

Today had started off differently than the rest. A lot differently. I had looked in the mirror for the first time since reawakening here, and felt wrong. Looking at his face, Reinhard's face, my face felt wrong.

I felt unworthy. I hadn't realised it until it was staring back at me, but comparing yourself to the paragon of heroism really makes you question everything. I mean for fucks sake I killed a kid.

Based purely on suspicion alone, I murdered someone. How the fuck would my family feel if they could see me now? Would Lucy still call me her hero? Or would she be afraid of me?Would Dad still say I was the greatest son he could've asked for?

Why the hell do I even have these powers anyway? What kind of shit joke was this, to have me buried in grief then give me absolute power. What kind of hero murders a man because he was afraid?

Is that really who I wanna be?


▪︎You Seem Confused▪︎

Get the fuck out of my head you goddamn nuisance. I don't wanna hear this from you. Now is not the time to be given a spiel about absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially from a fucking God.

▪︎Do You Think You Are Special?▪︎

▪︎Do You Truly Think You Are The First?▪︎

▪︎Compared To Him... You Are A Saint.▪︎

▪︎You Should Be Glad He Isn't Here.▪︎

Another reincarnated? You gave another person these powers? Why the hell would you do any of this, do you have any idea what it does to people to wake up as a God themselves?

▪︎I Suppose... Entertainment.▪︎

So everything that has happened, every time I go to sleep and relive the cold fucking smile on my face as I brutalised a child and felt happy about it, thats all a game to you?

▪︎Of Course. Mortal Lives Are... Meaningless. So Fleeting, So Insignificant.▪︎

You're a fucking psychopath. No wonder you seem so proud of the other guy.

▪︎Are You Any Better?▪︎


▪︎You Have The Power To Save Everyone, Yet Here You Stand. Selfish To A Fault. Afraid To A Tee.▪︎

▪︎Your First Goal Was To Ensure Your Happiness. You Treat Lives Like They're Meaningless. Sound Familiar?▪︎

Dont you dare call us alike! You have no idea what its like to lose everything! You don't get to judge me based on morals you yourself don't agree with you sick fuck! You don't know what it's like to be afraid! Go harass some other maniac.

▪︎A Shame. And To Think We Were Once So Similar.▪︎

No. I refuse. I won't ever turn out like you. I'll do everything I can to avoid that from happening. I'll make sure everyone lives, just to spite you, you sick fuck.

Please, Mom, Dad. Forgive me. I'm sorry I disappointed you. I'll make you proud. I promise. I'll save every Goddamn person I can. I'll be better.


I don't know what about that conversation scared me more. The fact that I was talking back to a psycho God, or the fact that he was right. Either way, I'll never let myself turn out like that. I won't.

I make good on my promise the first chance I get afterwards, putting on Knight Uniform, saying sorry to Reinhard in the mirror for not living up to his image, before heading out and patrolling around the town with [Concealment] and [Swiftness]. I can't let myself be seen, but that won't stop me from doing whats right.

It turns out to be the right choice. Even if all I had done was stop a purse snatcher and a car thief, I had helped people. That purse could have held money a desperate mother needed for her family to eat, that car could have been an heirloom.

I know it won't make up for what I've done. I still can't imagine what it must be like, to be told your son was found dead in some dirty, dank alley on the roadside. I'm so fucking sorry. Thats all I can really say about it now.

All I can do is be better. And hope, pray to any other God that may listen that I don't turn out like Him, or God forbid the Other. I think I'm on the right track, because so far His voice hasn't been on the back of my mind all day.

Or maybe thats what He wanted. Maybe I'm just dancing a tune in His palm.


Momo immediately notices something is off with me when we get in the car to go to UA, Gillard listening intently from the front. I give a small, tiny smile and answer her.

"I think I've finally decided I'll be a hero. A real one. Not some image to put on posters, or a toy to hash out to children. But a True one."

Confused, she merely nods along as says that she's sure I can achieve it. I pull her close and hope myself for the same thing. I can't even imagine what the Other had done, and apparently I was just like him.

The rude to UA from thereon is silent.


Lessons pass by quick. Previously, I expected I would simply rely on [Intellect] to be able to coast through the academics, but now I want to pay attention to every word I can, gleam every bit of information possible. To be the best, you've got to act the best.

Anyways, All Might jumps into the room to announce our Heroics lesson, and while I would love to learn the actual merits and strategic planning of Heroics as a whole, right now this lesson is just combat.

Sadly, given that I hold the [Sword Saint] protection and the memories of a Knight, it would seem that combat is all I'm really good for. I apologise in advance, class.

He gives us our costumes, small cases that hold the equipment and clothing we'd wear out on the job. Number 19, thats mine. The costume of course being the Royal Knight uniform. Even if I don't feel worthy of it now, I'll change that. People can always change.

The changing rooms are filled with people comparing costumes, light chatter between classmates, admiring muscles in the mirror. I can't help but grimace slightly every time I look at it, unwanted memories of His voice flowing into my head.

I decide not to loiter, and [Swiftness] my way over to the combat arena for today.


I find myself alone with All Might, unbothered by the rest of the world as I stand next to the greatest hero of all time. This is the best opportunity to ask some questions.

"What does it mean to be a hero?"

He splutters for a moment, confused by the sudden line of questioning before something clicks in his mind, a look on my face that he, as a wielder of One For All, has seen on his own face several times.

"To be a hero is to help. To be the voice of the voiceless, the helping hand to all. No life is too far out of your reach. You'll bear every burden to keep them safe, but it'll be worth it knowing they'll be okay."

Gave me a lot more to unpack than I had initially expected, to be honest. But, his words certainly helped with some things. Far better inspirational speech than the one I found in Reinhards memories from his father.

"You are the right hand of the Kingdom, Reinhard. An example to everyone of how powerful Lugnica is. Don't let us down."

I forget how much of an asshole Heinkel was after his wife was put into a coma by Gluttony. All it ever was from him was abuse, disappointed and jealousy.

Anyways, by the time I think about an appropriate response for All Might, the rest of the class has already joined us, the students eager to learn under the number one hero.

I shift away from All Might, still pondering on what he had told me, moving my way over to the back of the room. Momo had been standing near Earphone girl, Jiro, and they had been conversing about her costume I think.

I just stand next to her and let her enjoy making friends, given that she hasn't often been able to enjoy such a thing in her life.

"Okay Everyone! Welcome To Heroics 101! Today, We'll Be Pairing You Up In A Heroes Vs Villains Operation!"

Today, I'll enjoy being a student, just a while longer.


The matches play out like in Canon, with Bakugou and Izuku having their clash of emotions just like before, and Todoroki flash freezes the entire building. Though, I'll admit, his glare seems to have lessened slightly.

I myself am currently in a team with Momo's new friend, Jiro, who was standing next to me and engaging in conversation. Her eyes keep drifting over towards the sword.

"Say, whats the deal with that sword? You said it wouldn't leave you alone, that supposed to mean it can think? Or are you just crazy, Knuckles?"

"Ah, Reid is a quite emotive blade. It literally cannot be drawn unless it finds a worthy opponent. I just have to deal with that. Also...Knuckles? Really?"

She giggles slightly at my disappointment with the nickname she had fitted to me.

"Well, you're strong as hell and you got red hair. Damn, next to Ida you're basically the whole Sonic franchise."

"Sure, I'll let you keep thinking that."

Suddenly, an extremely loud voice blares in my ears, and All Might announces the next match up for us.

"A Fantastic Analysis, Yaoyorozu! Now, Next Match. Team E vs Team J!"


The team we face is one comprised of Kirishima and Sero as the villains. Considerably easy for me, but challenging for Jiro. She herself is aware of this and suggests to follow behind me as we search the building to act as sonar. I agree, not willing to ruin her mood by telling her I can do it myself.

"Two heartbeats, 3 stories up. They put the bomb on the fifth floor, near the window."

"I see. How would you like to go about this? Want me to speed in and grab it, or would you like to incapacitate them?"

"Show me what you got, Knuckles. I wanna see some fists fly."

I suppose the lady has spoken. I continue on our path, much faster this time, walking so as to not leave Jiro behind before eventually we find ourselves in a doorway.

They don't bother to surprise attack us as we walk in, instead choosing to announce how we shall fall to their evil plan. Sero throws a round of tape at us, to bind us in a single go which is dodged by [First Attack Immunity], though Jiro being behind me means I have to activate [Swiftness] and turn around, grabbing her and moving us towards the left side of the room.

"I'm sure our day would be much easier if you could simply surrender. You still have time."


Kirishima, instead of following my advice, decides to activate full body hardening and saying how he has been wishing to test his Quirk against me. I sigh, waiting for him to charge at me before dashing over to Sero in the small time frame he spends running at my afterimage.

He looks astonished at the speed I reached him at, though my perception of time is quite skewed while using [Swiftness] so it takes a few seconds from my point of view for that shock to be expressed.

I smile at him before moving behind him and binding both of his hands together instantaneously, [Divine Protection of Capture Knowledge] granting me in depth knowledge of how to bind others, something that i will absolutely refuse to ever use in a bedroom.

Anyways, as I said, he had been tied up and bound within a split second time frame allowing me to move back over to where Kirishima had been charging at me.

I disengage [Swiftness] and block his strike with my forearm, shifting feet to slam my fist into his hardened chest, until suddenly I can't get the image out of my mind of the fist going straight through just like before, no blood on me, choked coughing and wheezing.

I blink and everything is back to normal, I'm unconsciously dodging every fist thrown at me by Kirishima as he tries again and again to hit me, not knowing that he'll never be able to until he takes a break thanks to [Proceeding Attack Immunity] having counted his entire punching barrage as the second attack.

Jiro had moved next to the bomb, and I had given her a nod while dodging before engaging [Swiftness] once again, avoiding punching him incase I shatter his hardening and going behind him, pushing him onto his knees, then onto his front as I bind his hands.

"Hero Team Wins!"

It doesn't feel like I won. It feels like I can hear Him laughing at me. I don't care for that though. Today was just a trial, but in a few days, the real test begins.