
Prolong: Rewarded

In a Void that endlessly expands with no end with nothing but darkness that been there for eons when suddenly a white speck of light appears awakening the "being"

???: "Where am I" a sluggish voice is heard

???:"FINALLY YOUR AWAKE DO YOU KNOW ITS RUDE TO KEEP THE VOID" shouted shouted a voice that seem to be coming from everywhere.

Void: " You have disturbed my sleep" it says with a sleepish but angry voice.

???:"Umm... sorry I didn't mean to disturb you.." says the frighten but calm soul.

Void: "It's okay I know you didn't mean to" it says kindly, "wow i never expected a mortal of the Prime Universe to appear my apologies".

???: "What do you mean? How did I get here? No wait who am I? What do you mean I'm from a prime universe?" the souls says quickly in a panic.

Void: "First calm down I will explain." the Void says with a kind and calming voice." You have died, but for some reason your soul fell here. Your soul has been injured but would've broken if not for being blessed by many other gods and godlike beings. These blessings protected you from breaking but it couldn't save your memories."

???:"Umm okay, but what do you mean blessings? And what is the Prime Universe?

Void:"Well kid when you were still alive you manage to do some great deeds that earn these blessings that if you didn't fall here you wouldn't became a deity, but due to falling here you can't become one." it says " You come from the Prime Universe where God himself created and the humans themselves are creators for every story they create the make a whole Multiverse from that story. The lesser God's are amazed by the that they sometime use their power to be worshipped just to be able to create more Universes were they can rule Some times they also bless humans who have created many stories and have inspired others by doing great deeds."says the Void with a excited voice.

???:"wow that sounds amazing, but what does that have to do with me?"

Void: "I feel bad for you have so many blessing and by looking into you past you deserve adventure and happiness. So, I'm going to transport you into your favorite anime in the body of your favorite anime character along with restoring some of your memories, abilities and bloodlines of your all time favorite characters, and giving you a guide to help you.

???:Excited "Thank you for this Void-sama"

Void: " No need its been a while and I owe you humans thanks to you I have been able to sleep peacefully. Before God created you humansb us gods were always fighting to rule this place but when y'all came all the gods left leaving me to rule this place and sleep peacefully" says the void happily" doing this is the least i can do, Now goodbye and enjoy your next life to the fullest"

Our Mc falls alseep hearing a voice..

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The chapters will be at least between 500-2000 words Im in college and im doing this on my phone so please be patient.

Zekenationcreators' thoughts