
Reborn As Saiyan God! Prince Vegeta!

Hello! This is my first time writing so I appreciate any corrections and support from you guys. The story is about a highschool guy who died and got 3 wishes from a bored god and transmigrated as the Prince of All Saiyan!Prince Vegeta! English is not my first language so there will be some corrections.

Silent_Cuber · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Chapter 14: Time Skip

-At Elder Guru's house-

Vegeta: "Once again, thank you. I will be leaving now."

Elder Guru: "Thank you too for all the trouble. Be safe."

Vegeta: "You too, Elder Guru."

Vegeta then disappeared from his position.

-On Earth-

Vegeta appeared in the capsule corp and met Bulma.

Bulma: "Vegeta your back!"

Vegeta: "Hi, Bulma."

After Vegeta said that, hid stomach growl:


Vegeta: "I'm hungry."

Bulma: "Oh, perfect. Mom just cooked something."

Vegeta followed Bulma to the dining table. When they arrived and the food was served, Vegeta began his slaughter.

After that, Vegeta flew towards Kami's lookout. After he landed, he greeted Kami and Mr. Popo then explained what happened when he was on Namek and the wishes he made from Porunga.

Then Vegeta went back to the capsule corp and gave Frieza's spaceship to Dr. Brief. Before he gave it, he first separated and disassembled the parts to fit in the backyard of the capsule corp. Dr. Brief was impressed and amazed by the technology Vegeta gave him, it has the healing capsule, high quality materials, advanced tech etc.

Vegeta then went to his training room, he clicked a button then the gravity chamber turned to a capsule, leaving only a white room. He picked the gravity chamber capsule that Porunga gave him, then he replaced the old gravity chamber with it. Now he can train to heart content without worrying about the lack of gravity multiplier and his ki leaking out.

-15 years later-

In these 15 years, nothing much happened. Though 3 years ago where the Frieza saga should unfold, Cooler went on Earth to meet and defeat the one who killed his younger brother. Unfortunately for him, his ass was handed over to him by Goku. As expected for Goku, he spared his life and used his 'Kamehameha' to destroy some of Cooler's limbs and sent him to outer space, leaving him there like a sack of potato floating in nothingness. Vegeta didn't even care about all this since for him, Cooler is just another bug.

In these past years, Goku was able to transform and mastered his Super Saiyan. He, Raditz and Nappa can also now transform to Super Saiyan 2, though it's not clear if it has a mastered version like Vegeta's. Mastered Super Saiyan gave them a 80x multiplier, while Super Saiyan 2 gave them a 100x multiplier.

Even though Raditz offered Goku to live in his house, he still chose to stay at Mount Paozu and only go to Raditz place when training and sparring time with Raditz. Raditz and Nappa also made a wish to Shenron to give them a gravity chamber, their gravity multiplier can go up to 30,000x earth's gravity.

Goku with his exceptional talent was able to catch up with Nappa and Raditz. The two of them didn't really put themselves in tough and rigorous training, they just continued their training routine to stay in shape and to not slack off, that's also the reason Goku was able to catch up easier even though he started late. Now, the three of them can train in 4,500x earth's gravity.

(In the series, it didn't really show how much gravity they can stand after a decade of training. But to keep track of their progress and for me to easily estimate their power level, I'm listing how much gravity they can use. With this, I was able to estimate their progress and power level so that their strength is more realistic and trackable, without just guessing how strong they are.)

Their power level increase a lot in these past years:

Raditz - 3,300,000,000

Nappa - 3,150,000,000

Goku - 3,200,000,000

On the other hand, when Vegeta turned 22 years old, he and Bulma got married. A year after their marriage, Bulma got pregnant and gave birth to a genius baby boy with a whooping 500,000 power level. They named him 'Begita' since he looked exactly like Vegeta with a different hair color.

(His image is here.)

Begita is 2 years older than Gohan. Now he is 10 years old while Gohan is 8 years old. In these years, Begita became an elder brother figure for Gohan since they always play and sometimes train together. Since he's older and with his Special Bloodline and power level at birth, he was always ahead of Gohan by many times. When he turned 5, he could already transform into Super Saiyan and mastered it in no time. And just like before, after he turned 8, he could already transform into Super Saiyan 2 and mastered it just recently when he turned 10.

(Here's the images.)

In these 15 years, Vegeta was also able to break through, he can now transform to Super Saiyan 3 and mastered it. His transformation is just like the normal Super Saiyan 3 but with the eyebrows still there. Super Saiyan 3 gives him 650x multiplier while Mastered Super Saiyan 3 gives him 700x multiplier, he can also stay in the transformation till a week without fighting. After his transformation, he prioritized training his base power for the time being.

(Here's the image.)

These gave him the idea that the mastered version with additional multipliers of every Super Saiyan variation is only exclusive to someone with Special Bloodline. Although anyone can master every Super Saiyan transformation, it doesn't give them any additional multiplier and the time they can stay in the transformation doesn't lengthen by much, it only lessens the stamina drainage. Unlike someone who has the Special Bloodline, it gives them an additional multiplier, lengthens the time they can stay in the transformation by a lot, and lessens the stamina drainage.

Vegeta now can train in a 2,400x gravity multiplier and with his magic gravity multiplier, the total gravity on him is 144,000x earth's gravity. He was only able to increase the gravity chamber's multiplier to more than a thousand in the past 15 years because the more he increases the gravity, the more it will increase even more by his magic. After his son turned 7, he also began to join him in his training, now he can withstand 2,400 but Vegeta didn't use his gravity magic on him yet by multiplying his gravity to another 60x.

(Vegeta and his son were able to withstand this much gravity much quicker compared to other saiyans because of his healing magic since they both train in the same gravity chamber.)

Their power level are:

Vegeta = 79,800,000,000

Begita = 2,100,000,000

Last year should be the time when Future Trunks came, but he didn't appear. Though Future Trunks didn't come, King Cold and his army still arrive on earth with his son, Cooler, who has mechanical parts of his body. The Z Fighters were alerted because of the huge power level that they sensed, they thought Cooler was already dead but since they didn't know that he could survive in a vacuum. The Z Fighters were still formed since Goku's adventure still happened and the 3 saiyans didn't interfere with the threats that Goku and his friends were handling since it didn't require their strength.

This time, Vegeta allows his son to take King Cold and Mecha Cooler on his own as his training dummies and to gain more experience. As you expected, he just toyed with them. He even looks like he's having fun like a child playing with a new toy.

Since Future Trunks didn't come, Vegeta thought that it's because of his interference and him knowing already what will happen in the future, that means his counterpart from the future already dealt with the problem so there's no reason for them to go back to the past and accidentally diverge the timeline. It also means that there's no one to inform the Z Fighters about what will happen to the future, making the Cell in their present time to be successfully created and born.

Since Vegeta already caused many changes, he doesn't know what will happen to Dr. Gero's research projects. So last year he decided to ask Bulma where Dr. Gero's lab, and made 5 clones without sentience which is just like a living camera in a human form. These 5 clones don't have any energy or power level, they can also share vision and can communicate to the original body mentally in any distance. To make it more undetectable, he uses the technique he learned from Yardrat that he trained even further, he shrunk the 5 clones to atomic level. After that, he sent it to Dr. Gero's lab. Their only purpose is to watch everything that Dr. Gero was doing and find out what he already did in the past years.

After only a few months, he already collected much information about Dr. Gero's plan. He learned that 15 years ago after Goku single handedly destroyed the Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero survived and went to his lab to begin his research to take revenge for Goku. In that year, he already started the Cell project where he will gather all the information and blood of all the strongest warriors in the universe around more than a decade earlier when he started it in the series.

Dr. Gero was able to get his hand to Vegeta's blood even though he didn't really participate in any big events happened in earth because when Begita fight Mecha Cooler, Dr. Gero was able to send his spy robots to Begita, and when Begita trained with his dad in the gravity chamber, the spy robots were able to get the blood from both of them, though Vegeta noticed this but he just let them take his blood.

In the series, it shows that Cell will take time roughly around 24 years to be formed and born, that's why Dr. Gero abandoned this project and left it to his computer to finish his work, giving the Z Fighters a chance to destroy the computer and the incubator where the Present Cell is. It's also the reason why the Cell from timeline 2 and 3 only showed up after Future Trunks killed the Androids in their timeline.

(Here's the illustration.)

Vegeta already changed history when he arrived on earth much earlier than in the series. Since Dr. Gero already started creating Cell earlier than the series, this means that after a few more years, Cell will be born.

Vegeta also learned from his clones that it will only take 17 years for Cell to be born, meaning 2 more years from now, making it the exact same date when Cell appeared in the series. For some reason, Dr. Gero was able to speed up the process of making Cell from the originally 24 years to only 17 years.

While waiting for Cell to be born, Dr. Gero made himself an artificial human and created Android 16, 17, 18 and 19. Like in the series, he uses the energy absorption model to himself and Android 19 while Android 16, 17 and 18 uses the infinite energy model. They are also much more powerful than the original, especially Cell.

Dr. Gero didn't activate the Androids yet since they still need some modification and retouch, he will make his move when Cell is about to be born.

Vegeta didn't stop Dr. Gero from finishing his creation since he thought that maybe Cell is the one he was looking for that will give a proper warm-up or even can fight him toe to toe.


Vegeta - 33 years old

Goku - 28 years old

Raditz - 38 years old

Nappa - old Gramp

Gohan - 8 years old

Begita/Vegeta's eldest son - 10 years old