One."


And with a loud bang, the first event of the U.A. Sports Festival is officially underway! 

-(Scene End)-

(An: "Tmrrw will be the beginning of a new month, so I'll be updating the Anos ff instead of the usual Rimuru and Sirzechs. Thx bye!")