
Reborn as Naruto "Demons that Smile" (Finished)

I would write something here but I don't want spoilers and I can't think of anything good at the moment so just read it Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or anything that is referenced here all that is not mine belongs to the original creators (Warning: Contains swears, dark stuff, blood, etc. if you can handle it proceed to read it)

IIDr_Reworkv2II · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 9: The slippery slug demon

5, OCTOBER, PM 3:17

Fuu P.O.V

So your saying that the one that knocked out

Takura Zashimi was a S rank missing nin who happens to be the nine tails jinchuriki who was visiting you, as well as branding you with a a strange seal that not just allowed you to communicate with the other jinchuriki but also allowed you to summon a weapon of your respective biju? Shibuki asked while looking at the blade I wielded. Yup! its all true and I finally got something for free!!! I screamed raising the sword only for it glow bright green and a air slash of sorts was shoot from it piercing the roof before a pigeon cut in half fell to the ground. How about we take the excitement down a little I don't want my office to be turned into sawdust Shibuki said while rubbing his head. Your free to leave Fuu just don't cause trouble especially with that sword I don't want Taki becoming the village hidden in the cutted graves Shibuki said before I left.

((guess I was right my Larva it seems that lucky number 7 helped us after all)) Chomei said triumphantly. (I wonder where he is right now)


Protagonist P.O.V

let me guess still hiding from Yugito and Roshi? I asked and Bee and Han nodded in fear. Sigh. Well while those two cool down we can focus on finding the final jinchuriki

Saiken the six-tailed slug I said with both of them nodding. Can't you just use your arm to find him? Han said pointing to my bandaged arm. I would but it only works on a certain range and this guy is slippery incarnate just like his tailed beast I said dejectedly. So what now Yo! My plan is that... I paused as I saw my arm glowing faint orange before disappearing. Seems we got a miracle on our hands he is nearby I said with both of them nodding. Let's find us a slug before he escapes like a bug! Killer Bee said while rapping and there we got up and searched for him.


Utakata P.O.V

It's quiet... too quiet. Usually kiri hunter-nin would usually be after me at a daily basis. But now not even a single hunter-nin went after me for the past few weeks. Is this a trick that the Mizukage is playing in order for me to drop my guard or is it- Us it's us I heard a voice and turned around I saw three people.(Hold on... isn't that-) jinchuriki yes we are the orange clad child said reading me and my tailed beast's mind. Who are you three? I asked grab my pipe readying to defend myself. Relax we ain't here to kill you were doing the opposite Pizza? the child said holding this"pizza" towards me. To answer your question my name is Ethan Sparda jinchuriki of the nine tails next to me are Bee and Han of the eight and five tails as you have guessed we are like you. Ethan said throwing this"pizza" up into air which I caught it. Don't worry it ain't poisoned we are here to make sure your ok and you can be on your merry way. He said which I tasted the strange food item he gave me surprisingly it's delicious. This should do the boy said dashing in speeds unheard of and grabbed my arm I tried to break his grip but a few seconds later a seal appeared on my hand which he let go of and jumped back. Relax this seal will allow you to communicate with your fellow kin as well as... a big bonus for you if your friends with Saiken the boy explained. (H-h-how does he know my name?!!) my tailed beast asked in a panic. I'm the Jinchuriki of the furball Saiken and he knows all of your kin for a long ass time you think he won't tell me the eventually the boy said much to Saiken's confusion. Oh! it seems that big bonus I mentioned has arrived! the boy said looking at my other hand and there I looked I saw a white straight object similar in design with my pipe except. it's straight and the cone is purple. That should be able to help you fend of akatsuki for a while speaking of which if you see someone wearing a black cloak with red clouds bite their leg, kick them in their prized possessions and run... or just run those guys will be after our asses specifically our tailed beasts the boy said while eating a slice of "pizza" well that's it for now see ya! the boy said summoning a scythe making a X slash and a portal appeared with both Han and Bee going to it. Oh and before I forget if you want to it's safe to go back to Kiri now some Madara cosplayer messed with his mind recently someone broke the illusion out of him he added before going into the portal and disappearing.


in Konoha

Hiruzen P.O.V

a few months left and all hell breaks out I said while sighing. It's a good thing Naruto is still alive and well I am also done with my paperwork and I'm currently drinking tea admiring the sun before Kakashi entered into my office. Ahh Kakashi what brings you here? I asked which Kakashi responded with handing me a bingo book. Page 135 he responded which I turned to the page and what I saw next shocked me


Ethan Sparda



Distinguishing features: orange hair, yellow eyes with strange pupils, orange outfit, bandaged arm

Village: none (missing nin/bounty hunter)

Bounty: 5 million ryo (Iwa)

Description: Ethan Sparda is a bounty hunter known for being able to kill A rank and below missing-nin with ease coming back from encounters with minor injuries as well as any major ones being of no effect on him due to suspected regeneration as well as his ability to fight multiple opponents with little to no issue while also not killing them. Shown when he assaulted Iwa he managed to incapacitate multiple groups of Iwa nin including ANBU squads with ease while in search of Iwa's jinchuriki. He also is shown to be a master at sabotage and causing chaos as soon as he escaped Iwa grounds he activated a device that played extremely loud music that caused millions of ryo in property damage due to friendly fire of many shinobi trying to destroy the device as well as shattering all the windows in the village annoying the townsfolk indefinitely. He is also shown to have extreme tracking and stealth skills as he managed to find multiple elusive A rank missing-nin in a matter of hours as well as infiltrating multiple B or A rank organizations and destroying it from within in a matter of days. Is shown to have a good moral compass as he gave most of his earnings to many villages or people affected negatively by multiple missing-nin causing problems. It is advised that a shinobi with power below Kage and elite ANBU level to retreat on sight or not engage him with hostility as he is capable of sensing malicious or killing intent. ___________________________________________

... and with that I threw my cup of tea away hearing it breaking apart go below my desk and open a compartment containing drinks with 100% vodka, thank Kami Tsunade did not find them. Grabbed two bottles and gave one to Kakashi. Sigh... I'm to old for this shit I said before drinking the beverage with me noticing the ANBU sweatdroped before the effects of the drink kicked in