
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Midoriya Vs Todoroki

(An: I changed my writing style a bit. Gimme your thoughts.)

(3rd Person Pov)

The audience sat in their seats with heavy anticipation witnessing the tension between the two students. And when President Mic began the match, the audience couldnt help but watch in anticipation.

Upon hearing President Mic's words, Todoroki sent a wave of ice towards Midoriya who activated his quirk and flicked his finger sending a blast of air pressure that not only destroyed Todoroki's wave of ice, but also sent him flying backwards as he stopped himself using his ice.

'It's as I expected. He cant control his quirks power, so he might plan to try and end this fight quickly before he destroys all of his fingers.'

Midoriya gritted his teeth feeling the pain of his broken fingers as he thought to himself.

'Every fight that Todoroki-Kun has been in has always ended in an instant, making any information I have on him increadibly limited. Considering the two still broken fingers from my fight against Shinso-Kun, and the one I just broke to prevent Todoroki-kun's attack from hitting me, I now have seven more fingers to use One For All.'

Todoroki wasted no time as he sent another wave of ice towards Midoriya who once again blasted it away breaking another one of his fingers.

'Six more chances!'

Meanwhile in the student stands, Kirishima had just returned from the infirmary, and was being congratulated by the others. He entusiastically thanked them before he spoke to Bakugo.

"I'll be up against you Bakugo. Let's have a good fight!"

Bakugo merely clicked his tounge in annoyance as answered.

"I'll kill you."

Kirishima laughed as he replied.

"I'd like to see you try."

As Kirishima watched the match, he couldn't help but comment.

"But man, both you and Todoroki-Kun can shoot off powerful attacks that cover a lot of ground."

Sero also gave a bit of his thoughts as well.

"Not to mention, he can do it with seemingly no time lag."

Bakugo looked irritated as he spoke.

"It's not like I can just create attacks that are large and powerful all the time. Never forget that everyone has a limit to their power, I'm no exception to that rule. Even a monster like Sirzechs Gremory also follows the same rules. After all, at the end of the day, quirks are still physical abilities too."

Hearing Bakugo's words, the students of class 1-A couldn't help but glance at Sirzechs truly wondering if he actually even had any sort of limits to his quirks ability. They were all swiftly brought out of their thoughts by the sound of ice shattering as they saw Midoriya with another broken finger, and a bruised lip.

Kirishima then questioned.

"So does that mean what Midoriya's trying to do against the instant winner Todoroki is?!"

'An endurance match? Surely he doesn't believe himself capable of withstanding all my attacks with just five fingers remaining?'

Todoroki thought to himself as he sent another wave of ice, only for it to be destroyed by Midoriya. However, unlike before where he would be sent sliding backwards, Todoroki managed to prevent himself from being flung away as he rushed Midoriya by creating an ice bridge to slide towards his position. And the crowds all held their breaths as President Mic roared in excitement.

"Todoroki doesn't recoil from Midoriya's attack and has now gone straight for the offence! Can Midoriya continue his endurance match against Todoroki, or will he succumb to the coldness of Todoroki's quirk and the backlash of his own?!"

However, much to the surprise and excitenent of everyone present, the moment Todoroki took his step forward to glide towards Midoriya's position with his ice, Midoriya took that exact moment to send another blast of air pressure not only destroying Todoroki's ice bridge, but almost sending him out of bounds if not for his quick actions of creating an ice pillar behind him.


"Oh yeah! Thing's are looking rather frosty here on the arena I must say! Todoroki almost went out of bounds because he underestimated Midoriya! I'm barely able to keep myself from jumping in anticipation and excitement!

The crowd's cheer's grew wilder as the tension in the air thickened even more. Todoroki exhaled slightly his breath starting to become visible as he spoke.

"I'll admit, your not half bad. You took advantage of the moment I left myself open to rush you to try and knock me out of bounds. Well, considering what happened back at the USJ, I had already considered your intelligence to be your greatest weapon. I was foolish to underestimate you."

Midoriya said nothing as he controlled his breathing to try and lessen the pain he was currently experiencing.

Alas, Todoroki wouldn't allow Midoriya any chance to rest as he sent a pillar of ice that was far larger than his previous ones towards Midoriya who gritted his teeth and clenched his right arm as he activated One For All and punched the ice sent his way completely shattering it and the air pressure of the attack, the shockwave from Midoriya's punch would've knocked Todoroki out of bounds if not for the multiple small ice walls he created behind himself as a precaution in advance.

Midoriya was huffing in pain and exhaustion as he thought to himself.

'Todoroki-Kun's Judgement, his application skills and even his mobility are increadibly strong. I doubt anyone in class 1-A besides Kachan could have held their ground againts Todoroki-Kun. Nngh.'

Midoriya felt his broken arm throbbing in agony as he gritted his teeth his hair shadowing his eyes. However, Midoriya was forced to pay attention to the ongoing match unless he wishes to be defeated by focusing on the intense pain he's currently feeling.

"…. Is that truly it?"

Midoriya looked at Todoroki in confusion as he continued.

"Your that beat up just from defending yourself? How dissapointing."

Midoriya said nothing at Todoroki's harsh words. However, he did notice Todoroki's right arm trembling with bit's of frost building up on it. Todoroki didnt seem to notice Midoriya's gaze as he spoke.

"Though, I will admit I should give you my thanks. Because of you, that guy's face is clouded over."

He spoke whilst giving a cold stare towards Endeavour who looked down upon the fight with a slight look of irritation.

"Do you remember your words at the beggining of the match Midoriya?"


"Maybe so. But right now, I'm your opponent, and you are mine. Gremory-San is an outsider in our match. So don't hesitate Todoroki-Kun. Because if you hesitate, if you don't give this match one hundred percent of your abilities, if you falter even slightly, you will lose."

(Flashback End)

"It seems like your words were all just empty air. All you did was run your mouth without proving your words with your action. I've won Midoriya."

Todoroki rushed Midoriya, before he sent another collasal wave of ice towards Midoriya as President Mic exclaimed.

"Todoroki keeps attacking with overwhelming power! Is this the end for the UA Festival's underdog?!"

Inko was biting down upon her handkerchief in worry, and Mitsuki watched with bated breath. The students in class 1-A had varying reactions. Almost all were worried, and at the same time they were curious. The reason for their curiosity.

"It doesn't make sense."

Everyone in class 1-A turned to face Uraraka who's face was scrunched up in confusion as she spoke the thought everyone had in mind.

"Deku-Kun obviously had the raw power to beat Todoroki-Kun in the beggining, but instead he chose to play defensively, and turn this match into an endurance contest. Just what is he-"

Uraraka's eyes widened and she jumped up from her seat scaring her classmates that were nearby her as she casted Midoriya a look of disbelief.

"Deku-Kun are you planning on doing what I think your planning on doing?"

Bakugo clicked his tounge in anger, annoyance and irritation as he thought to himself.

'That damned Deku is trying to save him.'

Meanwhile in the audience seat, both Mirio and Nejire had a massive grin on their faces, and Tamaki also seemed surprised confusing Yuyu who sighed seeing their facial expressiona as she tried scrutinising the two fighters. However, seeing the wave of ice reaching closer to the broccoli haired boy, she gave up and questioned.

"Alright Mirio, Nejire what's up with the grin? Are you both that excited to see that first year lose?"

Mirio and Nejire shook their head as Mirio replied.

"Not at all! It's just a hunch without much evidence, but I have a feeling that this match will have earned Midoriya some increadible respect rather he wins or loses."

Meanwhile in the teachers lounge, Toshinori looked at the unfolding match with wide eyes, feeling increadibly proud pf having chosen Midoriya as his sucessor.

Everyone watched with baited breath as the massive seemingly immovable wall of ice approached Midoriya who's face was hidden by his hair before he glared at Todoroki and spoke.

"Where do you think your looking at!"


Todoroki was blasted backwards by a strong wind pressure that had destroyed his ice and caught him off guard as he created multiple small walls of ice to slow him down before he came to a halt at the very edge of the arena.

Todoroki looked at Midoriya in confusion wondering how he had managed to fire off another attack.

"That insane fucker!"

Bakugo cursed in surprise and many other people watching cringed at the sight of Midoriya using his already broken finger to shoot his air pressure attack. His broken finger which once was a light purple, had turned a dark shade of purple. Even Todoroki was looking at Midoriya in surprise.

"Your trembling Todoroki."

Todoroki glanced at his right arm laced with frost which was trembling from the frostbite he's no doubt experiencing.

"Have you forgotten Todoroki? Quirks are still physical abilities. That means that there is obviously a limit to how much frost your body can handle before you collapse of hypothermia. You told me that you want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet you know!"

Midoriya clenched his fist as he yelled.

"So come at me with everything you've got!"

Endeavour's eyes narrowed as he thought to himself.

'That boy….'

Midoriya's scream echoed throughout the entire stadium causing loud cheers of excitement. And finally more and more student's, teachers, and even some villaims and civilians began piecing together just why Midoriya hadn't ended the match early on.

Meanwhile, Mirio's grin was stretched so wide, that it began physically hurting his face as the match continued.

Todoroki looked furious as he questioned

"Did Endeavour buy you off or something? Now I'm mad."

Todoroki rushed Midoriya planning on engaging him in close combat believing Midoriya to be too injured to do anything in unarmed combat. Bakugo took notice of Todoroki's slower movements as he thought to himself.

'Unlike my own quirk where it begins weak, and slowly increases in power overtime, that half and half bastards quirk works more similar to a video games mp system. He can start off with a huge attack if he wants, but it would drain his "MP" alot faster, and give him a debuff of frostbite. And the same principle should apply if he were to use his left side. He could overheat his body leading to either a heat stroke or burns, but it would be nullified thanks to his right side.'

But Todoroki didnt expect Midoriya to actually rush him activating his quirk on his left arm whilst constantly chanting.

"Imagine the egg in the microwave not exploding."

He managed to get into Todoroki's space before striking him in the abdomen with a powerful punch that sent him ragdolling across the arena. Midoriya screamed in pain as his broken right arm was covered in a thick layer of ice shocking the audience as Todoroki slowly got up, coughing from the pain of the punch as Midoriya charged at him once again as he thought to himself.


He tried creating a wall of ice between the two of them, however Midoriya destroyed it and he worsened the damage to his already broken fingers as Cementos spoke to Midnight seriously through the communicator.

"Should we end the match? The boy probably is only taking such reckless actions thinking that Recovery Girl will help heal him later."

Midnight frowned as she watched the match. As much as she wanted to stop this fight, knowing just how hard the young boy is trying to save his fellow classmate made her hesitate stopping the match. Meanwhile, Toshinori thought to himself seeing just how hard his successor is trying to save Todoroki.

'The damage he's accumulating wont be able to be healed all in one go. And I'm sure even young Midoriya is aware of that, and yet he still chosses to willingly endure the pain just to save a classmate. Someone who he's known for barely a month. Young Midoriya, no matter what anyone may say, right here today, in front of everyone present, you've shown the qualities of a true hero.

Meanwhile in the commentator booth, Aizawa who was watching Midoriya's actions couldn't help but remember what he had told the boy during the end of the first week classes.


"You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. If the day came where you tried to save someone but failed to would you blame it on your lack of control over your quirk?"

Midoriya looked down unable to look his teacher in the eye.

(Flashback End)

Aizawa's eyes narrowed as he thought to himself

'His power's output has lowered, but in exchange, he's gotten better control over his quirk. He's not just fighting recklessly at this point, it's the only thing he can do.'

Aizawa thought to himself witnessing Midoriya throwing a wild haymake r at Todoroki only for him to dodge it. As Todoroki sent another wave of ice, but it was slow enough to allow Midoriya to dodge it.

'But man, even if his injuries can still be healed. For him to be able to jump into intense pain like that requires alot of resolve.'

As Midoriya once again rushed Todoroki, he couldn't help but think to himself.

'I want to be like All Might. And in order to accomplish that, I will have to grow strong enough to become number one! Even if my motivation may seem alot more trivial compared to yours.'

Todoroki clicked his tounge as he sent anoyher wave towards Midoriya who tried to clench his fists, but when he realised he couldn't, he used his mouth to help shoot another attack with his thumb. Sending both himself and Todoroki flying backwards.

Once Todoroki had stopped himself again using his ice, he was struggling to even stand, but once he did, he couldnt help but question Midoriya.

"Why are you going so far?"

Midoriya who looked far worse than Todoroki by this point answered his question.

"*Huff* Because I want to live up to everyone's expectations."

Todoroki looked surprised by Midoriya's words as Midoriya rushed him again and continued.

"I wan't to be able to smile and respond to them. To help protect the people! To be a cool hero! Just like All Might! That's what I want to be!"

Hearing Midoriya's words, Todoroki couldn't help but remember his past when he used to watch television with his mother. The memories he wished to never remember returned causing him to freeze up which Midoriya took advantage of to headbutt Todoroki in the gut as he spoke.

"That's why! Everyone's giving it their all!"

Todoroki slid backwards staring at Midoriya in surprise as he continued.

"There's no way I can know all your circumstances, or your resolve. But to become number one without giving it your all, to completely reject your father. Right now, I think you should stop screwing around!"

Midoriya's words caused Todoroki to remember his past. How his father trained him harshly, how he abused his mother. How his mother would always comfort him.


Todoroki was punched in the gut by Midoriya who yelled at the ragdolled body of Todoroki.

"That's why… I will win! I will surpass you!"

As Todoroki recovered from the punch, his memories travelled to the time when he would watch in envy as his siblings were granted the ability to play with others and make friends, while he was forced to train to one day surpass All Might.

How one day he overheard his mother talking on the phone telling his grandmother how she couldn't bear looking at her kids without seeing the face of the man who abused her. When he tried to talk to his mother, in a fit of stress threw a kettle of hot water at his face.

When she tried to stop the burning pain on his face with her ice quirk, she ended up leaving a scar on it instead. Then learning that his father had even sent her to a mental hospital for hurting his "Greatest Creation".

"I will… reject my old man's power."

Midoriya gritted his teeth as he yelled.

"It's your power isn't it?!"

Todoroki's eyes widened as his memories went to the time when he still hadn't awakend his quirk. Watching the news with his mother of All Might saving the civilians with that big and bright smile on his face motivated him to want to be the same as All Might one day. And how could he forget the Heroes words.


"Yes that's right. Children do inherit their quirks from their parents. But the really important thing is not that connection, but recognising your own flesh and blood. Recognising yourself. That's what I mean when I say: I am here!"

(Flashback End)

Todoroki remembered his mothers kind words telling him that he could be a hero if he wanted to.

'Before I knew it, I had forgotten….'

The words of his mother echied through his mind.

("You don't have to be a prisoner of your own blood. It's ok for you to be who you want to be.")

The entire stadium went silent as steam began rising from Todoroki's body, the anticipation was killing them, and before they knew it, a massive inferno burst out from the left side of Todoroki's body. The heat was so intense, everyone present could feel it.

President Mic jumped in shock as he spoke in excitement.

"This! This is!"

In the stands of class 1-A, everyone raised their arms hoping to block out the heatwave as Ida watched in disbelief. Recalling how Todoroki told him that in battle he would never use his left side.

"H-He used it! Midoriya-Kun made Todoroki use his flames!"

Meanwhile, Mirio's eyes shined witnessing Midoriya save Todoroki as Nejire cheered at Midoriya's success. Tamaki didn't say anything, but his eyes conveyed respect for Midoriya. And Yuyu had a small smile as well, having finally understood the action the young boy was trying to accomplish.

The ice on Midoriya's broken right arm melted instantly as Todoroki spoke in astonishment.

"Even though you want to win…"

The accumulated frost all across the right side of his body completely melted off as he continued.

"Damn it… To help your enemy… Which one of us is screwing around now?"

Midoriya watched in astonishment as the flames burned brightly before Todoroki spoke.

"I… Want to become a hero too!"

Hearing Todoroki's words, Midoriya couldnt help but let out a shaky smile, and Todoroki gave him a grin of disbelief.

Meanwhile, Endeavour witnessing his son finally using his flames wanted to speak, but instead opted to remain silent and watch the match to it's end.

Midoriya still in awe of Todoroki's flames couldn't help but exclaim with a wide smile.


He was brought back to his senses hearing Todoroki's words.

"Why are you smiling? With those injuries, in this situation, your crazy!"

Midoriya's face became serious as Todoroki spoke.

"Don't blame me for what happens next."

Cementos was already preparing to stop the two kids, only to feel a hand on his shoulder.

Todoroki activated both his quirks simultaneously, and Midoriya activated his quirk as purple vein like structures travelled all across his leg as the wind began flowing faster all around him as his broken arm flailed right next to him.

Todoroki sent multiple waves of ice pillars that instantly turned the arena into a land of ice towards Midoriya who jumped above it rushing Todoroki as he thought to himself.

'Try to get close. And give him everything you've got! So come at me with your full power!'

The blazing heat from Todoroki's flames not only instantly melted all the ice, but vaporised it all as well as he raised his left palm preparing to clash with Midoriya. Everyone watched in suspense. A massive explosion took place that shook the stadium. And when the fog cleared, the entire stadium fell silent seeing the final result of the battle.

Right there in the middle of the platform stood Sirzechs Gremory who stopped both the student's palm with both of his index finger. His expression was one of bafflement as both Midoriya and Todoroki were surprised seeing their attacks were seemingly nullified without Sirzechs having even a single singe mark on his entire figure.

However, Midoriya's body realising that the situation was over, stopped producing adrenaline as all the pain struck Midoriya all at once causing him to instantly pass out.

(Scene End.)