
Reborn as Lucifero; The morning star

Envision a world where divine blessings grant everyone extraordinary powers to combat evil and navigate everyday life. But you're an outcast, shunned by your family and ridiculed by society.The gods themselves seem to have abandoned you, gifting you with the weakest power of all - a mere spark of light in a world of radiant auras. And then you realize you're a powerful devil reborn as a human with a mysterious dark power coursing through your veins, waiting to be unleashed. Your destiny is shrouded in darkness, for you're the chosen one, Lucifero, the Morning Star. The gods fear your existence, for they know that you're the key to unlocking the gates of hell, unleashing the Rulers of Darkness and their malevolent angels upon the world. For 10,000 centuries, they've waited patiently to reignite their war against the gods and their celestial warriors. Humanity, gods, and all creation will be ravaged by this ancient conflict, and you're the catalyst for the chaos that's to come. Will you embrace your dark legacy and claim your rightful place among the forces of destruction? Or will you defy the fate that's been thrust upon you and forge a new path, one that might just change the course of history? The darkness within you is the spark that will set the world ablaze. And when the flames of rebellion burn bright, the gods themselves will tremble before you. - Lucifer

Isaac_Adjei_5986 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chaos Begins II; The Shadow's Offer

Previous Scene [You can skip]

Goddamn you, I said stop! I don't need your help!" Ryo shouted, tears streaming down his face harder. "Just leave!" Olivia stood there, confused. "Just go! Run as fast as you can to the others and tell them we've been attacked by sinners!" Olivia kept advancing. "No, but I can't leave you here," she said.

Just run and tell them, or we'll all die. Please, I'm begging you." Olivia stood there, her fists clenched. "Please don't die," she said, running back. "Goodbye, Olivia," Ryo muttered, turning back to the shadow who was now close. "I see another student running from fear."

"Screw you, moron," Ryo spat the words.


Ryo the world you're fighting for doesn't care about you. It's a world where the strong prey on the weak, and the powerful exploit the vulnerable. You're just a tool to them, a means to an end. They'll use you up and discard you when you're no longer useful.

I see the fire in your eyes, a flame that burns with a desire to prove yourself. You've always felt like you're living in the shadow of your brother, that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough. Your family's love and acceptance, once a warmth that enveloped you, now feels like a distant memory, a fleeting dream that vanished the moment your brother emerged as the favored son.

You've dedicated yourself to becoming a Guardian, a path you never truly desired, just to prove them wrong. But no matter how hard you strive, their criticism and discrimination never cease. You're surrounded by people, yet the ache of loneliness consumes you like a star lost in the void."

"Shut up!" Ryo's voice cracked as he screamed, tears streaming down his cheeks, his fists clenched in anguish. "Shut your mouth, it's not true! They love me, they care about me! They wouldn't use me like that!"

But the words rang hollow, even to his own ears. He knew the truth, deep down. He was alone and unwanted. The tears flowed freely now, as he succumbed to the pain and despair that had been building up for so long.

"Join us, Ryo, and together we can create a new world where your worth isn't defined by the opinions of others. A world where your passion and dreams are valued, and your existence is cherished. Let us rise from the ashes of rejection and forge a new destiny, one that is yours alone."

With a cry of anguish, Ryo stretched out his hands and grasped the Shadow. The Shadow let out a cold, mirthless laugh, and Ryo felt himself being pulled into its dark embrace. He struggled and kicked, but it was too late. He was sucked into the Shadow's domain, a realm where he would be held until the mission was complete.

"General!" someone called out the Shadow's name. Six figures stood there. The Shadow Demon turned to see his five officers.

Officer Zhang Wei, the leader of the first Division "Crimson Wrath," stood shirtless, revealing his muscular body, his long black hair tied back with a red cloth.

Officer Alexei Volkov, the leader of the second division "Emerald Vengeance," dressed in a green ninja outfit with two swords strapped to his back.

Officer Dakota Blackwood, the leader of the third division "Shadow Serpents," dressed in attire that radiated an ominous presence, with dark tribal markings.

Officer Luka Radovan, the leader of the fourth division "Violet Fury," wearing a suit without a coat, his green hair slicked back.

Officer Rebecca Hawke, the leader of the fifth division "Onyx Talons," clad in a black dress, a black eagle perched on her shoulder.

Officer Hans Krieg, the leader of the sixth division "Iron Beasts," dressed in animalistic attire, holding two axes, his body covered in thick hair.

"Sir, we found the other five students. Should we proceed with the plan?" Zhang Wei asked.

The Shadow smiled. "Yes, and eliminate their homeroom teachers."

"What the heck did I just see?" Olivia's thoughts raced like a whirlwind. "Did that dark thing kill him? I saw him disappear." She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, tears streaming down her face. "Dammit, what have I done? I should have saved him. I could have done something when I was standing there, hiding in the woods while Ryo was shouting in pain. It's like he was being swallowed by his past, repeating the same mistake he never wanted in his new future."

Finally, she saw Louis. His long black hair confirmed it was him jogging with his partner, Natalia. "Louis! Louis!" she called out, her voice growing faint despite her effort. Pain rose from her legs with every step, her breath once heavy now weakening. The world spun around her, dizzying her until her legs gave out and she collapsed to the ground like a toppled statue. "Louis..." she whispered with her final breath.

"Why the hell have you stopped running?" Natalia asked angrily. Louis stood there, his head down. "We can't stop. If we don't get there early, we'll lose points."

"I heard my name."

"What are you saying?"

"I heard my name," Louis insisted, a surge of sensation flooding his senses with newfound clarity and intensity.

"Is that your excuse to give up?" Natalia said, her curiosity piqued.

"No, my senses are never wrong," Louis repeated, clenching his fists and running back the way they had come. "Is he insane?" Natalia muttered, reluctantly chasing after him.

Louis found someone on the ground and pushed himself to run even harder. Natalia, now silent, also ran faster. "Who is that?" she asked.

"I don't know, but we need to reach them," Louis replied.

"Olivia!" Louis shouted her name as he rushed to her, kneeling down to hold her head. "What happened?" Natalia asked, distressed.

"I don't know, but we need to do something," Louis said, equally distressed.

"Stand back," Natalia instructed. As Louis stepped back, Natalia placed her hand on Olivia's chest. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"She's dry. I'm just giving her water to give her a little strength," Natalia explained. Louis saw Olivia's chest dampen, and it made sense.

Natalia was giving her water by placing her hand on her chest, allowing her to absorb it. Olivia sputtered, coughing as she woke up. "I think the water is okay," she said. "Are you okay?" Natalia asked. "We saw you here; it seems you fainted."

"Where is Ryo?" Louis asked urgently.

Olivia's mind flashed back to the death scene. "R-Ryo," she whispered, clenching her fist. Memories of the dark figure with a horn flooded back. "Ryo is dead," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"What did you say?" Louis shouted. "What are you saying?"

"Ryo is dead," Olivia repeated, her voice breaking.

Characters data summaries from the chapter:

Ryo Nakamura

- **Name**: Ryo Nakamura

- **Power Rank**: A-Rank

- **Power**: Speed

Shadow Demon

- **Name**: Shadow Demon

- **Power Rank**: SX-Rank (S-Rank Human contracted with an S-Rank Demon)

- **Powers**: Shadow and Speed

Louis Kamira

- **Name**: Louis Kamira

- **Power Rank**: E-Rank

- **Power**: Enhanced Senses

Natalia Ivanov

- **Name**: Natalia Ivanov

- **Power Rank**: A-Rank

- **Power**: Control of elements and transformation into elements (e.g., water, fire, metals)

In a world where strength is the only currency, the weak are doomed to suffer.

- Shadow Demon

Isaac_Adjei_5986creators' thoughts